Organisms evolve through gene regulation: who/what is the regulator?

In summary, epigenetics is a process by which gene function can be changed without a change in the DNA sequence. This can be done through various mechanisms, including rearrangement of the genome.
  • #1
A tiny opossum's genome has shed light on how evolution creates new creatures from old, showing that change primarily comes by finding new ways of turning existing genes on and off.

"Evolution is tinkering much more with the controls than it is with the genes themselves," said Broad Institute director Eric Lander. "Almost all of the new innovation ... is in the regulatory controls. In fact, marsupial mammals and placental mammals have largely the same set of protein-coding genes. But by contrast, 20 percent of the regulatory instructions in the human genome were invented after we parted ways with the marsupial."
Who or what regulates genes?
And does this falsify the view that random mutation (and selection) evolves organisms?
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  • #2
Genes regulate genes. No, this does not falsify arbitrary mutations and/or natural selection.
  • #3
Protein coding genes are often regulated by non-coding DNA sequences. These sequences are not transcribed. An example of a regulatory sequence would be a promoter, a site where proteins that aid in the transcription of a coding gene can bind prior to the actual act of transcription. Another regulatory sequence might sit between the promoter and the coding gene, to which a repressor protein might bind. The repressor protein gets in the way of transcription proteins bound to the promoter, so the coding gene can't be transcribed. These are simple examples; there are many types of regulatory sequences throughout the genome of an organism.
  • #4
paralith said:
... These are simple examples; there are many types of regulatory sequences throughout the genome of an organism.
So there are different regulatory sequences, which are affected by biological and environmental influences and cause evolution (?).

Doesnt this directly contradict the view that: a random mutation occurs and (over time) causes evolution?
  • #5
PIT2 said:
Doesnt this directly contradict the view that: a random mutation occurs and (over time) causes evolution?

Not at all. Random mutations can occur in the regulatory sequences too. I think the point here is that evolution of regulatory sequences can potentially have a greater effect than evolution of coding sequences, because many regulatory sequences work with multiple coding sequences. However, whichever type of sequence you have, the ultimate end product is eventually a protein (or lack thereof), upon which natural selection can act.
  • #6
PIT2 said:
So there are different regulatory sequences, which are affected by biological and environmental influences and cause evolution (?).

Doesnt this directly contradict the view that: a random mutation occurs and (over time) causes evolution?

They both occur and both effect evolution along with gene duplications, alternative splicing, etc. etc.
  • #7
paralith said:
Not at all. Random mutations can occur in the regulatory sequences too.
The point is not that that could also happen and evolve organisms. The point is that that could also not happen, and still evolve organisms (through higher order gene regulation).

Take these statements for example:

Our report is not the first evidence of the existence of a specific mechanism directed toward genome rearrangements in stressed plants.

Our data suggests the existence of a specific, epigenetically controlled mechanism that promotes rearrangements in R-gene loci upon contact with a compatible pathogen.

Since epigenetics are "changes in gene function that occur without a change in the DNA sequence", the above link states, simply put, that there are mechanisms in those plants which are not controlled by gene mutations, yet do rearrange the genome. Basically, the plants detect environmental conditions that are unfavorable and then modify and reorganize specific parts of their genome in order to generate variations.
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  • #8
Changes in gene function due to epigenetics are still "genetic" in origin. Usually people refer to epigenetic regulation as any of the various chromosomal modifications that occur and can make transcription of certain genes more or less likely. The factors that affect these chromosomal modifications are themselves proteins coded for by DNA. So epigenetic regulators are just as subject to mutation as any other genes.
  • #9
Cincinnatus said:
So epigenetic regulators are just as subject to mutation as any other genes.

Perhaps even more so in many cases, as many essential genes to an organism's "fitness" become conserved and their exons are less subject to mutation than other regions of the genome.
  • #10
Also, rearrangement alone has the potential to powerfully effect transcription levels. Many regulators function via their position in relation to the genes they regulate. This is in addition to the fact that, as Cinncinnatus wonderfully put it, mutations can still be at the root of epigenetic regulator evolution.
  • #11
Just FYI, but this week's Nature has a whole section of articles covering the topic of epigenetics...assuming one has access.

Nature 24 May 2007 Volume 447 Number 7143

Epigenetics p395
Alex Eccleston et al.

Perceptions of epigenetics p396
Adrian Bird

Transcription and RNA interference in the formation of heterochromatin p399
Shiv I. S. Grewal and Sarah C. R. Elgin

The complex language of chromatin regulation during transcription p407
Shelley L. Berger

Nuclear organization of the genome and the potential for gene regulation p413
Peter Fraser and Wendy Bickmore

Epigenetic inheritance in plants p418
Ian R. Henderson and Steven E. Jacobsen

Stability and flexibility of epigenetic gene regulation in mammalian development p425
Wolf Reik

Phenotypic plasticity and the epigenetics of human disease p433
Andrew P. Feinberg

FAQ: Organisms evolve through gene regulation: who/what is the regulator?

What is gene regulation?

Gene regulation is the process by which cells control the expression of genes. This means that genes can be turned on or off, or their level of expression can be increased or decreased, in response to internal or external signals.

What role do regulators play in gene regulation?

Regulators are proteins that bind to specific regions on DNA, known as regulatory elements, and influence the expression of nearby genes. They can act as activators, stimulating gene expression, or repressors, inhibiting gene expression.

Who are the regulators in gene regulation?

There are many different types of regulators involved in gene regulation, including transcription factors, chromatin modifiers, and non-coding RNAs. These regulators can come from within the cell, such as proteins produced by the cell itself, or from outside the cell, such as hormones or growth factors.

How do regulators control gene expression?

Regulators control gene expression by binding to specific sequences on DNA, which can either promote or hinder the binding of RNA polymerase - the enzyme responsible for transcribing DNA into RNA. This determines the amount of RNA produced and ultimately affects the level of protein expression.

What factors influence the activity of regulators?

The activity of regulators can be influenced by a variety of factors, including environmental signals, cellular signaling pathways, and interactions with other proteins. Changes in these factors can alter the binding of regulators to DNA, leading to changes in gene expression levels and ultimately affecting the phenotype of an organism.

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