Operational Amplifier Output Voltage with Equal Resistors

In summary, the conversation discusses a circuit involving an operational amplifier with supply voltages of ±15V and resistors R1, R2, and R3. It is determined that Vout cannot be higher or lower than the supply voltages, and the voltages at the + and - inputs of the operational amplifier must be calculated before solving for Vout. The conversation also clarifies that an ideal operational amplifier has an infinite input resistance and does not allow current to flow through its inputs, making the answer to the question "true, the output is -15 volts since V- > V+"
  • #1
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  • #2
Hi Fp! :smile:

You'll be happy to know that I'm back in my regular office, yep! :wink:

The resistors can be treated as being in series.
You have that right. :smile:

However, your formula for Vout makes no sense to me.
An operational amplifier has a different formula for Vout.

It's Vout = (V+ - V-) AOL.
Where the "open-loop gain" AOL is typically about 10000.
Furthermore Vout can not be higher or lower than the voltage applied to the operational amplifier (in your problem that is given as +15 V respectively -15 V, but this is not drawn in your diagram).

Can you tell me what the voltages at the + and at the - of the operational amplifier are?
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  • #3
You'll be happy to know that I'm back in my regular office, yep!

Glad you're back home safely :smile: Missed it?

It's Vout = (V+ - V-) AOL.
Where the "open-loop gain" AOL is typically about 10000.

You say "typically", but how do we find its actual value?

Furthermore Vout can not be higher or lower than the voltage applied to the operational amplifier (in your problem that is given as +15 V respectively -15 V, but this is not drawn in your diagram).

Noted :smile:

Can you tell me what the voltages at the + and at the - of the operational amplifier are?

  • #4
Femme_physics said:
Glad you're back home safely :smile: Missed it?

Not really, but it is good to be moving again.
I do feel a lot better, having had a lot of rest, exercise and sun.
And of course, having finished a few loose ends. :wink:

You seem to be back in the saddle too? :cool:

Femme_physics said:
You say "typically", but how do we find its actual value?

Uhh... :rolleyes:
I don't know. :confused:

But wait! We don't need it for this problem.

Femme_physics said:

Did you really think it would be that simple? :rolleyes:

Here's the full schematic of an operational amplifier

In your case Vs+ is +15 V and Vs- is -15 V.
These form the power supply of the operational amplifier.

You have yet to determine V+ and V-, before you can calculate Vout.
You should do that for instance with KVL through the resistors...
You should assume that no current is drawn by the operational amplifier (other than from its power supply).
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  • #5
So, I think I got it now that I know the formulas.


Vout = Vin (R2/R1+R2 )

Vout = 12 (R2/R1+R2)

Hmmmm...now how can I solve it without being give the value of R?
  • #6
Femme_physics said:
So, I think I got it now that I know the formulas.


Vout = Vin (R2/R1+R2 )

Vout = 12 (R2/R1+R2)

Hmmmm...now how can I solve it without being give the value of R?

Where did you get the formulas?

Perhaps you can calculate V+ and V-?
  • #7
Femme_physics said:
So, I think I got it now that I know the formulas.


Vout = Vin (R2/R1+R2 )

Vout = 12 (R2/R1+R2)

Hmmmm...now how can I solve it without being give the value of R?

These formulas may be for some basic circuits with Opamps inside.
Forget them for a while.
An OpAmp is a mathematical machine which accomplishes this : [itex]Vout = (v^+ - v^-) G[/itex] where G is the gain and it tends to infinity for an ideal OPAmp.
All you have to know is that.
Translate all the circuits into formulas and then play just with numbers.

In your case you have the annoyance of the Power supply bounds. It translates in
[itex]Vout = (v^+ - v^-) G[/itex] like before
then [itex]Vout'= min(15,max(-15,Vout))[/itex] that's no mind twister, it just says that Vout cannot pass the bounds.
Forget the bounds, solve the circuit, apply the bounds.
  • #8
Where did you get the formulas?

Voltage Divider!

Perhaps you can calculate V+ and V-?

Ah, I guess I see what was wrong with my formulas now. It really should be:

V+ = Vin (R2/R1+R2 )

Whereas Vin = 12V

Forget the bounds, solve the circuit, apply the bounds.

That's what am trying to do above :)
  • #9
Suppose for a moment that you cut the wires to the op-amp inputs. You're left with a voltage divider consisting of three equal-values resistors connected to 12V at one end and ground at the other. Call the nodes where the resistors connect Va and Vb. You should be able to tell by inspection whether Va will be greater than, less than, or equal to Vb.


You can even say that the amount by which Va and Vb differ doesn't matter! ANY difference in voltage between the op-amp inputs will drive the op-amp output to either the positive supply level or the negative supply level, depending upon whether Va > Vb or Va < Vb.


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  • #10
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  • #11
Yes, no current ever flows into (or out of) an ideal op-amp's input leads. So the only path for current to flow is through the external resistors.
  • #12
*Necromantic bump!*

Just for verification, the answer here is "true, the output is -15 volts since V- > V+"
  • #13
You necromancer you!

Yes. That's right.
  • #14
:) Thanks

FAQ: Operational Amplifier Output Voltage with Equal Resistors

What is an operational amplifier?

An operational amplifier, also known as an op-amp, is a type of electronic device that amplifies the difference between two input voltages. It is commonly used in various electronic circuits and is known for its high gain, input impedance, and output impedance.

What are the key characteristics of an operational amplifier?

The key characteristics of an operational amplifier include high gain, high input impedance, low output impedance, and high common-mode rejection ratio. These characteristics make it a versatile and widely used component in electronic circuits.

How does an operational amplifier work?

An operational amplifier typically consists of a differential input stage, followed by a high-gain amplifier stage, and a push-pull output stage. The differential input stage amplifies the difference between the two input voltages, while the high-gain amplifier stage amplifies this difference even further. The push-pull output stage then drives the output voltage to match the amplified difference.

What are the applications of operational amplifiers?

Operational amplifiers have a wide range of applications, including signal conditioning, filtering, mathematical operations, and voltage regulation. They are commonly used in audio amplifiers, instrumentation amplifiers, and active filters.

What are the limitations of operational amplifiers?

Although operational amplifiers have many advantages, they also have some limitations. These include limited bandwidth, input and output voltage ranges, and output current capabilities. Additionally, they may have issues with stability and noise if not properly designed and used.
