Operators on a Harmonic oscillator ground state

In summary, the author attempted to solve a problem involving an expectation value for a harmonic oscillator in the ground state, but ran into difficulty. They used the integral, but found that it gave them an infinity. After fixing their mistake, they were able to solve the problem.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Calculate the expectation value for a harmonic oscillator in the ground state when operated on by the operator:
$$AAAA\dagger A\dagger - AA\dagger A A\dagger + A\dagger A A A\dagger)$$

Homework Equations

$$AA\dagger - A\dagger A = 1$$
I also know that an unequal number of raising and lowering operators gives a zero expectation value due to orthogonality requirements.

The Attempt at a Solution

I guess that the first term in brackets gives a zero expectation value as it leads to a function which is orthogonal to $$\psi_0$$
If I say n=1 then:
$$A\dagger\psi_0 = \psi_1$$
$$A \psi_1 = \psi_0$$

I've tried taking the third term and saying:
$$A\dagger A(1+ A\dagger A) = A\dagger A + A\dagger A A\dagger A$$

Then doing the same thing with the second term to get
$$ 1+ 2A\dagger A +A\dagger A A\dagger A$$
Then I subtract this term from the third and I get
$$-A A\dagger $$

But this, operating on $$\psi_0$$ seems to give me an expression which results in an infinity when integrated over all space.

Can someone tell me where I went wrong?
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  • #2
You shouldn't need to do an integral, but I am curious what integral you're trying to evaluate.
  • #3
It's a sandwich integral to get the expectation value:

$$ \frac{\hbar^4}{4a^4} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \psi_0^* (...) \psi_0 dx$$
Where the dots in brackets are the operator terms I mentioned above.
Can you see anything wrong with my reasoning above?
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  • #4
Your reasoning looked fine. I'm not sure now why you think that integral diverges.
  • #5
Actually, it doesn't give me infinity, it gives me the wrong answer, using:

$$\psi_0 = \left ( \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}a}\right )^{1/2} e^{-x^2/2a^2}$$
  • #6
You need to show more details if you're having trouble evaluating the integral explicitly. You shouldn't need to, however, if you understand what ##A## and ##A^\dagger## do.
  • #7
Well, I realize that the $$A$$ and $$A\dagger$$ operators convert energy eigenfunctions from the state $$n$$ to $$n\pm0.5$$ where $$E_n = (n + 0.5) \hbar \omega_0$$, but I am specifically told to use the integral above to calculate the expectation value (it's actually the expectation value of $$p_x^4$$).

So I get the integrand as \psi_0 (-\psi) and it turns out as -1 by my reckoning. I should get 3 in order to get the required result.

P.s. how do you type Latex on the same line as text?
  • #8
tomwilliam2 said:
Well, I realize that the ##A## and ##A\dagger## operators convert energy eigenfunctions from the state ##n## to ##n\pm0.5## where ##E_n = (n + 0.5) \hbar \omega_0##, but I am specifically told to use the integral above to calculate the expectation value (it's actually the expectation value of ##p_x^4##).
Not exactly. They take the nth state to the (n±1)th state.

So I get the integrand as ##\psi_0 (-\psi)##, and it turns out as -1 by my reckoning. I should get 3 in order to get the required result.
Your mistake occurred somewhere earlier. For one thing, you shouldn't have had any terms with an odd number of annihilation/creation operators.

P.s. how do you type Latex on the same line as text?
Use #'s instead of $'s.
  • #9
Ok, thanks for your help. If I set out what I'm doing in clear stages, maybe you could tell me in which stage my mistake lies:

a) I note that of the three terms in the operator above, the first has an unequal number of raising/lowering operators, so must give an expectation value of zero...so I remove it from the integrand.

b) I take the second term ##-AA\dagger A A\dagger## and I use the commutation relation to rewrite it as ##-(1+A\dagger A)(1+A\dagger A)=-(1 + 2A\dagger A + A\dagger A A\dagger A)##

c) I note that two of these terms end in the lowering operator, which, when acting on the ground state will give zero. So the middle term becomes -1

d) I take the third term ##A\dagger A A A\dagger## and use the commutation relation to rewrite as ##A\dagger A(1 + A\dagger A)##.

e) I note that both terms end in the lowering operator, so when acting on the ground state will be zero. I remove the third term entirely.

f) my integrand is left as I mentioned in my previous post.

So could you possibly point out which of these stages involves faulty reasoning? Most appreciated, thanks for the help once again.
  • #10
Instead of describing what you did, show us your actual work.
  • #11
Hi again
Thanks for all your time...I have solved the problem now. Unbelievably, I simply wrote down the original series of operators wrongly, and it all works out fine now.
Thanks again.

FAQ: Operators on a Harmonic oscillator ground state

What is a harmonic oscillator ground state?

A harmonic oscillator ground state refers to the lowest energy state of a quantum harmonic oscillator. It is characterized by a wave function that has a nonzero probability at the origin and decreases as the distance from the origin increases.

What are operators in quantum mechanics?

Operators in quantum mechanics are mathematical entities that represent physical observables, such as position, momentum, and energy. They act on the wave function of a system to determine the value of the observable in a given state.

How do operators act on a harmonic oscillator ground state?

Operators act on the harmonic oscillator ground state by changing the wave function and determining the value of a physical observable in that state. For example, the position operator determines the position of the particle in the ground state, while the momentum operator determines the momentum of the particle.

What is the commutator between position and momentum operators?

The commutator between the position and momentum operators in quantum mechanics is given by [x, p] = iħ, where x is the position operator, p is the momentum operator, and ħ is the reduced Planck's constant. This relationship is known as the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and states that the more precisely the position of a particle is known, the less precisely its momentum can be known, and vice versa.

How can operators on a harmonic oscillator ground state be used to calculate energy levels?

Operators on a harmonic oscillator ground state can be used to calculate energy levels by applying the Hamiltonian operator, which represents the total energy of the system, to the ground state wave function. The resulting energy values correspond to the different energy levels of the harmonic oscillator.
