Ordinary Differential Equations

In summary, this student is trying to figure out how to solve a differential equation and is looking for help. The student remembers some of the basics of differential equations but struggles with some of the specifics. The student has not learned how to integrate factors and may need help doing so. The student knows that the first order equation may be exact and may need to check for exactness.
  • #1

Homework Statement


The Attempt at a Solution

Its been two years since I've seen differential equations and now I'm taking a more advanced course in the same area so our prof gave us a couple questions to see what we remember. Its not worth any marks or anything but he is suggesting we hand it into get an idea for where we are. I spoke to my TA and she wasn't exactly all that helpful so if someone can point me in the right direction, it'd be awesome. I just need some tips, please don't give me full solutions or anything of that sort. Thanks :smile:

a) I think this is a separable equation so my guess is I can rewrite the y' as dy/dx and then move the dx over to the other side of the equation and then differentiate both sides in order to solve for y.

b) Its a first order equation and I honestly have no idea what to do with it lol. Its not separable nor is it an exact equation so umm linear? Integrating factor? Something like that? :S

c) Its a second order inhomogeoneous equation so my final answer should be the sum of a homogenous solution and a particular solution. First I think i'd solve the homogeonous equation by guessing a solution. I've been told that if we have a cosx in the equation, I should guess the solution cosx; if its a sinx in the equation, an appropriate solution might be sinx; if its e^x, a solution might be e^x. What I don't understand is in our equation, we have cos2x so should I guess cos2x or simply go with cosx? But yes, after solving the homogenous equation, I'd look for a particular solution. That's something I don't remember at all so I kind of need a hand as to where I should start with that. And I know once I have the particular solution, I'd simply add it to the homogenous solution I first found and that would be my final answer.

d) Ok I know its a second order homogeneous equation but how do I know which method I should use to solve the equation? How do you know when to use constant coefficients, Euler's method or reduction of order?

e) Second order homogeoneous equation and again its the same problem as question d). How do I know which method to use?

f) Its a first order equation and I think it may be exact? I suppose I should check for exactness and then go from there?
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  • #2
Have you learned the method of integrating factors?
  • #3
The prof just mentioned it briefly but I don't really know how to apply it.
  • #4
The first 2 don't require use of integrating factors. The first one is immediate by direct integration and the second can be integrated an inhomogenous linear 1-order ODE.


FAQ: Ordinary Differential Equations

What are Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs)?

Ordinary Differential Equations are mathematical equations that describe the relationship between an unknown function and its derivatives, with respect to one independent variable. They are used to model various physical, biological, and economic systems.

What are the applications of ODEs?

ODEs have a wide range of applications in fields such as physics, engineering, biology, economics, and chemistry. They are used to model many real-world phenomena such as population growth, chemical reactions, heat transfer, and electrical circuits.

What is the difference between Ordinary Differential Equations and Partial Differential Equations?

The main difference between ODEs and Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) is the number of independent variables. ODEs involve only one independent variable, while PDEs involve multiple independent variables. This makes PDEs more complex and challenging to solve compared to ODEs.

How do you solve Ordinary Differential Equations?

ODEs can be solved analytically using various methods such as separation of variables, substitution, and integrating factors. However, for more complex ODEs, numerical methods such as Euler's method, Runge-Kutta methods, and finite difference methods are used to approximate the solution.

Why are Ordinary Differential Equations important in science?

ODEs are essential in science because they provide a mathematical framework for understanding and predicting the behavior of dynamic systems. They allow scientists and engineers to model complex systems and make predictions about their future behavior, which is crucial in many fields of research and development.
