Optical Transfer Function of a microscope

In summary, the conversation discusses the 3D optical transfer function and its representation of axial information. It is noted that the s-axis is centered around zero, allowing for transmission of low axial frequencies except in the center. The conversation continues to question the ability of the OTF to transfer mid s-axis spatial frequencies. The topic of vector diffraction is brought up, and the level of comfort with this concept is requested.
  • #1
Hi all,

I am wondering in the 3D optical transfer function as shown below:

The m and n axes represent support of lateral spatial frequencies and the s axes axial. If we were talking about a microscope then it has what's called the missing cone of information-lost axial frequencies. But what i don't understand is why there is only a missing dip in the middle, why is it not flat and only has dimensions m and n. The image suggests that the 3D "lobes" represent mid spatial frequencies in the s axis with it dipping to zero at the origin and at the high end frequency cut off. If the height of the OTF lobes does in fact represent axial information, what is this information? If it can't transfer low or high axial frequencies, why can it transfer mid s axes spatial frequencies? Unless i am misinterpreting the 3D OTF.

Thanks for the help!
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  • #2
Note that the s-axis is centered about zero. Therefore very low axial frequencies are always transmitted, except in the very center. The high-frequency cutoff changes as you increase lateral frequency.
  • #3
Thanks for that, I'm still not clear though why the OTF has considerable support along the s-axis
  • #4
u0362565 said:
Hi all,

I am wondering in the 3D optical transfer function as shown below:
<snip>If the height of the OTF lobes does in fact represent axial information, what is this information? If it can't transfer low or high axial frequencies, why can it transfer mid s axes spatial frequencies? Unless i am misinterpreting the 3D OTF.

Thanks for the help!

You are asking a fairly advanced question about vector diffraction- can you give me an idea of your 'comfort level'?
  • #5


The optical transfer function (OTF) of a microscope is a measure of its ability to transfer spatial information from an object to an image. It is a complex function that takes into account the microscope's optical properties, such as its aperture and lens characteristics, as well as the properties of the object being imaged.

In the 3D OTF diagram shown, the m and n axes represent lateral spatial frequencies, while the s axis represents axial spatial frequencies. The missing cone of information refers to the fact that there are certain axial frequencies that cannot be captured by the microscope's optics. This is due to the physical limitations of the microscope's design.

The dip in the middle of the diagram represents the missing axial frequencies, as they cannot be transferred by the microscope. The height of the OTF lobes represents the amount of information that can be transferred at a given spatial frequency. So, for mid-range spatial frequencies in the s axis, the OTF lobes are higher, indicating that the microscope can transfer more information at these frequencies.

The information that can be transferred in the s axis is related to the depth of field of the microscope. In other words, the microscope can capture information at different axial depths within the object being imaged. However, there are limits to this capability, which is why the OTF lobes decrease towards the high end frequency cut off.

I hope this helps to clarify the 3D OTF diagram and the concept of the missing cone of information. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

FAQ: Optical Transfer Function of a microscope

What is the Optical Transfer Function (OTF) of a microscope?

The Optical Transfer Function (OTF) of a microscope is a measure of how well the microscope can transfer information from the object being viewed to the image formed on the detector. It takes into account the properties of both the microscope optics and the detector to determine the quality of the final image.

How is the OTF calculated?

The OTF is calculated by taking the Fourier transform of the Point Spread Function (PSF) of the microscope. The PSF is the image of a point source, such as a small fluorescent bead, formed by the microscope. The Fourier transform of the PSF gives the OTF, which represents the frequency response of the microscope system.

What factors affect the OTF of a microscope?

The OTF of a microscope can be affected by various factors such as the numerical aperture of the objective lens, the quality of the microscope optics, the pixel size of the detector, and the wavelength of light used. These factors can influence the resolution and contrast of the final image produced by the microscope.

Why is the OTF important in microscopy?

The OTF is important in microscopy because it provides a quantitative measure of the imaging capabilities of a microscope. It allows scientists to compare the performance of different microscopes and to assess the quality of their images. By understanding the OTF, scientists can optimize their imaging conditions to achieve the best possible image quality.

How does the OTF relate to other image quality metrics in microscopy?

The OTF is closely related to other image quality metrics such as the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) and the Contrast Transfer Function (CTF). These metrics also measure the ability of a microscope to transfer information from the object to the image. The MTF and CTF are often used in conjunction with the OTF to fully characterize the imaging performance of a microscope.

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