One planet, two suns, ellipse or hyperbola?

In summary, the applet plots a satellite traveling between two suns, but the trajectories are not known and must be simulated.
  • #1
I've got a nifty java program done which calculates the orbit of a body around a gravity source.

The math and physics are all done for a body around a single gravity source and how to figure whether it's an ellipse, parabola, hyperbola or straight line. But now I've got a new problem.

If I have two gravity sources, like a dual-star system, what kind of geometric path will a satellite form in relation to the two big GSs? Will it be a conic section??

And don't tell me it's impossible! They've already found one! :wink:,8599,2093423,00.html
Astronomy news on
  • #2
This is the three body problem. As far as I know, there is no known formula for such a trajectory. It is only known in special cases.

Here is a nice applet that plots a satellite traveling between two suns:
  • #3
Hi rapidrain
the answer is: neither. the kind of trajectories you are looking for are the solutions of the two bodies problem.
there is no general solution for more than 2 bodies.
What you must do in your applet is not try to plot your object on known trajectories, but instead simulate what happens step by step by adjusting for each object its position because of its velocity one delta-t before, then calculate the forces, deduce the acceleration, modify the velocity, and do another delta-t etc. etc.

  • #4
What you are looking for is the "restricted three body" problem. That's when you have two bodies in circular orbits, and a third planet.

Here is a java applet
  • #5
Thank you all for your replies.

Imagine taking each of the two gravity sources individually and for an increment of time add the two trajectories. Position and velocity vectors. Then attack the problem anew. I could do this using interations in computer program.

Would that be mathematically acceptable?
  • #6
Add accelerations (which corresponds to adding forces), not positions and velocities. This can be used to determine velocity and position iteratively, and is the usual approach to model those systems.
  • #7
Add the accs, okay.
  • #8
Rapidrain said:,8599,2093423,00.html

It looks like this:

I'm quite surprised that such a system can be stable.

FAQ: One planet, two suns, ellipse or hyperbola?

1. What is the difference between an ellipse and a hyperbola in terms of planetary orbits?

An ellipse is a closed curve that forms a symmetrical oval shape, while a hyperbola is an open curve that forms a symmetrical V-shape. In terms of planetary orbits, an ellipse represents a stable orbit around two suns, while a hyperbola represents an unstable orbit where the planet is eventually flung out of the system.

2. How does having two suns affect the habitability of a planet?

Having two suns can significantly affect the habitability of a planet. The distance between the two suns and the planet, as well as the size and brightness of the suns, can impact the planet's temperature, atmosphere, and potential for life. If the two suns are too close, the planet may experience extreme temperature changes and radiation levels, making it difficult for life to thrive.

3. Can a planet have an elliptical orbit around one sun and a hyperbolic orbit around the other?

Yes, it is possible for a planet to have different types of orbits around each of the two suns in a binary star system. However, this type of orbit would be unstable and would likely result in the planet being ejected from the system over time.

4. How do scientists detect and study planets in binary star systems?

Scientists use a variety of methods to detect and study planets in binary star systems. These include the transit method, where the planet's orbit causes a dip in the brightness of one of the stars, and the radial velocity method, where the planet's gravitational pull causes the star to wobble. Scientists also use computer simulations and mathematical models to study and understand the dynamics of these complex systems.

5. Are there any known planets that orbit two suns in an elliptical or hyperbolic orbit?

Yes, there are several known planets that orbit two suns in binary star systems. One example is Kepler-16b, which has an elliptical orbit around two stars similar to our own sun. Another example is HD 106906 b, which has a highly elliptical orbit around one star and a hyperbolic orbit around the other star in the system. However, these types of orbits are less common and often result in unstable systems.
