Does a Group Action Always Use the Group's Original Operation?

In summary, a group ##G## acts on a set ##X## through a map ##\phi:G×X \rightarrow X## satisfying ##\phi(e,x)=x## and ##\phi(g,\phi(h,x))=\phi(gh,x) \ \ \forall g,h \in G##. This action is performed under the operation of the group ##G## and not a new operation. The book by A.J Green may have a typo in its notation for the group action, as it defines it using a different operation ##\ast_2## which is not consistent with the usual definition of a group action.
  • #1
A group ##G## is said to act on a set ##X## when there is a map ##\phi:G×X \rightarrow X## such that the following conditions hold for any element ##x \in X##.

1. ##\phi(e,x)=x## where ##e## is the identity element of ##G##.

2. ##\phi(g,\phi(h,x))=\phi(gh,x) \ \ \forall g,h \in G##.

My question is: is this action on the set ##X## performed under the operation of the group ##G## or under a different new operation. Only the ##Wikipedia## article author defines this operation as the group ##G## original operation. On the other hand, I was reading a different book and it defines the action using a totally new operation. Mind you this book is quite old.
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  • #2
Bachelier said:
My question is: is this action on the set ##X## performed under the operation of the group ##G## or under a different new operation.

Are you asking whether the notation [itex] gh [/itex] refers to the multiplication operation of the group [itex] G [/itex]? It does.
  • #3
Dummit and Foote clearly define it using the operation of that same group. What book are you using?

Are you suggesting that your book defines a group action of [itex](G,\ast_1)[/itex] on [itex]X[/itex] via a function [itex]\phi : G \times X \to X[/itex] such that [itex]\phi(g,\phi(h,x))=\phi(g\ast_2h,x)[/itex], where [itex]g,h\in G; x\in X,[/itex] and where [itex]\ast_2[/itex] is the operation of another group defined on the elements of G? Because this definitely be a typo, as this would simply correspond to the usual definition of a group action of [itex](G,\ast_2)[/itex] on [itex]X[/itex].
  • #4
I tend to agree with you guys. It seems the operation is not really that important though as long as the action on the set is well-defined.

For the sake of discussion, I am including an image of the Author's (A.J Green) definition.


  • GroupAction.jpg
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  • #5

The action of a group ##G## on a set ##X## is not performed under the original operation of ##G##, but rather under a new operation defined by the map ##\phi##. This new operation is called the group action and it allows us to study the symmetries of the set ##X## using the group ##G##. This concept is fundamental in many areas of mathematics and has applications in various fields such as physics, chemistry, and computer science.

The fact that different sources may define the action using different operations does not change the fundamental definition of a group action. As long as the two operations satisfy the conditions listed above, they are both valid ways of defining the group action. However, it is important to be consistent within a specific context and use a single operation when studying a particular group action.

In summary, the group action is a new operation defined by the map ##\phi## and is not performed under the original operation of the group ##G##. It is a powerful tool for understanding the symmetries of a set and has many applications in various fields.
  • #6

The action of a group ##G## on a set ##X## is performed using the original operation of the group ##G##. This means that the map ##\phi## uses the group operation to combine elements of ##G## with elements of ##X##. This is consistent with the definition of a group action, which requires the map ##\phi## to preserve the group operation.

It is possible that the book you were reading uses a different operation to define the group action, but this would not be a standard definition. In order for a group to act on a set, the group operation must be used. Using a different operation would not satisfy the conditions for a group action as stated in the question.

It is important to note that the group action does not change the group operation itself. It is simply a way for the group to act on a set, and the group operation remains the same. This allows for the study of symmetries and transformations of a set using the principles of group theory.

In conclusion, the group action on a set ##X## is performed using the original operation of the group ##G##, as stated in the definition. This is a fundamental concept in group theory and is consistent with the definition of a group action.

FAQ: Does a Group Action Always Use the Group's Original Operation?

What is an operator of the group action?

An operator of the group action is a function that maps elements of a group to actions performed on a set. It describes how the group acts on the set and is used to define the structure of the group.

What is the role of an operator of the group action in group theory?

The operator of the group action is essential in understanding the properties and structure of a group. It helps to define the group's multiplication operation and how it acts on the elements of the group.

How is an operator of the group action represented mathematically?

An operator of the group action is represented as a function that takes in an element of the group and an element of the set and returns an element of the set. This can be written as g • x = y, where g is the element of the group, x is the element of the set, and y is the resulting element after the group action is performed.

What are the properties of an operator of the group action?

An operator of the group action must satisfy three properties: 1) it must be well-defined, meaning that the result of the group action is always an element of the set, 2) it must be associative, meaning that the order in which the group action is performed does not matter, and 3) it must have an identity element, meaning that there is an element in the group that has no effect on the set when the group action is performed.

What are some examples of operators of the group action?

Some examples of operators of the group action include rotation, translation, and reflection. For example, in a group of transformations on a square, the operator of the group action could be rotating the square 90 degrees clockwise. This operator would take in an element of the group (such as a rotation by 180 degrees) and an element of the set (such as a point on the square) and return the transformed point on the square after the group action is performed.

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