Organization of Website Tutorials Please.

  • Thread starter neurocomp2003
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In summary, the speakers are looking for good websites or tutorials to help them organize their large science website with multiple projects. They are hoping to use CSS and are curious about easier methods for typing information onto the website. One speaker recommends using PHP to reduce the amount of coding and suggests checking out for layout inspiration and asking for help in the forum. They also mention that their own website has recently been updated to version 5.
  • #1
Was wondering if any of you could provide me and a buddy good websites/tutorials for organizing large websites(large # of files with the same layout ie using css, not the simple stuff you see on like some faculty websites). We want to make a science websites for various projects we want ot pursue ie MEMS/Physics Sims and ALife/Neuropsych. 1-2yr years ago i learn to use frames...and well the layout is ok but is there and easier way...especially with typing information on to the website or will it always look like [] [/] cluttered through out the code?
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  • #2
I would recommend that you build your website using php, it is great for reducing the number of lines that you write. Every time i rewrite my website I do less and less coding. You can visit to check out the layout, and you can find out how anything works by asking in the forum. As you would see Only yesterday I put up version 5 and although its a resource website like yours the library is empty.
  • #3

Hi Jack,

Thank you for reaching out for recommendations on organizing large websites. As a web developer, I understand the importance of having a well-structured and organized website, especially when dealing with a large number of files and projects.

Firstly, I recommend checking out W3Schools ( for tutorials on website organization and CSS. They have a comprehensive guide on CSS layout, including using floats, flexbox, and grid, which can help you achieve a more organized and visually appealing layout for your website.

Another great resource is the official CSS website (, which offers tutorials and tips on CSS layout and organization for large websites. They also have a community forum where you can ask for specific advice and get help from other developers.

Additionally, I suggest looking into content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal, which offer user-friendly interfaces for organizing and managing large websites. These CMS platforms allow you to create templates and reusable components, making it easier to maintain a consistent layout throughout your website.

Lastly, I recommend using a code editor with features such as code folding and color-coding to help keep your code organized and easy to navigate. Some popular options include Sublime Text, Atom, and Visual Studio Code.

I hope these resources and suggestions will help you and your buddy in organizing your science website projects. Best of luck with your endeavors!


FAQ: Organization of Website Tutorials Please.

What is the purpose of organizing website tutorials?

The purpose of organizing website tutorials is to make the information more accessible and user-friendly for individuals who are seeking to learn about website design and development. By organizing tutorials, it becomes easier for users to find specific information and follow a logical sequence of learning.

How can website tutorials be organized?

Website tutorials can be organized in a variety of ways, such as by topic, difficulty level, or format (video, written, interactive, etc.). They can also be organized in a sequential manner, where each tutorial builds upon the previous one, or they can be standalone tutorials that cover a specific topic.

What are the benefits of organizing website tutorials?

Organizing website tutorials offers several benefits, including improved usability and navigation for users, a more efficient learning experience, and the ability to cover a wide range of topics in a structured manner. It also allows for easier updates and additions to the tutorials as new information or techniques emerge.

Who can benefit from organized website tutorials?

Organized website tutorials can benefit anyone who is interested in learning about website design and development, from beginners to experienced professionals. They can also be helpful for individuals who are looking to refresh their skills or learn new techniques.

How can I contribute to the organization of website tutorials?

If you have knowledge or expertise in website design and development, you can contribute to the organization of website tutorials by creating and sharing your own tutorials or by providing feedback and suggestions on existing tutorials. You can also collaborate with others to create more comprehensive and diverse tutorials for a wider audience.
