Order of concepts taught in calculus 1 & 2

In summary: Applications of differential equations.Applications of calculus.In summary, the table of contents in a textbook or two can be a helpful resource when trying to figure out the order of concepts in a calculus course. Different instructors may sequence the topics differently, but the topics generally covered in a first-year calculus course include limits, continuity, derivatives, integration, rates of change, implicit differentiation, and surface integrals.
  • #1
Hello everyone. I am about to start Calculus 1 and then Calculus 2. I want to get an idea of how the order of concepts of these to classes are generally laid out.Thanks
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  • #2
It has been a while since I have taken the courses, and there may be different sequences used by different profs, but what I have seen has been:
Limits & Continuity
Definition of a derivative as a limit
Special functions: Log, exponential, trig functions, etc.
Integration defined as a limit / Reimann Integration.
Application and problem solving.
Multiple dimensions and parametrics.
I am sure I have forgotten something, but that sums up what I remember from those two classes.
  • #3
What about chain rule and optimization, anti-derivatives?
  • #4
Niaboc67 said:
What about chain rule and optimization, anti-derivatives?
1. The chain rule is a special technique applied to finding the derivative of a function composed in terms of other functions.
2. Optimization is typically an application of derivatives to certain problems.
3. "Anti-derivative" is another name given to the indefinite integral of a function,
since integration and differentiation are inverse operations of one another, according to the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
  • #5
Ok, chain rule and optimization fall under the category of concepts related to understanding derivatives. And anti-derivative is the same as indefinite integral. Is there any difference between an integral and indefinite integral? so new to all this.
  • #6
Integrals come in definite and indefinite (sometimes improper, but don't worry about that for now). Definite integrals are more of what you might consider the "area under the curve" between two endpoints. Indefinite integrals are like you said, the anti-derivative...more of a functional form such that if F is the anti-derivative of f then
##\int_a^b f(x) dx = F(b)-F(a).##
Another example would be if ##f(x) = 2x##, ##\int f(x) dx = x^2 + C.##

Improper integrals are usually expressed over an infinite range, where a more "proper" integral would be expressed as the limit as the endpoint goes to infinity of the definite integral.
  • #7
Niaboc67 said:
I am about to start Calculus 1 and then Calculus 2. I want to get an idea of how the order of concepts of these to classes are generally laid out.

Have you checked out the table of contents in a textbook or two? For a basic course like that, I doubt that many instructors jump around a lot, although they may skip some secondary topics.

Also, when I Googled for "calculus syllabus" one of the first things I saw was a course page for Calculus I at Columbia University, including a syllabus with a schedule of topics covered, and homework assignments. There's probably a similar page for their Calculus II, although I didn't look.
  • #8
@jtbell http://math.columbia.edu/~macueto/CalculusFall2011.html#syllabus
that one?
  • #9
Found this one on google. Does this look about right?
Functions and graphs. Inverse functions.

The limit of a function. Algebraic computation of limits.


Exponential and logarithmic functions.

An introduction to the derivative. Tangents.

Techniques of differentiation.

Derivatives of trig., exponential and log. functions.

Rates of change. Rectilinear motion.

The chain rule.

Implicit differentiation.
Related rates. Linear approximation and differentials.

Extreme values of a continuous function.

The mean value theorem.

Sketching the graph of a function.

Curve sketching with asymptotes.

l’Hopital’s rule.

Optimization in physical sciences, etc.

Area as the limit of a sum.

Riemann sums and the definite integral.

The fundamental theorem of calculus.

Integration by substitution.

Introduction to differential equations.

The mean value theorem for integrals.

Numerical integration.

FAQ: Order of concepts taught in calculus 1 & 2

1. What are the main concepts taught in calculus 1 and 2?

The main concepts taught in calculus 1 and 2 include limits, derivatives, integrals, and applications of these concepts in real-world situations.

2. Are calculus 1 and 2 taught in a specific order?

Yes, typically calculus 1 is taught before calculus 2. This is because calculus 2 builds upon the concepts learned in calculus 1.

3. How are limits taught in calculus 1 and 2?

Limits are taught as a foundational concept in calculus, as they are used to understand the behavior of functions and solve more complex problems in later courses. In calculus 1, students learn about one-sided limits, continuity, and the basic properties of limits. In calculus 2, students learn about infinite limits, L'Hopital's rule, and techniques for evaluating more complicated limits.

4. What is the difference between derivatives and integrals in calculus 1 and 2?

Derivatives and integrals are two fundamental concepts in calculus, but they have different purposes. Derivatives are used to find the instantaneous rate of change of a function, while integrals are used to find the total accumulation of a quantity over an interval. In calculus 1, students learn how to find derivatives and use them to solve problems. In calculus 2, students learn how to find integrals and use them to solve problems in areas such as area, volume, and arc length.

5. Can you provide examples of real-world applications of calculus 1 and 2?

Yes, there are many real-world applications of calculus 1 and 2, including finding the maximum or minimum values of a function, determining the speed and acceleration of an object, and calculating the area under a curve. Other real-world applications include optimization problems, related rates, and exponential growth and decay. These concepts are used in fields such as physics, engineering, economics, and more.

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