Optimizing Gas Flow in Capillaries: Calculating Flow Rates in Gas Chromatography

In summary, the problem at hand involves gas chromatography and the calculation of flow rates for two helium incoming gas lines connected to two outlets via a cross-shaped connector. The inlet pressure is in the 100s of kPa range and the outlet pressure is high vacuum for one line and atmospheric pressure for the other. The capillaries used have diameters in the 0.1-1 mm range and lengths in the 10s of cm to 10s of metre range. The volumetric flow rate is related to the gas density, which is in turn related to the pressure, temperature, and molecular weight according to the ideal gas law. Using the Hagen Poiseuille law, the volumetric flow rate in each tube
  • #1
Can anyone help on this problem encountered in gas chromatography:
Two helium incoming gas lines A and B are connected together via a cross-shaped connector to two outlets C and D. All in and out lines are capillaries with diametre in the 0.1-1 mm range and lengths in the 10s of cm to 10s of metre range. Inlet pressure is in the 100s of kPa range (controlled by pressure regulators) for lines A and B. Outlet pressure is high vacuum for line C and 100 kPa (atmospheric pressure) for line D.
Inlet and outlet pressures and diametres and lengths of capillaries are known. How to calculate flow rate for each line? Thanks for your help!
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  • #2
What is the extent of your fluid dynamics background?

  • #3
Hi Chet,

I would like to say: I know a bit, but to be honest, I'm a chemist and my knowledge in fluid dynamics is zero!

  • #4
OK. We're not supposed to solve this for you, but we can help by guiding you through the analysis. I'm guessing that this is a viscous laminar flow problem, because of the small capillary diameter and the constant tube diameter. Viscous laminar flow in a tube is governed by the Hagen Poiseuille law:
$$\frac{dp}{dx}=-\frac{128Q\mu}{\pi D^4}$$
where p is the pressure, x is the distance along the tube,Q is the volumetric flow rate, mu is the gas viscosity, and D is the tube diameter. The volumetric flow rate is related to the (local) gas density ##\rho## and the mass flow rate m by ##Q=m/\rho##. The density is related to the pressure and the temperature (and molecular weight) by the ideal gas law. The mass flow rate in each tube is a constant from inlet to outlet.

Now it's your turn. If you substitute the equation for Q and the ideal gas law into the Hagen Poiseuille equation, what do you get?

  • #5
Thanks a lot Chet, I try to put the puzzle together... Considering, for the moment being, one capillary only, I get p1*Q1=p2*Q2 for the inlet and outlet. The viscosity of helium I was able to find, dp might be replaced by p2-p1, dx might be the length of my capillary, but then I run into trouble for Q which is certainly due to the fact that I don't know how to handle the differential equation. I would need another hint please!

  • #6
Damascenone said:
Thanks a lot Chet, I try to put the puzzle together... Considering, for the moment being, one capillary only, I get p1*Q1=p2*Q2 for the inlet and outlet. The viscosity of helium I was able to find, dp might be replaced by p2-p1, dx might be the length of my capillary, but then I run into trouble for Q which is certainly due to the fact that I don't know how to handle the differential equation. I would need another hint please!

From the ideal gas law, you have:

where M is the molecular weight, R is the gas constant, and T is the temperature. If we substitute this into the equation for Q, we obtain:
where the mass flow rate m is constant. What do you get if you substitute this into the differential equation?

  • #7
Yes I had been this far already but then I got confused by the dp/dx term, thinking I have to solve a differential equation but there is none to solve... Entering the formulas in a little spreadsheet now calculates me the flow rates as I vary the temperature. Great! Thanks again for your kind help!

  • #8
Damascenone said:
Yes I had been this far already but then I got confused by the dp/dx term, thinking I have to solve a differential equation but there is none to solve... Entering the formulas in a little spreadsheet now calculates me the flow rates as I vary the temperature. Great! Thanks again for your kind help!

Then you know you should be solving using p2, not p, correct?
$$\frac{dp^2}{dx}=-\frac{256mRT\mu}{M\pi D^4}$$
So $$p^2_{in}-p^2_{out}=\frac{256mRT\mu L}{M\pi D^4}$$
So, $$m=\frac{(p^2_{in}-p^2_{out})M\pi D^4}{256RT\mu L}$$
Your only unknown is p2 at the junction, and you should be solving for it under the constraint that the sum of the two mass flow rates into the junction are equal to the two mass flow rates out of the junction. This will be a linear equation in p2.

After getting your solution, you need to check to make sure that the Reynolds number in each of the 4 tubes does not exceed 2100, in which case the flow in that tube would be turbulent (and the analysis would have to be modified).


Related to Optimizing Gas Flow in Capillaries: Calculating Flow Rates in Gas Chromatography

1. What is the purpose of optimizing gas flow in capillaries in gas chromatography?

The purpose of optimizing gas flow in capillaries is to ensure efficient and accurate separation of gas components in a sample. This is achieved by controlling the flow rate of the gas through the capillary column, which affects the retention time of the components and ultimately the separation and detection of the analytes.

2. How do you calculate flow rates in gas chromatography?

Flow rates in gas chromatography can be calculated using the equation Q = u x A, where Q is the flow rate in mL/min, u is the linear velocity of the gas in cm/s, and A is the cross-sectional area of the column in cm^2. The linear velocity can be determined by dividing the carrier gas flow rate by the column's internal diameter.

3. What factors can affect gas flow in capillaries?

Some factors that can affect gas flow in capillaries include column length, column diameter, temperature, and carrier gas flow rate. A longer column or smaller diameter will increase the pressure drop, resulting in a slower flow rate. Higher temperatures can also increase the flow rate, while lower temperatures can cause the gas to condense, affecting the flow rate and separation.

4. How does optimizing gas flow impact the efficiency of gas chromatography?

Optimizing gas flow is crucial for achieving efficient gas chromatography. By controlling the flow rate, the analytes can be separated and detected accurately and efficiently. Improper gas flow can result in poor peak resolution, longer analysis times, and inaccurate results.

5. Are there any limitations to optimizing gas flow in capillaries?

While optimizing gas flow is essential, there are some limitations to consider. The flow rate should not be too high, as this can cause band broadening and reduced resolution. Additionally, the carrier gas flow rate should not exceed the maximum flow rate of the column, as this can cause column overloading and poor separation. It is important to carefully consider all factors and optimize within the limitations of the equipment and column being used.

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