Optical Phonons and Monatomic Model

In summary, the reason there is no optical phonon in the dispersion curve for a one-dimensional monatomic chain of atoms is because two atoms of the same mass cannot oscillate about their center of mass. This is due to the fact that the spacing for the diatomic model is double that of the monatomic model, resulting in a maximum at k=0 for the w-k curve. Therefore, there is no induced dipole moment and no optical phonons are seen.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Explain why there is no optical phonon in the dispersion curve for the one-dimensional monatomic chain of atoms.

The Attempt at a Solution

I am completely confused. I know that optical phonons get their name because when an array of 2 atoms of different charge oscillate they are eloctramagnetically active and can absorbe or emit infrared radiation.

So I could say optical phonons are impossible for monatomic chains because you would need two atoms of different charge to get phonons.

But, I think that is wrong. Because elsewhere I read that optical phonons are described by oscillations about a center of mass, while acoustic phonons are described by a translation of the center of mass. This must imply that monatomic chains cannot have oscillations about the atom pair's centers of mass. So now I'm thinking there must be some reason why two atoms of the same mass cannot oscillate about their center of mass...

But I have no idea what that reason would be! Just imagining two balls connected by a spring, it seems that they can oscillate about this center.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
A phonon branch is optical if its w-k curve intersects the w-k curve of a photon.

The photon has w/k=c, so w=ck. Essentially that's just a vertical line in an w-k graph, so any phonon branch that has w not equal to 0 as k-> 0 will be optically active.
  • #3
Optical phonons are seen when there is an induced dipole moment, i.e. when two masses of different charge oscillate out of phase
  • #4
The photon has w/k=c, so w=ck. Essentially that's just a vertical line in an w-k graph, so any phonon branch that has w not equal to 0 as k-> 0 will be optically active.

That's just the problem. When I use my book's equation for the diatomic model, and make the masses the same, (Essentially reducing the diatomic model to monatomic... this is what a hint to a follow up problem says to do) I get two curves, one of which goes to 0 as k->0 but the other goes to a maximum at k->0. This is what I'm working with:

[tex]\omega_{\pm}^2 = C\left(\frac{M_1 + M_2}{M_1M_2}\right)\left[1 \pm \sqrt{1 - \frac{2M_1M_2}{(M_1+M_2)^2}(1-cos(ka))}\right][/tex]

If I let [itex]M_1=M_2=M[/itex] and do a good bit of algebraic simplification, I eventually get the following two functions:

[tex]\omega_- = \sqrt{\frac{4C}{M}}\left|sin(\frac{ka}{4})\right|[/tex]


[tex]\omega_+ = \sqrt{\frac{4C}{M}}\left|cos(\frac{ka}{4})\right|[/tex]

But [itex]\omega_+[/itex] is a cosine, so it is maximum at k=0!

What the heck?? I am completely confounded. Do you have any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks again.
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  • #5
the spacing for the diatomic model is double that of the mononatomic model, so just making M1=M2 does not work. (double spacing in real space -> half spacing in reciprocal space)

FAQ: Optical Phonons and Monatomic Model

1. What are optical phonons?

Optical phonons are vibrations in a crystal lattice that involve a change in the polarization of the material. They are generated by the displacement of atoms from their equilibrium positions and can be thought of as the collective motion of the atoms in a crystal.

2. How do optical phonons differ from acoustic phonons?

Optical phonons differ from acoustic phonons in several ways. Firstly, they have a higher frequency and shorter wavelength compared to acoustic phonons. They also have a different dispersion relationship, meaning that their frequency is not directly proportional to their wavelength. Additionally, optical phonons are only present in materials with a crystalline structure, while acoustic phonons can exist in both crystalline and amorphous materials.

3. How are optical phonons related to the monatomic model?

The monatomic model is a simplified representation of a crystal lattice in which each atom is considered to be a point mass and all interactions between atoms are neglected. Optical phonons can be described using this model, as they are generated by the displacement of atoms from their equilibrium positions and can be thought of as the collective motion of the atoms. However, this model is limited in its ability to accurately describe the behavior of optical phonons in more complex materials.

4. What is the role of optical phonons in thermal conductivity?

Optical phonons play a crucial role in the thermal conductivity of materials. They are responsible for the transfer of heat through a material, as they carry energy from hotter regions to cooler regions. In materials with a high concentration of optical phonons, the thermal conductivity is typically higher, as there are more pathways for heat to be transferred.

5. How are optical phonons studied experimentally?

There are several experimental techniques used to study optical phonons, including Raman spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, and neutron scattering. These techniques involve shining a beam of light or particles onto a sample and analyzing the scattered or absorbed energy to determine the properties of the optical phonons present. These experiments can provide information on the frequency, wavelength, and dispersion of the optical phonons in a material.
