Optimizing MadGraph for Exotic Physics Events

In summary, Magistros is new to the forum and is using Madgraph to generate events about exotic physics. However, the process is taking too long and they are wondering if there is a way to make it use both cores. Johan suggests switching to MadGraph 5, which is faster and fully compatible with MadGraph 4 models. Magistros will look into this option.
  • #1
Dear forum,
I am new here, so hi to all!
I am using Madgraph to generate some events about exotic physics. The problem is that when I give this line
gg>(rho>(pip>j j)(pip>j j))(rho>(pip>j j)(pip>j j))
All these are declared in the particles.dat file.
The problem is that it takes too much time when I am trying the
I left it working for 500 minutes and no results... It was saying:

So, I tried to make it smaller and it finished too fast! Do you have any idea, why it takes too much time? Is there any way making it use both cores?
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  • #2
Dear magistros,

It seems from your syntax as if you are using MadGraph 4. Please switch to MadGraph 5, which can do this type of processes in quite reasonable time. Always try to use the most up-to-date software, it can make a world of difference (you find some speed benchmarks in the MadGraph 5 release paper http://arxiv.org/abs/arXiv:1106.0522).
  • #3
Addendum: Please note that in order for us to directly receive your questions regarding MadGraph, please post your questions at https://answers.launchpad.net/madgraph5 instead of Physicsforums.

All the best,
  • #4
Dear Johan,
thank you for your reply.. I can not use MadGraph5 because the model I want to run is programmed for MadGraph4...
But I will ask for MadGraph5.
  • #5
Dear Magistros,

Of course MadGraph 5 is fully backward compatible in terms of models.

All the best,

FAQ: Optimizing MadGraph for Exotic Physics Events

What is MadGraph and why is it important for studying exotic physics events?

MadGraph is a computer program used by physicists to simulate high energy particle collisions and predict the outcomes based on theoretical models. It is important for studying exotic physics events because it allows us to test and refine different theoretical models and understand how these events may occur.

How can MadGraph be optimized for studying exotic physics events?

MadGraph can be optimized for studying exotic physics events by adjusting various parameters and settings within the program, such as the energy and type of particles being simulated, the number of events to be generated, and the precision of the calculations. Additionally, specific models and theories can be implemented to focus on specific exotic physics events.

What are some common challenges in optimizing MadGraph for exotic physics events?

One of the main challenges in optimizing MadGraph for exotic physics events is finding a balance between accuracy and efficiency. Increasing the precision of calculations can often lead to longer simulation times, while decreasing it may result in less accurate results. Additionally, selecting the appropriate theoretical model to use can be a challenge, as different models may be more suitable for different types of exotic physics events.

Can MadGraph be used to study exotic physics events beyond the Standard Model?

Yes, MadGraph can be used to study exotic physics events beyond the Standard Model. In fact, one of the main purposes of the program is to test and explore theories and models that go beyond the Standard Model, such as supersymmetry and extra dimensions.

How can the results from MadGraph simulations of exotic physics events be compared to experimental data?

The results from MadGraph simulations of exotic physics events can be compared to experimental data by analyzing the same variables and quantities in both the simulation and the experiment. This can help validate or refine the theoretical models being studied and provide insights into the nature of these exotic events.

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