Orbital mechanics terminal velocity vectors

In summary: Delta\nu}{\cos\alpha\sin\Delta\nu}.$$Substituting this into the previous expression for $\cos\Delta\nu$, we obtain$$\frac{r_1^2+r_2^2-c^2}{2r_1r_2} = \frac{\sin\beta - \sin\alpha\cos\alpha\sin\Delta\nu}{\cos\alpha\sin\Delta\nu}.$$Solving for $\sin\Delta\nu$, we get$$\sin\Delta\nu = \frac{r_1^2+r_2^2-c^2}{2r_1r_2
  • #1
For a given space triangle, derive expressions for the terminal velocity vectors ##\mathbf{v}_1## and ##\mathbf{v}_2## between points ##P_1## and ##P_2## in terms of the unit vectors ##\mathbf{u}_1##, ##\mathbf{u}_2## and ##\mathbf{u}_c##.

I know that ##\sin\left(\frac{\alpha}{2}\right) = \sqrt{\frac{s}{2a}}##, ##\sin\left(\frac{\beta}{2}\right) = \sqrt{\frac{s-c}{2a}}##, ##s = \frac{r_1+r_2+c}{2}##, ##a_m = \frac{s}{2}## (where ##a_m## is the minimum semi-major axis), ##A = \sqrt{\frac{\mu}{4a}}\cot\left(\frac{\alpha}{2}\right)##, and ##B = \sqrt{\frac{\mu}{4a}}\cot\left(\frac{\beta}{2}\right)##.

0\leq \Delta\nu\leq \pi,\quad & \beta = \beta_0\\
\pi < \Delta\nu < 2\pi,\quad & \beta = -\beta_0\\
t_2 - t_1\leq t_m,\quad & \alpha = \alpha_0\\
t_2 - t_1 > t_m,\quad & \alpha = 2\pi - \alpha_0
where $t_m$ greater than or equal to $t_2 - t_1$ is the shortest time of flight and the other situation is the longest.

The solution is
\mathbf{v}_1 = (A+B)\mathbf{u}_c + (B-A)\mathbf{u}_1
\mathbf{v}_2 = (A+B)\mathbf{u}_c - (B-A)\mathbf{u}_2.

I don't see how to obtain this.

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  • #2
The solution can be obtained by using the law of cosines, which states that for a triangle with sides of length ##a,b,c##, $$c^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2ab\cos\gamma.$$This equation can be applied to the space triangle to give$$c^2 = r_1^2 + r_2^2 - 2r_1r_2\cos\Delta\nu.$$Solving for $\cos\Delta\nu$ yields$$\cos\Delta\nu = \frac{r_1^2+r_2^2-c^2}{2r_1r_2}.$$Using the fact that $$\mathbf{v}_1 = v_{1,\parallel}\mathbf{u}_c + v_{1,\perp}\mathbf{u}_1$$and$$\mathbf{v}_2 = v_{2,\parallel}\mathbf{u}_c + v_{2,\perp}\mathbf{u}_2$$we can then solve for the components $v_{1,\parallel}$, $v_{1,\perp}$, $v_{2,\parallel}$, and $v_{2,\perp}$ in terms of $\mathbf{u}_1$, $\mathbf{u}_2$, and $\mathbf{u}_c$.Using the law of sines, we have $$\frac{\sin\alpha}{r_1} = \frac{\sin\beta}{r_2},$$which can be rearranged to get$$\frac{r_2\sin\alpha}{r_1} = \sin\beta.$$Using the fact that$$\sin\beta = \sin(\pi-\alpha) = \sin\alpha\cos\Delta\nu + \cos\alpha\sin\Delta\nu,$$we can solve for $\cos\Delta\nu$:$$\cos\Delta\nu = \frac{\sin\beta -

Related to Orbital mechanics terminal velocity vectors

1. What is orbital mechanics?

Orbital mechanics is a branch of astrodynamics that studies the motion of objects in space, particularly the motion of artificial satellites and spacecraft.

2. What is terminal velocity in orbital mechanics?

Terminal velocity in orbital mechanics refers to the maximum velocity that an object can reach in a specific orbital path, considering the effects of gravity and atmospheric drag.

3. How is terminal velocity calculated in orbital mechanics?

Terminal velocity in orbital mechanics can be calculated using the formula: Vt = √(GM/R + 2GM/R - 1), where Vt is the terminal velocity, G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the central body, and R is the distance between the object and the central body.

4. What is the significance of vectors in orbital mechanics?

Vectors are important in orbital mechanics as they represent the magnitude and direction of motion of an object in space. They are used to calculate and predict the trajectory and velocity of objects in orbit.

5. How does orbital mechanics affect space missions?

Understanding orbital mechanics is crucial for planning and executing space missions. It helps scientists and engineers calculate the trajectory, velocity, and energy requirements for launching and maneuvering spacecraft in space.
