Orbit in space (extrasolar planets)

In summary, the programmer is having trouble getting the radial velocity of the planet to match the radial velocity of the star. He is using data from a book, but is having trouble getting the phase of the planet to match the star's phase. He is using formulas from the book, but is having trouble getting the phase to match. He is tinkerign with the mean anomaly, but is having trouble getting the phase to match. He is also careful of the trig functions.
  • #1
Silly Lung
I'm working on this project and I've kind of come to a roadblock.

Here's a little background: we have a 1 solar mass star and a planet orbiting it. The planet is defined by 5 orbital elements (period, mass, eccentricity, longitude of periastron, and mean anomaly). I wrote a code that will plot the radial velocity of the planet vs. time. I'm using the systemic console (www.oklo.org). I don't know how familiar you guys are with it; this is my first post here.

Now the radial velocity of the planet tells us the radial velocity of the star. The only difference is the semi-major axis is reduced by 1/(1 + Ms/Mp) and the path is flipped by 180°.

Here's the problem: I plot the radial velocity vs. time and I get an ok looking graph. Then I go to do a fitting test. The amplitude is dead on. So that's correct. But every time, the phase is off! Sometimes by ~30°, sometimes by ~180°. What's going on?

Here's my math (skip to the bottom to see the phase): I'm using the book Solar System Dynamics by Murray and Dermott. There's a neat matrix and I'm taking the radial velocity to be along the X axis. The equation for that is...

X = r(cosΩ*cos(ω + f) - sinΩ*sin(ω + f)*cosI)

where r is the radius, Ω is the longitude of ascending node, ω is the longitude of periastron, I is the inclination angle, and f is the true anomaly. Ω = I = 0, so our equation is reduced to...

X = r*cos(ω + f)

Take a derivative to get radial velocity. r and f change with time so you have to product rule.

There's useful formulas in the book for r dot and r*(f dot), but my final solution for the phase of the planet is...

-[e*sinω + sin(ω +f)]

e is eccentricity.

Just switch the sign for the radial velocity of the star. Now f can't be explained simply in terms of the mean anomaly, but it can with the eccentric anomaly, E.

tan(f/2) = sqrt[(1+e)/(1-e)]*tan(M/2)

It's messy but my new phase for the star looks like...

e*sinω + sin(ω + [2 * arctan(sqrt[(1+e)/(1-e)]*tan(E/2))])

If we consider a perfectly circular orbit (e = 0), then arctan-tan eliminate, 2s cancel and we have ω + M on the inside, as I'd expect.

I related E to M using Newton-Raphson iterations, and checked for convergence using Kepler's Equation. And it works. I think I'm overlooking something really obvious. I've been staring at this for a few days.

Anyone brave enough to conquer my wall of text and lend me some insight? It would be greatly appreciated! :smile: Thank you!
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  • #2
On the systemic console, I think you have to tinker with the mean anomoly to get it in phase. But it sounds like you're trying to compute it, so no tinkering is required.

Your data file should be a long list of radial velocities. Is it possible that it begins at the wrong spot?

Also, be careful of the trig functions. They often provide answers in the wrong quadrant. For example, according to my calculator, tan(135) does not equal arctan(tan(135)). Rather than returning me to the 2nd quadrant, it gives me a 4th quadrant answer, so a little piecewise logic is required to get the desired quadrant.
  • #3
You are right. I'm generating my own mean anomalies so the value I get should match the value on the mean anomaly slider.

Interesting you mentioned the wrong spot thing. I hadn't thought about that until yesterday so I quickly fixed it. The phase is still off but not as bad...

Thanks for bringing the trig functions to my attention. That could very well be the problem. I'll take a look at them.
  • #4
It was the arctan-tan! Also making sin(ω +f) into a cosine made it work. I don't know why, but that's what happened.

Related to Orbit in space (extrasolar planets)

1. How do we detect the orbit of an extrasolar planet?

To detect the orbit of an extrasolar planet, scientists use a method called the radial velocity method. This involves measuring the slight wobble of a star caused by the gravitational pull of an orbiting planet. Alternatively, the transit method can also be used, which involves measuring the dip in a star's brightness as a planet passes in front of it.

2. What factors affect the orbit of an extrasolar planet?

The orbit of an extrasolar planet can be influenced by several factors, including the mass and size of the planet, the distance from its star, and the gravitational pull of other nearby planets or objects. Additionally, the type of star and the presence of a strong magnetic field can also affect the orbit of a planet.

3. Can the orbit of an extrasolar planet change over time?

Yes, the orbit of an extrasolar planet can change over time due to various factors such as interactions with other planets or objects, tidal forces from its star, and changes in the planet's atmosphere. These changes can cause the planet's orbit to become more elliptical or even result in it being ejected from its star system.

4. How do we determine the distance between an extrasolar planet and its star?

The distance between an extrasolar planet and its star can be determined using the transit method. By measuring the amount of time it takes for a planet to pass in front of its star and the star's brightness, scientists can calculate the distance between the two. Additionally, the radial velocity method can also provide information about the distance between a planet and its star.

5. Can we determine the shape of an extrasolar planet's orbit?

Yes, by observing the transit of an extrasolar planet and the amount of time it takes for the planet to complete one orbit, scientists can determine the shape of its orbit. Most extrasolar planets have orbits that are slightly elliptical, but some may have more extreme shapes such as highly elongated or even retrograde orbits.

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