Optical simulations of gravitational effects

In summary, the conversation discusses the interpretation of Figure 4 in a physics paper about red/blue shift. The speaker questions how the peaks of the airy beam can show a red shift effect and explains that they initially thought it was due to the spatial frequency, but later realized it was an intensity distribution. They also mention that the combination of blue shift and red shift can vary in a complex manner. The other person adds that the bottom two figures show no displacement or shift when the peaks are shifted to line up. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity of interpreting red/blue shift and the need to further understand its effects.
  • #1
I'm preparing a poster presentation on the following paper for a physics course:

I do not understand how figure 4 tells us about the red/blue shift. Just from the deflections of the peaks of the airy beam, as well as the deformation, how are we able to infer that there is a red shift effect?

I tried explaining this to myself by the spatial frequency of the observed peaks, however I realized that a beam that is escaping from a gravitational well should appear red shifted, yet this seemed to imply the opposite. I then realized that we are looking at an intensity distribution, so now I am confused as to how we can infer that a red shift type effect is present
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  • #2
This seems quite deep so I'm not sure, but I take figure 4 as the combination of blue shift then red shift which varies in a complex manner relative to beam intensity so the apparent shift would be the difference between the 2? The bottom c,d shows "centered" on 0 shift meaning no displacement, no shift, both high and low intensity beams are not shifted. I'm going to let it sink in for a while and read it again! Quite interesting!
  • #3
In the bottom two, they've just shifted the peaks so that they line up to make stretching and squashing effect more apparent.

FAQ: Optical simulations of gravitational effects

1. What is the purpose of optical simulations of gravitational effects?

The purpose of optical simulations of gravitational effects is to study the behavior of light in the presence of gravitational fields. This can help us understand the effects of gravity on light, such as gravitational lensing, and can also aid in the development of technologies like gravitational wave detectors.

2. How do scientists create optical simulations of gravitational effects?

Scientists use computer programs and mathematical models to simulate the behavior of light in different gravitational environments. This involves incorporating the properties of gravitational fields, such as mass and curvature, into the simulation and then observing how light is affected by these factors.

3. What are some potential applications of optical simulations of gravitational effects?

Optical simulations of gravitational effects have a wide range of potential applications. They can help us better understand the behavior of light in the universe, improve our understanding of gravitational theories, and assist in the development of technologies for studying and detecting gravitational waves.

4. Can optical simulations of gravitational effects be used to test Einstein's theory of general relativity?

Yes, optical simulations of gravitational effects can be used to test Einstein's theory of general relativity. By simulating the behavior of light in different gravitational environments, scientists can compare the results to predictions made by the theory and see if they align. This can help validate or refine our current understanding of gravity.

5. Are there any limitations to optical simulations of gravitational effects?

While optical simulations of gravitational effects are a useful tool for studying the behavior of light in gravitational fields, they do have some limitations. These simulations are based on mathematical models and assumptions, so they may not perfectly represent real-world scenarios. Additionally, the complexity of simulating certain gravitational effects, such as black holes, can make it challenging to accurately capture all aspects of their behavior.

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