Origin of the Hubble Red-Shift

In summary: Who is this "I" that you speak of? You clearly have no understanding of what intuition actually is. Intuition is not a matter of being "intuitive", it is a matter of having a deep understanding of a subject. You clearly do not have this understanding, and so your "intuition" is nothing more than baseless speculation. Physicsforums are not about you, or you; they are about the science. And once again, you have avoided responding to any of the issues I brought up in my previous response.
  • #1
Suppose that some time in the future a clever
group of theorists and experimentalists finally
devise a way to accurately determine the value
of the Hubble Constant. Say by an interferometer
connected to a quantum computer. Everything
works fine in the lab and is checked and checked
again. The trouble starts when photons from
distant stars and galaxies appear to be giving
null results (like the Michaelson-Morely surprise).
A dilemma. IE, stars that should be receeding from
us at great speed appear to be motionless after
all corrections are applied. At first, the mainstream
guys declare the experiment is bunk, but everything
still works in the lab. After much chatter, a scape-goat
PhD is selected to inform the community that the
the red-shift is not inertial(Doppler), but is probably
gravitational. The Big Bang becomes history...and
Einstein's Cosmological Constant is put back into GR.
Psycho-Ceramics (crack-pots) come out of the closet
to explain the so-called "gravitational red-shift", but
only confuse the issue with theories such as "starmass
increase" as stars get further from the observer, and
"dark property" photon drains to account for the photon
energy loss vs distance traveled.

Finally, a bored grad student digs up some simple
black-hole equations and finds out that the singularity
is at the surface of a black-hole, contrary to the popular
belief that the singularity is at the center of a black-hole.
IE, at the center of a black-hole clocks run at normal
speed and at the surface are slowed to a stop relative
to clocks at the center. The grad student now sees
the visible universe as just another very large black-hole;
where clocks slow-down as they get further from an
observer, until they stop near 14 billion LY away. Einstein's
static universe becomes mainstream, the "big-bang" idiots
are fired from their cushy (but low paid) university jobs
and become taxi-cab drivers. Princeton offers the grad
student a great job and Einstein's old house...and she
lives happily ever after...the beginning.

Comments, flames, insults, objections, etc, etc will be
greatefully accepted. Have fun.
Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
The cosmological constant (lambda) is still in general relativity. On small scales its negligible, but its key for cosmology. The red-shift from the Hubble flow cannot be explained solely by GR effects local to the source. The expansion of the universe is an observed fact. Only a bad scientist would say its impossible for the universe to be static; but the Hubble red-shift is as certain as the sun being spheroidal.

Your hypothetical story doesn't make any sense. Our measurements of the Hubble constant are pretty good, definitely good enough that we can be sure that there is something going on.

And, I don't know why you decided to add a completely random and unrelated note about black-holes, but that makes perhaps even less sense. You clearly have no understanding of general relativity or cosmology. Before you start wildly proposing new and unneeded explanations, you should try to actually learn the present theories. Then, maybe, you can work on something new.
  • #3
zhermes said:
The cosmological constant (lambda) is still in general relativity. On small scales its negligible, but its key for cosmology. The red-shift from the Hubble flow cannot be explained solely by GR effects local to the source. The expansion of the universe is an observed fact. Only a bad scientist would say its impossible for the universe to be static; but the Hubble red-shift is as certain as the sun being spheroidal.

Your hypothetical story doesn't make any sense. Our measurements of the Hubble constant are pretty good, definitely good enough that we can be sure that there is something going on.

And, I don't know why you decided to add a completely random and unrelated note about black-holes, but that makes perhaps even less sense. You clearly have no understanding of general relativity or cosmology. Before you start wildly proposing new and unneeded explanations, you should try to actually learn the present theories. Then, maybe, you can work on something new.

I think I can resolve your mental state when you wrote that message
with some definitions I have for "intuitiveness" and "stick-to-itiveness".
Your "stick-to-itiveness" blinds you to the equivalences of the "black-hole"
and of the "visible universe". You think you will mysteriously become
intuitive after some time being a stick-to-itive. Don't get me wrong...
we need stick-to-itives. They are the teachers and experimentalists I
have great respect for. The intuitives are the theorists...I am an intuitive...
you are not. Without us, you would have nothing to study. We ask "why",
you simply "don't know why". Teachers have various methods for dealing
with intuitives, yours is very common and mundane. Obviously, you have
not "learned" much.
  • #4
physicsforums are not about me, or you; they are about the science. And once again, you have avoided responding to any of the issues I brought up in my previous response.

You have, exactly, illustrated the problem. You are an 'intuitive' (definition from my dictionary: "using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning"), i.e. you're trying to intuit answers to the questions of the universe which, oddly enough, require reasoning instead of wild guessing.

