One Loop Correction to a 4 pt. function in 3 dimensions

In summary, the one-loop correction to the 4-point function in a Lagrangian with no ##\phi^4## term is given by the Feynman diagram shown. However, in order for the theory to be renormalizable, a ##\phi^4## term must be introduced to counteract the linear divergence of this diagram. The theory is superficially renormalizable in 3 dimensions, but further symmetries or a four-point vertex are needed for (Dyson-)renormalizability.
  • #1
If I have a Lagrangian of the form
[tex]\mathcal{L}=-\frac{1}{2} (\partial \phi)^2 - \frac{1}{2} m^2 \phi^2 - \frac{\lambda}{3!} \phi^6, [/tex]
in 3 dimensions, what is the one-loop correction to the 4-point function? Am I correct in thinking that the following Feynman diagram is the representation of the 4 point function for this Lagrangian?

The only one-loop diagram I can think of is


however I'm struggling to see how this is explicitly a correction to the 4 point function I drew above.
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  • #2
It's a bit unusual to consider disconnected diagrams (the first one you've drawn). For the connected diagrams the 2nd diagram is the leading-order contribution to the four-point function.

Since you Lagrangian has no ##\phi^4## term, at this point you'd have to introduce one, because this loop is (in 3D linearly) divergent and thus you need a ##\phi^4##-term in the Lagrangian to renormalize it.
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Likes QFT1995
  • #3
Hi, this was an question from a problem set where there was no [itex] \phi^4 [/itex] term. The question later asks whether the theory is renormalizable or not. When talking about one-loop order corrections, are the corrections always to the connected diagrams and not the disconnected ones?
  • #4
For renormalization you only need to consider the even smaller subset of the one-particle irreducible connected amputated diagrams (the proper vertex functions).

To see whether ##\phi^6## theory is (Dyson-)renormalizable in ##d## spacetime dimensions we have to evaluate the "superficial degree of divergence". To that end note that any vertex simply provides just a constant, and any propagator with momentum ##p## goes like ##1/p^2## in the UV. Any loop adds integration over the corresponding loop momentum providing an integration over the momentum. Thus the superficial degree of divergence is
$$D_s=L d-2I,$$
where ##L## is the number of loops and ##I## the number of internal lines of the diagram.

Now consider a diagram with ##V## vertices (i.e., of order ##V## of perturbation theory) and ##E## external lines. At each vertex momentum conservation holds, i.e., the sum of all momenta running into or out of the vertex must be 0. Thus we have for the number of loops
since only internal lines provide momenta over which we may have to integrate. At each vertex one momentum is fixed due to momentum conservation, but there's one overall conservation for all external momenta which doesn't constrain the independent momenta on internal lines.

Finally into each vertex run 6 lines. Each internal line connects two vertices, while the external lines don't count as internal lines by definition, thus we have
Note that in ##\phi^6## theory all proper vertex functions with an odd number of external lines vanish due to the symmetry of the theory under the "field reflection" ##\phi \rightarrow -\phi##, i.e., we have to consider only an even number for ##E##, and thus ##I## is always an integer number as it must be.

Now we can combine the three equations above:
$$D_s=d+\frac{2-d}{2} E +(2d-6)V.$$
For ##d=3## this gives
Thus ##D_s \geq 0## for ##E \in \{0,2,4,6 \}## only and this means the theory is superficially renormalizable. Since there are no further symmetries providing Ward-Takahashi identities due to the BPHZ analysis the theory is thus (Dyson-)renormalizable, provided there's also a four-point vertex, such that the divergence of the four-point functions can be absorbed into the four-point coupling constant.
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Likes QFT1995 and dextercioby
  • #5
Thank you for your help. Can you tell me if this is correct or not. Is the one loop diagram I drew above finite since
[tex]\int \frac{d^d k}{(2\pi)^d} \frac{1}{k^2 +m^2 -\imath \epsilon} \propto \Gamma\left(1-\frac{d}{2}\right) [/tex]
is finite for [itex] d=3[/itex]?

Edit: I just re-read your reply above saying that this integral should be linearly divergent so I don't know where I've gone wrong.
  • #6
Let's calculate the Euclidean (Wick rotated) integral. Then with a cut-off ##|k|<\Lambda##
$$\int_{K_{\Lambda}} \frac{\mathrm{d}^3 k}{(2 \pi)^3}\frac{1}{k^2+m^2} = \frac{1}{2 \pi^2}\int_0^{\Lambda} \mathrm{d} k \frac{k^2}{k^2+m^2} = \Lambda - m \arctan(\Lambda/m),$$
and this diverges linearly with the cutoff as expected.

FAQ: One Loop Correction to a 4 pt. function in 3 dimensions

1. What is a one loop correction?

A one loop correction is a term used in quantum field theory to describe a perturbative calculation of a physical quantity that includes one additional loop in the Feynman diagram. This loop represents a virtual particle propagating in the calculation, and the correction takes into account the effects of this virtual particle on the overall result.

2. How is a one loop correction calculated?

A one loop correction is calculated using Feynman diagrams, which are graphical representations of the mathematical equations that describe the behavior of particles in quantum field theory. The calculation involves summing over all possible Feynman diagrams that contribute to the physical quantity being studied.

3. What is a 4 pt. function in 3 dimensions?

A 4 pt. function in 3 dimensions is a mathematical quantity that describes the correlation between four particles in a three-dimensional space. In quantum field theory, it is used to calculate the probability amplitude for four particles to interact with each other at a specific point in space and time.

4. Why is a one loop correction important in 3-dimensional systems?

In 3-dimensional systems, one loop corrections can have a significant impact on the overall result of a calculation. This is because in three dimensions, the interactions between particles are stronger and more complex compared to higher dimensions, making the inclusion of one loop corrections crucial for accurate predictions.

5. What are the applications of studying one loop corrections in 3-dimensional systems?

Studying one loop corrections in 3-dimensional systems is important for understanding the behavior of particles in various physical systems, such as condensed matter systems and high energy physics. It can also provide insights into the fundamental laws of nature and help in the development of new theoretical models and experimental techniques.

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