Operators, normalised eigenstates and the generalised uncertainty relation

But, if the two operators share the same eigenvectors, they will commute. In this case, since A and B share the same eigenvectors, they commute and therefore there is no uncertainty relation between them. In summary, the poster is seeking advice on how to find the commutator and use it to determine the generalised uncertainty relation for two operators, A and B, that have the same eigenvectors. After some calculations, they realize that the operators actually commute and therefore there is no uncertainty relation between them. The poster thanks the respondent for their help and expresses their understanding of what to do next time.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hi guys! Many time reader, first time poster... I've struggled big time with the following. Any advice at all would be great. I'm so muddled, it's just not funny any more... (plus I'm not really familiar with who to write the mathematic script so please be patient)

I have an operator, say A representing observable A with two normalised eigenstates with eigenvalues a1, a2 respectively (and the same with B in place of A)...
and if |A1> = 1/5(3|B1> +4|B2>) and |A2> = 1/5(4|B1> - 3|B2>). My question is how do i find the commutator of this, and if I do find the commutator of this, how can I then use this to determine the generalised uncertainty relation for operators Aand B?? So desperate!

Homework Equations

<(A)^2><(B)^2> > 1/4|<[A,B]>|^2

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm not sure why, but I felt that I could represent:
A: 1/5[3b1 4b1; 4b2 -3b2] ; and
B: 1/5[3a1 4a1; 4a2 -3a2]

for which I can then do matrix multiplication and subtraction (i.e. [A,B] = AB - BA (all operators))
and I get:
4/25 [4(b1a2-a1b2) -3(b1a2+a1b2); 3(b2a1-a2b1) 4(b2a1-a2b1)]

then not sure if i have anything remotely ok, although I do notice that the matrix looks kinda Hermitian or whatever?. really stuck from here. Basically have no idea how to get the 'expectation' value for this or whatever... any help would be great (and asap cos I've tried to work it out all week and now left my time seriously short - not that anyone HAS to help me of course!...) Cheers very much! humfri

(p.s. sorry if this post was annoying and confusing... still learning)
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  • #2
:( i think ill go eat some worms... :(
  • #3
Can you write operator A in terms of its eigenvalues and eigenstates? Think projection operators.
  • #4
thanks for your reply!
do you mean like operator A =
[<A1|A|> <A1|A|A2>; <A2|A|A1> <A2|A|A2>]
[<A1|B|> <A1|B|A2>; <A2|B|A1> <A2|B|A2>]cos if I do that I get A = [a1 0; 0 a2]
and B= 1/25[9b1+16b2 12b1-12b2; 12b1-12b2 9b1 + 16b2]
but then I did do A on A and also A on B for some reason. does this make sense or have i made a boo boo.
  • #5
LOL, apparently they operators commute anyway (something I found ages ago but thought I'd done something silly and so ignored my result), thus no uncertainty relation. Nevermind. Thanks for the help anyway, now I actually understand what I need to do next time!
  • #6
humfri said:
thanks for your reply!
do you mean like operator A =
[<A1|A|> <A1|A|A2>; <A2|A|A1> <A2|A|A2>]
[<A1|B|> <A1|B|A2>; <A2|B|A1> <A2|B|A2>]

cos if I do that I get A = [a1 0; 0 a2]
and B= 1/25[9b1+16b2 12b1-12b2; 12b1-12b2 9b1 + 16b2]
but then I did do A on A and also A on B for some reason. does this make sense or have i made a boo boo.


In your first post, it seems that you calculated the matrices for A and B using two different bases. The same basis should be used to calculate both matrices.

In, this post you appear to have used the basis {|a1> , |a2>} to calculate the matrices for both A and B.

I might have made a mistake, but I get something a little different than you for the second component of the second row of the matrix for B.

LOL, apparently they operators commute anyway (something I found ages ago but thought I'd done something silly and so ignored my result), thus no uncertainty relation. Nevermind. Thanks for the help anyway, now I actually understand what I need to do next time!

A and B can't commute in general, because, in general, the eigenvectors for A and B are linearly independent.

FAQ: Operators, normalised eigenstates and the generalised uncertainty relation

1. What is an operator in quantum mechanics?

An operator in quantum mechanics is a mathematical object that represents a physical observable, such as position, momentum, or energy. It acts on a wave function to produce a new wave function that describes the state of a quantum system after the observable is measured.

2. What are normalised eigenstates?

Normalised eigenstates are quantum states that represent the possible outcomes of a measurement for a given operator. They are eigenstates, meaning that when the operator acts on them, the result is a multiple of the original state. Normalised eigenstates are also normalised, meaning that their squared magnitude represents the probability of obtaining that particular measurement result.

3. How do normalised eigenstates relate to the generalised uncertainty relation?

The generalised uncertainty relation, also known as the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with absolute certainty at the same time. This is related to normalised eigenstates because the squared magnitude of each eigenstate represents the probability of obtaining a specific measurement result, and the spread of these probabilities is limited by the uncertainty principle.

4. What is the significance of operators and normalised eigenstates in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, operators and normalised eigenstates are essential for understanding the behavior of particles at the quantum level. They allow us to predict the outcomes of measurements and describe the state of a system in terms of probabilities. Operators also play a crucial role in the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics, helping us to calculate the evolution of a quantum system over time.

5. Can the Heisenberg uncertainty principle be violated?

No, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics that has been confirmed by numerous experiments. It arises from the inherent probabilistic nature of quantum systems and cannot be violated. However, there are ways to minimize the uncertainty in certain measurements, such as using carefully designed measurement techniques and systems with lower levels of noise.

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