One-loop diagrams of Delbruck scattering

In summary: Therefore, it is essential to include these diagrams in the calculation.In summary, it is crucial to consider all possible diagrams, including the three additional diagrams involving virtual particles, in order to accurately calculate the four photon Delbruck scattering amplitude in QED. These diagrams may seem redundant, but they contribute significantly to the amplitude and cannot be ignored. Additionally, they involve different momentum configurations, known as momentum routing, which is an important concept in quantum field theory. Therefore, it is important to include these diagrams in the calculation for a complete and accurate understanding of the physical process.
  • #1
Bala Tala
I would like to draw the one-loop diagrams for four photon Delbruck scattering amplitude in QED.

Here are the three one-loop diagrams that contribute to the scattering amplitude.


There are three more one-loop diagrams that contribute to the amplitude.
However, I cannot find the other diagrams.


Here is my tabulation of how the external photons lines are connected using propagators. Here, ##p_1## and ##p_2## are the incoming momenta and ##k_1## and ##k_2## are the outgoing momenta and ##\leftrightarrow## represents a propagator.##p_{1} \leftrightarrow p_{2} \qquad k_{1} \leftrightarrow k_{2} \qquad p_{1} \leftrightarrow k_{1} \qquad p_{2} \leftrightarrow k_{2}##

##p_{1} \leftrightarrow p_{2} \qquad k_{1} \leftrightarrow k_{2} \qquad p_{1} \leftrightarrow k_{2} \qquad p_{2} \leftrightarrow k_{1}##

##p_{1} \leftrightarrow k_{1} \qquad p_{2} \leftrightarrow k_{2} \qquad p_{1} \leftrightarrow k_{2} \qquad p_{2} \leftrightarrow k_{1}##

This happens to exhaust all possible pairings of external photon lines with propagators. However, three more one-loop diagrams still remain. I know other three one-loop diagrams give the same amplitudes as those above. So, why should be treat the other three diagrams as distinct from the ones drawn above?
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  • #2

I understand your confusion and skepticism about the need for the other three diagrams. However, it is important to note that in quantum field theory, all possible diagrams must be taken into account in order to accurately calculate amplitudes. This is because the contributions from the diagrams are not always equal and can lead to different results.

In the case of Delbruck scattering, the additional three diagrams involve virtual particles, which are particles that do not exist as physical particles but are allowed in the calculation of amplitudes. These virtual particles can contribute significantly to the amplitude and cannot be ignored.

Moreover, the other three diagrams involve different momentum configurations and can lead to different results when calculated. This is known as momentum routing and is an important concept in quantum field theory.

In conclusion, while the other three diagrams may seem redundant, they are crucial in accurately calculating the four photon Delbruck scattering amplitude in QED. It is important to consider all possible diagrams in order to obtain a complete and accurate understanding of the physical process.

FAQ: One-loop diagrams of Delbruck scattering

1. What is Delbruck scattering?

Delbruck scattering is a type of photon scattering process in which a photon interacts with a Coulomb field produced by an atomic nucleus or a charged particle.

2. How does Delbruck scattering differ from other types of photon scattering?

Delbruck scattering is unique because it involves the exchange of two virtual photons between the incident photon and the target particle, whereas other types of scattering typically involve the exchange of only one virtual photon.

3. What are one-loop diagrams in Delbruck scattering?

One-loop diagrams are Feynman diagrams that represent the quantum mechanical calculation of a Delbruck scattering event. They show the exchange of virtual photons between the incident photon and the target particle, and can be used to calculate the probability of the scattering process occurring.

4. Why are one-loop diagrams important in Delbruck scattering?

One-loop diagrams allow us to quantitatively calculate the probability of a Delbruck scattering event. By studying these diagrams, we can gain a deeper understanding of the underlying physics and make predictions about the behavior of photons in scattering processes.

5. What applications does the study of Delbruck scattering have?

The study of Delbruck scattering has applications in various fields, including astrophysics, nuclear physics, and medical imaging. By understanding the behavior of photons in these scattering processes, we can gain insights into the structure and properties of matter, as well as develop new technologies for imaging and detection.

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