Original Star Trek Fan Films: Live Long and Prosper

In summary, a group of dedicated Star Trek fans in rural upstate New York are working on a life-sized replica of the USS Enterprise bridge as a way to correct NBC's decision to cancel the original series. The project is gaining attention for its professional production and has sparked discussions about the future of low budget Trek productions on the internet. Some fans prefer the later series, such as TNG.
  • #1
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For those who like the original series, you might get a kick out this.

Star Trek Fan Films Live Long and Prosper
Weekend Edition - Saturday, July 22, 2006 · In a tiny town in rural upstate New York, sci-fi fans are correcting what they see as one of the great blunders in television -- NBC's decision to cancel the original Star Trek series.

On a sweltering Saturday afternoon in Port Henry, N.Y., James Cawley works on what looks like a Hollywood set. His life-sized replica of the USS Enterprise bridge sits in what used to be a used car dealership on the outskirts of town.

Now those are dedicated fans.
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  • #2
Intriguing captain.
  • #3
Oh no. Not another one.
  • #4
I'll watch that some time soon, when I'm not too busy. From the look of things in the photos, it seems to be a pretty professional production. Thanks for putting me onto it, Astro.
  • #5
That's funny! And not bad really, considering. That is, when compared to the original series.

Is this the future of the internet; another fifty years of low budget Trek? :biggrin:
  • #6
I prefer TNG myself.

Related to Original Star Trek Fan Films: Live Long and Prosper

1. What are "Original Star Trek Fan Films"?

"Original Star Trek Fan Films" are amateur productions created by fans of the Star Trek franchise. These films are not officially produced or endorsed by the creators of Star Trek, but instead are made out of love for the series and its characters.

2. Are fan films legal?

The legality of fan films is a complex issue. While they are not officially sanctioned by the creators of Star Trek, many fan films operate within the boundaries of fair use and do not infringe on any copyrights or trademarks. However, some fan films may run into legal issues if they use copyrighted material without permission or profit from their productions.

3. How do fan films differ from the official Star Trek productions?

Fan films often have lower production values and smaller budgets compared to the official Star Trek productions. They also do not have access to the same resources and technology as the official productions. Additionally, fan films may have more freedom to explore different storylines and characters since they are not constrained by the canon of the Star Trek universe.

4. Are there any famous or notable Star Trek fan films?

Yes, there are several famous and notable Star Trek fan films, such as "Star Trek: New Voyages" and "Star Trek Continues." These fan films have gained a significant following and have even attracted some original Star Trek actors to reprise their roles.

5. How can I watch original Star Trek fan films?

Original Star Trek fan films can be found on various online platforms, such as YouTube and Vimeo. Some fan films may also have their own dedicated websites or social media pages where they can be watched. Additionally, fan conventions and film festivals may also screen fan films for audiences to enjoy.
