Optics: Physics vs. Engineering

In summary, the conversation discusses the differences between optics in the fields of (Bio)engineering and physics and which would be the best for an undergraduate interested in graduate school. It is mentioned that there can be overlap between the two fields, but a BS in bioengineering may better prepare someone for more applied research while a physics degree may provide a stronger theoretical knowledge base. It is also noted that both engineers and physicists play important roles in research labs, with engineers focusing more on instrumentation and physicists on theory. However, it is possible to bridge the gap by taking relevant courses and gaining experience in both areas. Overall, the conversation suggests that either degree can lead to a career in optics, but taking physics classes may be beneficial for understanding concepts.
  • #1
I am curious about the differences between optics in the fields of (Bio)engineering and physics. Mainly, I'm interested in finding out how the research differs between the two fields and which would be the best for an undergraduate who is interested in graduate school. From what I understand, there can be quite a bit of overlap, but which would prepare me better for graduate school in say biomedical optics?

I am assuming that a BS in bioengineering would better prepare me for more applied research that involves development of new biomedical instruments and imaging/optics techniques. Whereas physics would give me a better knowledge base of the theory behind optics as apposed to the instrumentation and research would be more concerned with how molecules/materials interact with light, etc. Can someone correct me and/or add to this?

I am only a freshman (in bioengineering) but at this point I am more interested in possibly pursuing research more on the "physics side of things". Will a bioengineering BS with a minor in math and physics prepare me for graduate study in a physics program in optics or at least an engineering program that is more physics based in their research? Would a physics BS allow me to pursue graduate school in bioengineering or vise versa? I would like to be as flexible as possible after undergrad.

Appreciate your help!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
jbrussell93 said:
I am curious about the differences between optics in the fields of (Bio)engineering and physics. Mainly, I'm interested in finding out how the research differs between the two fields and which would be the best for an undergraduate who is interested in graduate school. From what I understand, there can be quite a bit of overlap, but which would prepare me better for graduate school in say biomedical optics?

I am assuming that a BS in bioengineering would better prepare me for more applied research that involves development of new biomedical instruments and imaging/optics techniques. Whereas physics would give me a better knowledge base of the theory behind optics as apposed to the instrumentation and research would be more concerned with how molecules/materials interact with light, etc. Can someone correct me and/or add to this?

I am only a freshman (in bioengineering) but at this point I am more interested in possibly pursuing research more on the "physics side of things". Will a bioengineering BS with a minor in math and physics prepare me for graduate study in a physics program in optics or at least an engineering program that is more physics based in their research? Would a physics BS allow me to pursue graduate school in bioengineering or vise versa? I would like to be as flexible as possible after undergrad.

Appreciate your help!

I have similar interests to yours and I've had experience in research labs (Princeton and a research institute in the Czech Republic) where they used optics to study biological phenomena. It is an awesome field and being in the lab working on it is even cooler!

First of all, when it comes to research you'll find a lot of applied physicists in bioengineering labs working as "engineers". Majoring in engineering at university, you'll learn a lot about economics and mass producing etc...

I'm still an undergrad, but from my experience in these labs has allowed me to see the huge difference you're talking about between the physicists and engineers (or applied physicists).

The physicists and physical chemists were more on the theoretical side of things, they predicted what was going to happen and left it up to the engineers (applied physicists) to manipulate the equipment (build a laser, monitor its strength, etc.). The physicists used computer simulations and mathematical models to build an experiment and develop a hypothesis (ex. this molecule will emit this much light etc. etc.) while the engineers (applied physicists) just aided in carrying out the actual experiment by adjusting perimeters and physically setting things up.

Both engineers and physicists are crucial in a lab, you just need to decide if you're more of a theorists or more of an experimentalist.

That's just my observations from two summers of research in optics labs, I'm sure someone in graduate school could give you more info
  • #3
Very interesting, I appreciate your response. Are you majoring in engineering or physics?

The fact that you used applied physics and engineering interchangeably makes me believe that an undergrad physics degree will allow me to end up on either side of the spectrum while engineering may limit me to one side (the instrumentation). Is this an accurate assumption?
  • #4
jbrussell93 said:
Very interesting, I appreciate your response. Are you majoring in engineering or physics?