Just because you're proposing something contrary to common opinion doesn't mean its 1) novel, 2) insightful, 3) the slightest bit educated, 4) sensible; or 5) even vaguely coherent. Your idea that the Hubble doppler shifts are due to local GR effects is an old idea, and while those local effects are taken into consideration they are insufficient to explain the observations.

The fact that you clearly haven't even taken the time to read the wikipedia articles on this subject, far from reading/understanding a textbook or physics course, is insulting to the scientific community. Additionally, I have numerous times (in this post and others) given specific reasons and instances as to where your logic is lacking, flawed or non-existent---yet you ignore those responses and either redirect the topic or move to ad hominem issues, is insulting to me, and the PF community. If you want somewhere to rant about your wildy-unfounded physical theories, this is not it; try children's science fiction. If you have any actual questions or topics to discuss logically, and scientifically, I or anyone else here would be happy to participate.
  • #5
ClamShell said:
The grad student now sees
the visible universe as just another very large black-hole;
where clocks slow-down as they get further from an
observer, until they stop near 14 billion LY away. Einstein's
static universe becomes mainstream, the "big-bang" idiots
are fired from their cushy (but low paid) university jobs
and become taxi-cab drivers. Princeton offers the grad
student a great job and Einstein's old house...and she
lives happily ever after...the beginning.

Why would clocks stop 14 Bly away if there was no big bang? You are suggesting that universe is 14 billion years old and static?
  • #6
zhermes said:
The red-shift from the Hubble flow cannot be explained solely by GR effects local to the source.
No, but it can be explained by GR effects relative to an expanding spherical wavefront at the point of its observation.

zhermes said:
The expansion of the universe is an observed fact.
The only observed fact is a correlation between the cosmological redshift and distance of a galaxy - period. The expansion of the "Universe" as an explanation of that fact is at best a hypothesis. There is no empirical data that proves the "Universe" is expanding let alone emprical data that proves that the cosmos comprises a singular entity that can be treated as a "Universe".
  • #7
zhermes said:
physicsforums are not about me, or you; they are about the science. And once again, you have avoided responding to any of the issues I brought up in my previous response.

You have, exactly, illustrated the problem. You are an 'intuitive' (definition from my dictionary: "using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning"), i.e. you're trying to intuit answers to the questions of the universe which, oddly enough, require reasoning instead of wild guessing.

Just because you're proposing something contrary to common opinion doesn't mean its 1) novel, 2) insightful, 3) the slightest bit educated, 4) sensible; or 5) even vaguely coherent. Your idea that the Hubble doppler shifts are due to local GR effects is an old idea, and while those local effects are taken into consideration they are insufficient to explain the observations.

The fact that you clearly haven't even taken the time to read the wikipedia articles on this subject, far from reading/understanding a textbook or physics course, is insulting to the scientific community. Additionally, I have numerous times (in this post and others) given specific reasons and instances as to where your logic is lacking, flawed or non-existent---yet you ignore those responses and either redirect the topic or move to ad hominem issues, is insulting to me, and the PF community. If you want somewhere to rant about your wildy-unfounded physical theories, this is not it; try children's science fiction. If you have any actual questions or topics to discuss logically, and scientifically, I or anyone else here would be happy to participate.

First of all, I believe the local theories to be crack-pottery, as you do. Mine is
global in that it takes all of the universe's mass to produce a stopped clock
on its surface (14 billion LY from the observer/center), just like on the surface of a
black-hole. I'm not saying that there are massive bodies out there red-shifting
light from their neighboring stars, nor do I propose that we are at a favored
position in the universe. I am saying that whaterver object we observe has
to have a slower relative clock speed to us as observers; but if we traveled to
that object we would find that the object's clocks run no slower than our own.
That it has to do with relative clocking, not absolute clocking. In SR it happens
that way for motion, and I suggest that it is that way for GR too.

Secondly, I think crack-pottery only insults you...not me or the PF community.
  • #8
budrap said:
No, but it can be explained by GR effects relative to an expanding spherical wavefront at the point of its observation.
How so?

budrap said:
The only observed fact is a correlation between the cosmological redshift and distance of a galaxy - period. The expansion of the "Universe" as an explanation of that fact is at best a hypothesis.
That's a good point, the observed fact is that correlation. The only existing (reasonable) explanation is isotropically increasing distances which is defined as the expansion.

budrap said:
There is no empirical data that proves the "Universe" is expanding
That's only true to the extent that there is no empirical data to prove anything, any good scientist leaves room for doubt in all things---which is why I specifically made the sun comment (I wanted to avoid the flat-earth subject).

budrap said:
let alone emprical data that proves that the cosmos comprises a singular entity that can be treated as a "Universe".
This is just semantics, the universe is defined as that which is the cosmos and is a ~single entity.
  • #9
ClamShell said:
it takes all of the universe's mass to produce a stopped clock
on its surface (14 billion LY from the observer/center), just like on the surface of a
black-hole. I'm not saying that there are massive bodies out there red-shifting
light from their neighboring stars, nor do I propose that we are at a favored
position in the universe.
GR time dilation effects are dependent on the potential at that location, if the entire universe's mass/energy is causing this effect, if would be ~homogenous in space, and therefore not account for redshifts.

