Optimizing DC Current Through Neodymium Magnets for Efficient Power Transfer

In summary, According to Jim, using a permanent magnet as a connector could have a negative effect on the magnetic field. However, if you heat the magnet above its curie temp it will lose all its magnetic field. Also, a good connector should have multiple points of contact.
  • #1

I want to pass DC current through a magnet, essentially using it as connector. The magnet I am using specifically is Neodymium (NdFeB) grade N42. The DC current I would like to pass through it is 100mA ~ 150mA (3V DC ~ 7V DC)

I would like to know if there is any downside to the magnetic effect of this permanent magnet?

Is there a way to determine how high i can go with the DC current in this situation without a noticeable detrimental effect on the magnetic effect of the magnet, like 1A ~ 2A?

Thank you
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  • #2
Nothing special should happen. But if you heat the magnet above its curie temp it will lose all its magnetic field.
The curie temp is especially low for neodymium magnets, for some types it's only about 80 degrees C.
So 150mA would most likely be OK. At 2A it will depend on the size,shape and mounting of the magnet how much it is heated.
  • #3
ebaqui said:

I want to pass DC current through a magnet, essentially using it as connector. The magnet I am using specifically is Neodymium (NdFeB) grade N42. The DC current I would like to pass through it is 100mA ~ 150mA (3V DC ~ 7V DC)

I would like to know if there is any downside to the magnetic effect of this permanent magnet?

Is there a way to determine how high i can go with the DC current in this situation without a noticeable detrimental effect on the magnetic effect of the magnet, like 1A ~ 2A?

Thank you

Welcome to the PF.

In addition to Jim's comments, keep in mind that what you are suggesting will not be a very good or reliable connector. To be reliable, the connection interface needs to have enough contact force to provide a gas-tight interface between the two conductors. If the interface is not air-tight, corrosion will happen in the interface (at different rates, depending on the contact material). Also, a good connector should have multiple points of contact. The surface of the magnet will be flat, with no dimples to give multiple contact points with gas-tight seals.

What is the application?
  • #4
Jim_A said:
Nothing special should happen. But if you heat the magnet above its curie temp it will lose all its magnetic field.
The curie temp is especially low for neodymium magnets, for some types it's only about 80 degrees C.
So 150mA would most likely be OK. At 2A it will depend on the size,shape and mounting of the magnet how much it is heated.

I am currently using spherical magnets 0.25" diameter. I cut a wire and connected magnets on each end, so when the magnets come in contact the circuit of leds will turn on. The 2A is for potentially running a number of leds.

Thanks for your help on this Jim
  • #5
Jim_A said:
Nothing special should happen. But if you heat the magnet above its curie temp it will lose all its magnetic field.
The curie temp is especially low for neodymium magnets, for some types it's only about 80 degrees C.
So 150mA would most likely be OK. At 2A it will depend on the size,shape and mounting of the magnet how much it is heated.

berkeman said:
Welcome to the PF.

In addition to Jim's comments, keep in mind that what you are suggesting will not be a very good or reliable connector. To be reliable, the connection interface needs to have enough contact force to provide a gas-tight interface between the two conductors. If the interface is not air-tight, corrosion will happen in the interface (at different rates, depending on the contact material). Also, a good connector should have multiple points of contact. The surface of the magnet will be flat, with no dimples to give multiple contact points with gas-tight seals.

What is the application?

That is an interesting point , I did not consider. The magnets are 0.25" spheres, Ni plated. I could use a magnet each for the positive and negative terminal contacts, right?

I am using this for an led circuit to light my workbench.

Thanks for your help Berkeman
  • #6
The new Apple Macbooks have a magnetic power connector. You could take a look at one of them to see how they do it.
It strikes me that you could put a thin layer of good conductor on the surface of the two magnets, connecting your wires to them and by-passing the magnet material yet still have enough force to keep the contacts together. I'm not sure you would need to worry too much about the shape / completeness of the contacts. It's a factor in all switches and a slight radius on each pole is usually sufficient for a contact.

FAQ: Optimizing DC Current Through Neodymium Magnets for Efficient Power Transfer

1. What is DC Current?

DC (Direct Current) is a type of electrical current that flows in one direction continuously, unlike AC (Alternating Current) which changes direction periodically.

2. How is DC Current produced?

DC Current can be produced using a variety of methods such as batteries, solar cells, and rectifiers. In these devices, electrons flow in one direction due to a potential difference created by chemical reactions or electromagnetic induction.

3. What is a Magnet?

A magnet is an object that produces a magnetic field. It has two poles, north and south, and has the ability to attract or repel other magnets or magnetic materials.

4. How does DC Current interact with a Magnet?

When DC Current flows through a wire, it creates a magnetic field around the wire. This magnetic field can interact with a nearby magnet, causing the magnet to move or rotate depending on the direction of the current and the orientation of the magnet.

5. What are some practical applications of DC Current through Magnet?

DC Current through magnet is used in a variety of practical applications such as electric motors, generators, and electromagnets. It is also used in electronic devices such as speakers, headphones, and hard drives.

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