The fact that you used applied physics and engineering interchangeably makes me believe that an undergrad physics degree will allow me to end up on either side of the spectrum while engineering may limit me to one side (the instrumentation). Is this an accurate assumption?

I'm actually majoring in applied mathematics and chemistry (with a concentration in physical chemistry). A large part of physical chemistry research is studying the interaction of light with molecules (photochemistry) and optics, which is what I'm interested in.

That sounds like an accurate assumption if you were to work in a lab right after college, but if you went to grad school for optics you would simply take the classes that you're missing. For example, an engineer would take the physics classes he missed out on and a physicist would take the engineering classes he missed out on. I believe that taking physics classes as an undergrad will help you understand the "concepts" of optics though.

I'm sure bioengineering prepares you pretty good too, and it would probably be helpful to take some physics classes if you have time. I'd try to get involved in research with some of your professors if you can over the summer (preferably in an optics lab) and take physics classes at the same time. You might even be able to double major...Anyways, back to your question - you will not be limited to doing what physicists do as a bioengineering major, because you will take the courses you missed out on in grad school.

EDIT: Also, the engineers I witnessed in the labs actually ENJOYED the instrumentation. They loved building lasers and other instruments. The physicists who were more on the theoretical side could probably build a laser if they wanted to, but the engineers had a more mechanical understanding of how the instruments worked and I'd trust them more with how to put it together. It's just two different team players working toward a common goal.
  • #5

I can provide some insight into the differences between optics in the fields of bioengineering and physics. While there is certainly overlap between the two fields, there are also distinct differences in focus and approach.

In general, optics in physics is more theoretical and focuses on understanding the fundamental principles behind light and its interactions with matter. This includes topics such as wave and particle properties of light, electromagnetic theory, and quantum optics. The research in this field tends to be more theoretical and experimental, with a focus on developing new theories and techniques for understanding light.

On the other hand, optics in bioengineering is more applied and focuses on using optics to solve real-world problems in biology and medicine. This includes topics such as medical imaging, optical sensors, and laser-based therapies. The research in this field tends to be more interdisciplinary, combining principles from physics, engineering, and biology to develop new technologies and techniques for biomedical applications.

In terms of preparing for graduate school, it really depends on your specific interests and career goals. If you are interested in pursuing research in biomedical optics, a BS in bioengineering would likely be a better fit as it would provide a stronger foundation in the practical applications of optics in medicine. However, if you are more interested in the theoretical aspects of optics, a physics BS would be more appropriate.

That being said, it is possible to pursue graduate studies in either field with a BS in either bioengineering or physics. Many programs in either discipline will have courses and research opportunities that cover both theoretical and applied aspects of optics. Additionally, having a minor in math and physics can also make you a strong candidate for graduate programs in either field.

Ultimately, it is important to choose a field that aligns with your interests and goals. Both bioengineering and physics offer exciting opportunities in the field of optics, and with a strong foundation in either field, you can be successful in pursuing graduate studies in either discipline.

FAQ: Optics: Physics vs. Engineering

1. What is the difference between optics in physics and optics in engineering?

Optics in physics is the study of the behavior and properties of light, while optics in engineering is the application of optics principles to design and develop practical devices such as lenses, cameras, and lasers.

2. Can someone with a background in physics work in the field of optics engineering?

Yes, someone with a background in physics can work in optics engineering. Many concepts and principles from physics are applied in optics engineering, making it a suitable career path for physicists.

3. How do optics in physics and engineering intersect?

The principles and theories of optics in physics serve as the foundation for optics engineering. Optics engineering builds upon the fundamental understanding of light and its properties to develop new technologies and devices.

4. Are the job opportunities different for those with a degree in optics physics versus optics engineering?

The job opportunities for those with a degree in optics physics and optics engineering can differ. Optics physicists may work in research and development, while optics engineers may work in industries such as telecommunications, aerospace, and biotechnology.

5. What are some practical applications of optics in physics and engineering?

In physics, optics is used in various fields such as astronomy, medicine, and telecommunications. In engineering, optics is applied in the design and development of optical instruments, telecommunications systems, and laser technology.

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