Origin of the Maxwell energy-momentum tensor?

In summary, the conversation discusses various energy-momentum tensors and their derivations in the context of Electrodynamics force. It is argued that the only way to obtain the Maxwell energy-momentum tensor is through writing the force as a divergence. There is a disagreement about the validity of using Noether's theorem to obtain this tensor, with one participant claiming that it is a delusion and that the Noether's theorem gives various energy-momentum tensors but not the Maxwell tensor. Another participant provides an explanation for obtaining the Maxwell tensor using Noether's theorem and discusses the gauge invariance of the tensor. The conversation also mentions various lagrangians and their corresponding energy-momentum tensors, with some discrepancies and criticisms raised. Ultimately, there is a
  • #1
Electrodynamics force is [tex]f_i=F_{ik}j^k=F_{ik}\partial_j F^{jk}[/tex]. I claim that the only way to obtain the Maxwell energy-momentum tensor [tex]T_i^j=-F_{ik}F^{jk}+\delta_i^jF_{kl}F^{kl}/4[/tex] is to write the force as a divergence: [tex]f_i=-\partial_jT_i^j[/tex].
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The energy-momentum tensor of any field must have zero divergence.
  • #3
Petr Mugver said:
The energy-momentum tensor of any field must have zero divergence.
It is a widely-spread delusion.
  • #4
It can also be derived from Noether's theorem, it is the conserved current of translations [itex]x \rightarrow x+a[/itex].
  • #5
Tomsk said:
It can also be derived from Noether's theorem, it is the conserved current of translations [itex]x \rightarrow x+a[/itex].
It is a widely-spread delusion as well. The Noether's theorem gives various energy momentum tensors, but not the Maxwell tensor.
Sorry, tex works badly.
Canonical Lagrangian L_1[tex]L_1=-F_{ij}F^{ij}/4[/tex] gives canonical tensor
Dirac’s Lagrangian L_2 [tex]L_2=-F_{ij}F^{ij}/4-(\partial_iA^i)^2/2[/tex] gives [tex]T_2{}_i^j=-\partial_iA_kF^{jk}+\delta_i^jF_{kl}F^{kl}/4-\partial_iA^j\partial_kA^k+\delta_i^j(\partial_kA^k)^2/2[/tex],
Vector Lagrangian [tex]L_3=-\partial_iA^j\partial^iA_j/2[/tex] gives [tex]T_3{}_i^j=-\partial_iA_k\partial^jA^k+\delta_i^j\partial_kA_l\partial^kA^l[/tex],
Soper’s Lagrangian [1] [tex]L_4=-F_{ij}F^{ij}/4-A_ij^i [/tex] gives [tex]T_4{}_i^j=-\partial_iA_kF^{jk}+\delta_i^jF_{kl}F^{kl}/4+\delta_i^j A_kj^k[/tex]. But Soper was mistaken: he obtain a false tensor [tex]T_f{}_i^j=-\partial_iA_kF^{jk}+\delta_i^jF_{kl}F^{kl}/4+A_ij^j[/tex] [2].
[1] D. E. Soper, Classical Field Theory (N.Y.: John Wiley, 1976).
[2] R.I. Khrapko, Professor Soper's mistake http://khrapkori.wmsite.ru/ftpgetfile.php?id=43&module=files
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  • #6
The fact that the energy momentum tensor you wrote can be obtained by Noether's theorem is NOT a "delusion": take the formalism of general relativity, take the usual electromagnetic field lagrangian, vary not only the A fields but also the metric, and finally impose the flat space-time metric... what will you get?
  • #7
Emmy Noether did not intend to use curvilinear coordinates. And why we must prefer [tex]T_i^j=-F_{ik}F^{jk}+\delta_i^jF_{kl}F^{kl}/4[/tex] to [tex]T_1{}_i^j=-\partial_iA_kF^{jk}+\delta_i^jF_{kl}F^{kl}/4[/tex], or others?
By the way, variation of coordinates does not give spin tensor!
  • #8
It's just a conservation law. The symmetric tensor is preferred because it is...symmetric, I guess. Variation of coordinates (and fields) by Lorentz transformations DOES give you the spin tensor. I don't know what Noether intended or not, I havent't read her biography, but using her theorem you get a lot of conservation laws (all, as far as I know) of a lagrangian field theory, regardless if the lagrangian describes a drum, a water wave, a Higgs boson or a general relativistic matter system.
  • #9
You're right that there's a problem with the normal derivation from Noether's theorem, the tensor


is not gauge invariant. But this can be solved with a couple of tricks. One is to perform a gauge transformation when you vary A, instead of

