Optical Instruments: Solving Homework Problems

In summary: The power of the bi-focal glass will be the sum of the powers of the lower and upper lenses. For the fourth question: Yes, the final image is formed at 25 cm, which represents maximum accommodation. This is typically how far a person can see clearly without any visual aids.
  • #1

Homework Statement

1. Peter cannot see distinctly objects closer than 40 cm from the eye. Find the power of lens that enable him to see objects at distinct vision

2. A man has near point of 50 cm and a far point of 200 cm.
a. What kind of glass should he used to see normally?
b. What are the power of the lenses?

3. A lens of 4-cm focal length is used as a magnifying glass. Where the object must be placed to produce a virtual image at distinct vision from the lens and what is the magnification?

4. A microscope has an objective lens of 9 mm focal length and an eyepiece of 5-cm focal length. A bug 1/2 mm long is placed 1 cm from the objective lens. Locate the image

Homework Equations

1/f = 1/do + 1/di where do = distance of object and di = distance of image
P = 100/f

The Attempt at a Solution

1. What is the meaning of "distinct vision"? At first, I thought it meant "very far" but it would seem weird because it will be unclear whether peter is farsighted or nearsighted. Or "distinct vision" means normal near point = 25 cm?

2. a. Bifocal lens
b. How to find the power? Is it correct to find the power of the lenses separately, one using near point and the other using far point? If it is so, the answer will be two values for power of the lenses?

3. Again, "distinct vision". If it means "very far", the object must be placed at focus and the magnification is infinity?

4. The question is asking about distance of image from eye-piece lens, right? I am able to find the distance of image from objective lens but how to find the distance of object for eye-piece lens?

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  • #2
Ideal near point is 25 cm, i.e distance of distinct vision.
Ideal far point is infinity.
In (1), the book should be held at 25 cm, from the lens. The power of the lens should be such that the image should form at 40 cm.
  • #3
What about no.2 and 4?

  • #4
2. For reading, object at 25 cm and virtual image at 50 cm. For seeing, the object is at infinity and the image is at 200 cm.
4. Object distance and focal length of the objective is given. Find the magnification m using mo = fo/(u - fo).
For eye piece me = ( 1 + D/fe)
  • #5
rl.bhat said:
2. For reading, object at 25 cm and virtual image at 50 cm. For seeing, the object is at infinity and the image is at 200 cm.

Sorry I don't understand. The first question is asking about what kind of glass he should use and the second about the power of the lens. I assume you are explaining about what near point and far point is? Or maybe I am missing something?

Is it correct the power of lens is the sum of power of each lens?

4. Object distance and focal length of the objective is given. Find the magnification m using mo = fo/(u - fo).
For eye piece me = ( 1 + D/fe)

What is u and D? I guess D = 25 cm = ideal near point? The question said "Locate the image". I suppose it is asking to find the distance of image from eye-piece, correct? After I find both the magnification, how to find the distance of image from eye-piece? I don't have any ideas.

  • #6
2. It is bi-focal glass. Lower part is used for reading purpose and upper one is used for seeing the distant objects.
For (4), the objective forms a real image at 9 cm from the objective.
To form the final image at 25 cm, the real image should be at 4.2 cm from the eye piece. So the distance between the objective and eye piece is 9 + 4.2 = 13.2 cm. So the final image is formed at ( 25 - 13.2)cm from the objective, away from the eye-piece.
  • #7
rl.bhat said:
2. It is bi-focal glass. Lower part is used for reading purpose and upper one is used for seeing the distant objects.

How to find the power of bi-focal glass? Is it the sum of power of lower lens and upper one?

For (4), the objective forms a real image at 9 cm from the objective.
To form the final image at 25 cm, the real image should be at 4.2 cm from the eye piece. So the distance between the objective and eye piece is 9 + 4.2 = 13.2 cm. So the final image is formed at ( 25 - 13.2)cm from the objective, away from the eye-piece.

Final image at 25 cm means that we consider maximum accommodation. Is it always the case?

  • #8
songoku said:
How to find the power of bi-focal glass? Is it the sum of power of lower lens and upper one?

Not the sum. They are separately quoted.
For the second question:

FAQ: Optical Instruments: Solving Homework Problems

1. What are optical instruments?

Optical instruments are devices that use light to manipulate, detect, or measure objects or phenomena. They include instruments such as microscopes, telescopes, cameras, and spectrometers.

2. How do optical instruments work?

Optical instruments work by using lenses, mirrors, and other components to manipulate and focus light. These components can magnify or reduce the size of an image, change its orientation, or separate different wavelengths of light.

3. What are some common problems encountered when using optical instruments?

Some common problems encountered when using optical instruments include image distortion, aberrations, and interference from external light sources. These issues can affect the clarity and accuracy of the instrument's measurements.

4. How can you solve homework problems involving optical instruments?

To solve homework problems involving optical instruments, it is important to have a thorough understanding of the principles behind how the instrument works. This includes knowledge of optics, light, and the specific components of the instrument in question. It may also be helpful to draw diagrams or use mathematical equations to aid in problem solving.

5. What are some real-world applications of optical instruments?

Optical instruments have a wide range of real-world applications. They are used in fields such as medicine, astronomy, photography, and telecommunications. They are also used in industries such as manufacturing, quality control, and environmental monitoring.

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