Optimizing Fund Allocation for Organization Expenses: A Real-World Math Problem

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Jboeding
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In summary, Jacob has a problem that he needs to solve to avoid issues with the real world. He has been thinking about how to charge organizations for Friday's food, and he thinks that it should be based on the number of people that each organization has.
  • #1
Hey everyone, I have a math problem that I need answered to solve an issue in the real world.

So, I am the treasurer of the Honors Student Council, an organization that looks after the Honors Program. We also have 10 Honors Societies.

We have been buying food for our giant meetings every Friday. Some organizations have more money than the other.

How would I get an event amount of money from each organization to pay back for the food according to their funds? I've been thinking percentages and stuff, but I have no idea how to do this, haha... or if it is even able to be executed.

Thank you everyone,
- Jacob
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I have moved this thread, as it does not require calculus, but just some algebra to solve.

Suppose $T$ is the total cost that must be payed, and $p$ is the portion of each society's funds that should go to pay this cost. If $S$ is the sum of all the societies' funds, then we want:

\(\displaystyle pS=T\implies p=\frac{T}{S}\)

So, what you want to do is take the total cost, divide it by the total funds available, and then mutiply this resulting fraction by the funds of each individual society to get their share.
  • #3
Although it might be considered more fair to go by the number of people from each society attending the Friday gatherings. If Honor Society A has twice as many people going to the gathering as all the others, they should pay twice as much. Presumably, the cost of the food is not a significant fraction of each society's total budget?
  • #4
Ackbach said:
Although it might be considered more fair to go by the number of people from each society attending the Friday gatherings. If Honor Society A has twice as many people going to the gathering as all the others, they should pay twice as much. Presumably, the cost of the food is not a significant fraction of each society's total budget?

That's how I would actually charge each society, by their number of members rather than by their available funds. That would certainly be more equitable.
  • #5
For all the math I've taken, it's quite sad I couldn't figure it out, haha.
(I'm curious if the guys in the math honor society could figure this out, :P).

As for the number of people v.s. the funds of each organization:
This meeting is just with the executive board members of each honor society/honor program, so we roughly have the same number of people per organization. Sorry, I should have clarified that. I agree with what you two are saying though, but some organizations have $0 - $7000, while the honor's program has $21,000.

Thanks for the help guys! I will be sure to give you guys credit when I bring this up next meeting :D!
- Jacob

FAQ: Optimizing Fund Allocation for Organization Expenses: A Real-World Math Problem

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The purpose of real life math is to help us solve everyday problems and make informed decisions. It allows us to use mathematical concepts and skills in practical and meaningful ways.

How can real life math be applied in our daily lives?

Real life math can be applied in various ways, such as calculating budgets, managing finances, measuring ingredients for cooking, understanding interest rates, and making predictions based on data.

Why is it important to learn real life math?

Learning real life math is important because it equips us with the necessary skills to navigate the world around us. It helps us make informed decisions, avoid common pitfalls, and improve our critical thinking abilities.

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One common misconception about real life math is that it is only used in specific professions, such as engineering or finance. In reality, everyone uses real life math in their daily lives, regardless of their career or occupation.

How can we improve our real life math skills?

We can improve our real life math skills by practicing regularly, seeking help when needed, and applying mathematical concepts to real world situations. It is also important to understand the relevance and purpose of each mathematical concept we learn.
