Optical filter for better viewing of blacklight effects

In summary, the author is designing an automatic soap dispenser that will emit phosphor light. The phosphor light will be visible in the presence of UV light, and a filter may be needed to block out ambient light. If the phosphor light is too bright, a sheet of polarizing film may help.
  • #1
Hi guys :)
I'm designing an automatic soap dispenser, in which the soap particles contain phosphors. These will emit visible light in the presence of UV light. I intend to have a small UV light source underneath the dispenser.

Thing is, its really bright in bathrooms, and its tricky to see the UV/phosphor glow from the soap unless one is in the dark

Would there be any way to block out the ambient bathroom light via an optical filter, which only let's in the light from the phosphor particles?

The optical filter would be installed on the end of the dispenser, such that you could see the soap particles glowing if you looked through the filter, but everything else would be dimmed.

Thanks, just not too sure what sort of wavelengths the emitted light is, or whether it would be possible to isolate this.
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  • #2
Of course. There are plenty of filters out there. You just need one that let's the specific wavelength of the emitted light through.
  • #3
Since most of the ambient light is reflected from the outside of the soap container,
you might try a sheet of polarizing film.
Just like polarized sunglasses cut down of reflected glare, the film should limit the
reflected ambient light.
The light from the phosphor is "new light" and random so much of it will pass the
polarizing film.
  • #4
Why don't you use a UV LED for the UV source. If you modulate the UV LED with a specific frequency (not to include 60 or 120 Hz) your photosensor can be designed to amplify just that frequency.

What color is the fluorescent radiation of the soap? An optical filter for that color might help.
  • #5
I'm thinking you'd be better off with a brighter blacklight.
  • #6
How will your dispenser use the phosphor glow, to determine how much soap to dispense. Since the light levels in restrooms varies tremendously and even varies as people move around, I think it will be very difficult to accurately measure the amount of soap dispensed. Even the skin color of the hand may cause a different amount of soap to be dispensed.

The more I think about this it seems to me it would not be a good idea to use an optical filter for the phosphor glow. What would happen if you decide to change vendors for your phosphor and the color changes?

I'm even more convinced that the only way you can get an accurate measurement of the glow is to modulate the source and have a receiver that can measure the amplitude of just the modulated reflection.

FAQ: Optical filter for better viewing of blacklight effects

1. What is an optical filter for blacklight effects?

An optical filter for blacklight effects is a specially designed filter that blocks out all visible light except for the ultraviolet (UV) light emitted by a blacklight. This allows for a clearer and more vibrant view of objects or materials that glow under blacklight.

2. How does an optical filter work?

An optical filter works by selectively absorbing or reflecting certain wavelengths of light. In the case of a blacklight filter, it absorbs all visible light and only allows UV light to pass through, which is then visible as a bright purple or blue light.

3. Can I use any type of filter for blacklight effects?

No, not all filters are suitable for blacklight effects. It is important to use a filter that specifically blocks out visible light and allows only UV light to pass through. Regular sunglasses or color filters will not work for this purpose.

4. Are there different types of optical filters for blacklight effects?

Yes, there are different types of optical filters for blacklight effects, such as bandpass filters, longpass filters, and shortpass filters. Each type has a specific range of wavelengths that it allows to pass through, so it is important to choose the right filter for your specific needs.

5. Can an optical filter improve the visibility of blacklight effects?

Yes, using an optical filter can greatly improve the visibility of blacklight effects. By blocking out all visible light, the filter enhances the contrast and brightness of UV light, making the glowing objects or materials more vivid and easier to see.

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