One-World Religion in Bible: Where to Find It

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In summary, a One-World Religion is mentioned in the Bible, but the specific location is not revealed. However, there is an upcoming in depth post that will cover this topic among others. More information will be available soon from Laser Eyes and Tsunami.
  • #1
Gold Member
Where (specifically) does it talk about a One-World Religion in the Bible?
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  • #2
I am currently preparing an in depth post on a certain religious topic that will cover this question among others. I don't want to give away more at this stage. Wait a little while Tsunami and I may have an answer for you.
  • #3
Originally posted by Laser Eyes
I am currently preparing an in depth post on a certain religious topic that will cover this question among others. I don't want to give away more at this stage. Wait a little while Tsunami and I may have an answer for you.

Thanks, LE. Patience have never been one of my virtues , but I'm learning! "Good things come to those who wait!" (Wasn't that from some a Heinz catsup commercial?)

FAQ: One-World Religion in Bible: Where to Find It

1. What is the concept of "One-World Religion" in the Bible?

The concept of "One-World Religion" in the Bible refers to the idea that in the end times, there will be a global religion that unites all people and nations under one belief system. This belief system will likely be a deviation from traditional Christianity and will be led by a charismatic leader who claims to bring peace and unity to the world.

2. Is there any mention of a "One-World Religion" in the Bible?

There are several passages in the Bible that allude to the idea of a "One-World Religion." One of the most well-known is found in the book of Revelation, where it speaks of a beast that rises from the sea and deceives the inhabitants of the earth into worshiping him. This beast is often interpreted as the Antichrist and his false religion as the "One-World Religion."

3. Where can I find specific references to a "One-World Religion" in the Bible?

In addition to the passage in Revelation mentioned above, there are also references to a one-world religion in the books of Daniel, 2 Thessalonians, and 1 John. These passages describe a time when the Antichrist will rise to power and deceive many with his false teachings and religion.

4. How does the Bible warn against a "One-World Religion"?

The Bible warns against a "One-World Religion" by emphasizing the importance of staying true to one's faith and not being deceived by false teachings. In the book of 2 Corinthians, it says "For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ." This serves as a warning to be cautious of false prophets who may come to deceive people into following a false religion.

5. What should Christians do in response to the idea of a "One-World Religion"?

As Christians, our response to the idea of a "One-World Religion" should be to stay true to our faith and remain vigilant against false teachings. We should also spread the truth of the gospel to others and be a light in the world. Ultimately, our trust and hope should be in God's plan for the end times and we should not fear the rise of a "One-World Religion" as it is part of His ultimate plan for the world.

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