[tex]A_\mu (x) \rightarrow A_\mu (x+a) = A_\mu (x) + a^\nu \partial_\nu A_\mu[/tex]

you can subtract a gauge term like this

[tex]A_\mu (x) \rightarrow A_\mu (x) + a^\nu \partial_\nu A_\mu - \partial_\mu (a^\nu A_\nu) = A_\mu (x) + a^\nu F_{\nu\mu}[/tex]

because a is constant, and this gives you the standard gauge invariant stress energy tensor.
  • #10
Tomsk said:
But this can be solved with a couple of tricks.
Sorry, I do not understand your tricks. They gives [tex]T_5{}_i^j=-\partial_iA_kF^{jk}-a^l\partial_iF_{lk} F^{jk}+\delta_i^jF_{kl}F^{kl}/4[/tex] (Sorry, tex works badly)
My thought is the Lagrange formalism with the Noether's theorem cannot give the electromagnetic energy-momentum tensor. And the deriving of this tensor, which is described in all textbooks, is a mistake. See [1]
[1] R.I.Khrapko, “Mechanical stresses produced by a light beam,” J. Modern Optics, 55, 1487-1500 (2008) http://khrapkori.wmsite.ru/ftpgetfile.php?module=files&id=9
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  • #11
Sorry but I don't understand how you got that expression. I may have messed up, I don't know. I got the standard Maxwell stress energy tensor from the general equation for a Noether current.

If you have some fields [itex]\phi_a (x)[/itex] and a lagrangian [itex]\mathcal{L}(\phi_a (x),\partial_\mu \phi_a (x))[/itex], and if the action is invariant under some symmetry, you can transform the fields like this:
[tex]\phi_a (x) \rightarrow \phi_a (x) + \epsilon^\alpha \Phi_{a\alpha}(x)[/tex]
where epsilon is an infinitesimal parameter and Phi encodes the transformation in terms of phi. The lagrangian transforms like
[tex]\mathcal{L} \rightarrow \mathcal{L} + \epsilon^\alpha \partial_\mu \Lambda^\mu_\alpha[/tex]
So that the action is invariant. Then the Noether current is
[tex]j^\mu_\alpha = \frac{\partial\mathcal{L}}{\partial(\partial_\mu \phi_a)}\Phi_{a\alpha} - \Lambda^\mu_\alpha[/tex]
To get the Maxwell stress energy tensor, set [itex]\phi_a = A_\mu[/itex] so that a is a spacetime index, and set [itex]\epsilon^\alpha = a^\nu[/itex] where a is a constant infinitesimal vector so that alpha is also a spacetime index. Then to get the standard Maxwell stress energy tensor we require [itex]\Phi_{a\alpha} = F_{\mu\nu}[/itex] which I got by Taylor expanding A as normal, [itex]A_\mu (x) \rightarrow A_\mu (x) + a^\nu \partial_\nu A_\mu[/itex] then subtracting a gauge term, which doesn't affect the lagrangian, so it won't affect Lambda either. That gives [itex]a^\nu \Phi_{\mu\nu} = a^\nu \partial_\nu A_\mu - a^\nu \partial_\mu A_\nu = a^\nu F_{\mu\nu}[/itex] I think that works but I'm not 100%, if you found a mistake let me know...
  • #12
Usually, when deriving the Noether current (energy-momentum or angular momentum tensor), they use an infinitesimal coordinate transformation rather than transformation of field (the field satisfies Euler-Lagrange equations, i.e. field equations). Please present your calculation in details as an attachment.

FAQ: Origin of the Maxwell energy-momentum tensor?

1. What is the Maxwell energy-momentum tensor?

The Maxwell energy-momentum tensor, also known as the electromagnetic stress-energy tensor, is a mathematical concept used in the study of electromagnetism. It describes the distribution of energy and momentum within an electromagnetic field.

2. What is the significance of the Maxwell energy-momentum tensor?

The Maxwell energy-momentum tensor is significant because it allows us to understand the energy and momentum flow within an electromagnetic field. It is a crucial component in the equations that describe electromagnetic waves and their interactions with matter.

3. How was the Maxwell energy-momentum tensor discovered?

The Maxwell energy-momentum tensor was first discovered by James Clerk Maxwell in the 19th century as part of his work on the theory of electromagnetism. He derived it using his famous set of equations, now known as Maxwell's equations.

4. What is the relationship between the Maxwell energy-momentum tensor and conservation laws?

The Maxwell energy-momentum tensor is related to the conservation laws of energy and momentum. It is a mathematical representation of these laws in the context of electromagnetism. In other words, it describes how energy and momentum are conserved within an electromagnetic field.

5. How is the Maxwell energy-momentum tensor used in practical applications?

The Maxwell energy-momentum tensor is used in a variety of practical applications, including the design of electrical and electronic devices, the study of electromagnetic waves, and the development of communication technologies. It is also used in research and development in the fields of physics and engineering.