ClamShell said:
That it has to do with relative clocking, not absolute clocking. In SR it happens that way for motion, and I suggest that it is that way for GR too.
Yes, of course, such things are included explicitly in all GR formalisms, and all calculations of redshifts.

ClamShell said:
Secondly, I think crack-pottery only insults you...not me or the PF community.
Crack-pottery doesn't insult me, you not reading my responses insults me. I said, what insults the community is unfounded claims, and a systematic refusal to authentically seek (or even be open to) the existing canon of information and research, and opinion.
  • #10
Calimero said:
Why would clocks stop 14 Bly away if there was no big bang? You are suggesting that universe is 14 billion years old and static?

Why do clocks stop on the surface of a black hole? A warp in the
space-time continuum? What's that mean?
  • #11
ClamShell said:
Why do clocks stop on the surface of a black hole?
Clocks don't stop at the event horizon, the light coming from them is infinitely red-shifted. A clock passing the event horizon experiences nothing in particular.
  • #12
zhermes said:
GR time dilation effects are dependent on the potential at that location, if the entire universe's mass/energy is causing this effect, if would be ~homogenous in space, and therefore not account for redshifts.

Please clarify...I think you are on to something

Yes, of course, such things are included explicitly in all GR formalisms, and all calculations of redshifts.

Crack-pottery doesn't insult me, you not reading my responses insults me. I said, what insults the community is unfounded claims, and a systematic refusal to authentically seek (or even be open to) the existing canon of information and research, and opinion.

Sorry, I hate it when that happens to me. What is it that they say about
"learning more and more about less and less?"
  • #13
For time dilation effects (solely) to account for Hubble red-shifts, there would have to be a difference (inhomogeneity) in the rate at which clocks tick, and therefore in the metric tensor of the universe in those different areas. Because the redshifts are observed isotropically, we would have to be the only place in the universe which is not time-dilated to account for the Hubble shifts. Not only does that not make sense (for instance, because the universe is observed to be very homogenous on large scales), it also contradicts your claim that your theory is invariant to location in the universe.
  • #14
zhermes said:
Clocks don't stop at the event horizon, the light coming from them is infinitely red-shifted. A clock passing the event horizon experiences nothing in particular.

Clocks stop on the surface of a black-hole relative to an observer in a
near zero g field. They run at something like half-speed at the event
horizon to an observer in a near zero g field. And clocks onboard a
rocket going 0.707c relative to us experience nothing in particular
either. But, one second ticks transmitted back to Earth would be
received 2 seconds apart...did I do the arithmatic ok?
  • #15
ClamShell said:
Clocks stop on the surface of a black-hole relative to an observer in a
near zero g field. They run at something like half-speed at the event
horizon to an observer in a near zero g field. And clocks onboard a
rocket going 0.707c relative to us experience nothing in particular
either. But, one second ticks transmitted back to Earth would be
received 2 seconds apart...did I do the arithmatic ok?
Sure, but the key here is a difference between the observing clock and the event-horizon clock.

Related to Origin of the Hubble Red-Shift

1. What is the Hubble Red-Shift?

The Hubble Red-Shift is a phenomenon observed in the light emitted from distant galaxies, where the light appears to be shifted towards the red end of the spectrum. This is due to the expansion of the universe, causing the galaxies to move away from us and stretching the wavelengths of light they emit.

2. What does the Hubble Red-Shift tell us about the universe?

The Hubble Red-Shift is evidence of the expansion of the universe, supporting the theory of the Big Bang. It also provides information about the distance and speed of distant galaxies, helping us to understand the structure and evolution of the universe.

3. How did Edwin Hubble discover the Hubble Red-Shift?

Edwin Hubble, a famous astronomer, observed that the light from distant galaxies appeared to be shifted towards the red end of the spectrum. He then used this information to calculate the distances and speeds of these galaxies, leading to the discovery of the expansion of the universe.

4. Is the Hubble Red-Shift constant?

No, the Hubble Red-Shift is not constant. It varies depending on the distance of the galaxy from Earth. The farther away a galaxy is, the greater the red-shift will be, indicating that the expansion of the universe is accelerating.

5. Are there any other explanations for the Hubble Red-Shift?

There have been alternative theories proposed to explain the Hubble Red-Shift, such as the Tired Light Theory, which suggests that the red-shift is caused by the absorption of light as it travels through space. However, the majority of evidence supports the explanation of the expansion of the universe as the cause of the Hubble Red-Shift.

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