Orbits of Transitive Group Actions

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a finite group G acting transitively on a set X and a normal subgroup H of G. It is shown that the size of the orbits of the action of H on X are of the same size, with an example given for clarification. The conversation then prompts the listener to think about how to find Hy, using the word "rotate" to describe the process.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Suppose G is a finite group, which acts transitively on a set X and let H be a normal subgroup of G. Show that the size of the orbits of the action of H on X are of the same size.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I haven't been able to get very far with this. The only fact I've gotten is that |H(x)| divides |G|, but I am not sure that is even relevant in this case.
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  • #2
First think about this example.

Let G=group of all rotations in the plane about the origin.

Let H=some subgroup, e.g. [tex]H=\{ R_0, R_{120}, R_{240} \}[/tex].

Let X=the unit circle with center at origin.

Let [tex]x=x_0=[/tex] some fixed point [tex] p_0[/tex] on the unit circle, e.g. [tex] p_0=(1,0)[/tex].

Let [tex]y=[/tex] some other point on the unit circle.

Draw a picture of Hx.

Now, what if you want to find Hy, but for some crazy reason you don't know how to find it directly. You only know how to apply the rotations of H to the point x, not any other point. Geometrically, describe how to find Hy. Use the word "rotate."

FAQ: Orbits of Transitive Group Actions

1. What are orbits of transitive group actions?

Orbits of transitive group actions refer to the set of all points that can be reached from a given point by applying the group action. In other words, it is the collection of all possible outcomes of a group acting on a specific element.

2. How are orbits of transitive group actions related to group theory?

In group theory, an orbit is used to describe the set of all elements that can be obtained by applying a group action on a specific element. Orbits of transitive group actions are particularly important because they help us understand the structure and behavior of a group.

3. What is the significance of orbits of transitive group actions?

The orbits of transitive group actions provide valuable information about the group itself, such as its structure, symmetry, and invariants. They also help us classify and analyze groups, making it easier to study their properties and applications.

4. How can we determine the orbit of a specific element under a group action?

To determine the orbit of an element under a group action, we can simply apply the group action repeatedly to that element until we reach a fixed point, or until all possible outcomes have been exhausted. The resulting set of elements will be the orbit of the original element.

5. Can the orbit of a transitive group action contain all elements of a group?

Yes, the orbit of a transitive group action can contain all elements of a group. This occurs when the group action is transitive, meaning that every element in the group can be mapped to any other element by the group action. In this case, the entire group will be contained within a single orbit.

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