Order of classes for a part time student

In summary: It's basically just a basic overview of the different fields of engineering and some basic concepts. Taking it at the same time as physics should be no problem.In summary, the speakers discussed their academic plans and sought advice on the best order to take their remaining classes. They agreed that mixing in some physics classes would provide practical applications for the math courses. They also suggested considering prerequisites and the difficulty of different professors when making a schedule. The order of classes mentioned included: Physics I, Intro to Engineering, Physics II, Multivariable Calc, and Linear Algebra & Diff Eq. It was noted that taking math courses before physics courses may be beneficial. The importance of balancing coursework with a full time job and personal life was also emphasized.
  • #1
Jeff Ford
I'm currently attending the University of Minnesota in the evenings, waiting for my wife to finish her Ph.D. I plan on going back for a B.S. in engineering, but I haven't picked a field yet.

I'm currently taking Calc II, and have the following classes left to take before I start full time

Physics for Engineers I
Physics for Engineers II
Multivariable Calc
Linear Algebra & Diff Eq

I'm trying to decide which order to take the classes in. Should I just go ahead and take all of the math in order, or should I follow up Calc II with both physics courses and then go back to the math? Any advice is appreciated.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I'd mix in some physics classes to get some variety and some practical applications to help motivate the math.
  • #3
I'd agree with berkeman...

but also critical... check pre-requisites/co-requisites for the different courses and base part of the decision on that, as professors will assuming you have taken -- or are at least concurrently learning -- certain material. Physics II, generally "E&M", might be difficult without Calc II (which is usually a bunch of differentiation/integration practice). But I think Calc III (vector calculus) and Diff EQ were both meaningless until I related it to the physics.
  • #4
Thanks for the advice. I'll finish Calc II this semester, and then I'll probably stick with the following sequence, taking 1 course per term.

Physics I
Intro to Engineering
Physics II
Multivariable Calc
Linear Algebra & Diff Eq

After that I should have enough knowledge to pick a specialization. My wife will be done with her Ph.D. by then, so I'll be able to start full time.
  • #5
I concur with berkeman, especially if one is planning a career in engineering as opposed to mathematics. It helps to apply the math one learns in engineering and physics courses.

While one is undecided, it would be a good idea to take as many physics courses in addition to engineering, since much of engineering is based on physics.
  • #6
If th classes are like the ones at most schools, I would take them in this order for a part time schedule:
Physics I
Physics II & Intro to Engineering (I am sure the engineering class is real easy)
Linear Algebra & Diff Eq
Multivariable CalcWhen you say multivariable calc do you mean the standard calc 3 course at most universities? Because at my school Calculus 3 and Linear Algebra are prerequisistes for Multivariable Calculus.
  • #7
I don't have the time to take more than 1 class per term, since I work a full time job. Taking physics and intro to engineering at the same time would be 11 hours a week of class in addition to 40 hours at my job. Too much for a married man. I put intro to engineering in between the two physics classes becuase it's only offered in the fall. Plus, while it doesn't look hard, intro to engineering looks pretty time consuming, with learning hand drafting, Pro/engineer, and a robot design project.

For the math classes, Multivariable and Linear Algebra & Diff Eq are the 3rd and 4th lower division math courses for all math, physics, and engineering majors. As long as you've got Calc 2 finished you can take them in either order.
  • #8
Jeff -- sounds like you are doing good planning. sometimes if the plan allows for flexibility... you can also look into the professors who are teaching the different options... and take classes from those that you have had and feel are particularly good at mentoring your academic growth. and huzzah!.. yea!... both for pursuing your own degree and balancing things as your wife completes her schooling!
  • #9
Screw the order, ask around and take the classes with the hardest teachers you can find. Order is not important at this point. In fact, I would recommend taking the math before the physics.

The prereq should be:

PhysicsI (mechanics) - concurrent enrollment in calc II.
PhysicsII (e&m)- calc III or diff eq.
physics III (waves, optics, modern physics)

Intro to engineering is a joke course. At this stage, you really don't have much choice of what order to take things.
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  • #10
Ya man, that intro to engineering course is going to be really easy compared to the physics classes.

Related to Order of classes for a part time student

1. What is the typical order of classes for a part-time student?

The order of classes for a part-time student may vary depending on their course load and schedule. However, in general, part-time students tend to take fewer classes per semester and may spread out their coursework over a longer period of time compared to full-time students.

2. Can part-time students choose their own class schedule?

Yes, part-time students typically have more flexibility in choosing their class schedule compared to full-time students. They may have more options for evening or weekend classes, and can often work with their academic advisor to create a schedule that fits their needs.

3. Are there any required classes that part-time students must take?

Part-time students are typically required to take the same core classes as full-time students, but may have a longer timeline to complete them. They may also have the option to take a reduced course load, which may affect which classes they are required to take in a given semester.

4. How many classes should a part-time student take per semester?

The number of classes that a part-time student takes per semester may vary depending on their personal schedule and academic goals. However, most part-time students take 1-2 classes per semester, which may equate to 6-9 credit hours.

5. Is it possible for a part-time student to switch to full-time status?

Yes, depending on the policies of the institution, part-time students may have the option to switch to full-time status. This may require taking a heavier course load or adjusting their schedule to fit more classes into each semester.

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