Orthagonal Sets Homework: Gram-Schmidt Algorithm in R4

  • Thread starter theRukus
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In summary, the conversation discusses using the Gram-Schmidt algorithm to convert a set of vectors to an orthogonal set. The resulting set is found to be {[1 1 1 1]T, [-2 -2 1 3]T, [10/3 -8/3 -5/3 3]T}, with the first two vectors being orthogonal and the third vector being non-orthogonal. The conversation also includes a discussion about an error in finding the third vector and the importance of careful checking.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Use the Gram-Schmidt algorithm to convert the set S={x1, x2, x3} to an orthagonal set, given x1 = [1 1 1 1]T, x2 = [6 0 0 2]T, x3 = [-1 -1 2 4]T.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I've used the algorithm to come up with the set of vectors {[1 1 1 1]T, [-2 -2 1 3]T, [10/3 -8/3 -5/3 3]T. I've triple checked that I have executed the algorithm correctly.

My first two vectors are orthagonal; their dot product is zero. The dot product of third vector with either of the other two vectors is non-zero. Is this an orthagonal set? By definition I'm assuming that it's not, but is there some way that a set of 3 vectors in R4 can be orthagonal without all three vectors themselves being orthagonal... ? I highly doubt it.. but can someone provide some insight?

Thank you
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  • #2
(Hint: the correct word is orthogonal, not orthagonal)

All three vecters should be pairswise orthogonal. I'm guessing that the last coordinate of the third vector should be 1...
Can you present how you found the third vector? Maybe we can find the mistake...
  • #3
When finding the third vector, I already have set U = { [1 1 1 1]T, [-2 -2 1 3]T } as my SO FAR orthagonal set.

Use vector [6 0 0 2] from original set, and subtract from it its projection on the vectors in U:

[6 0 0 2]T - proj[1 1 1 1]T( [6 0 0 2]T ) - proj[-2 -2 1 3]( [6 0 0 2]T )

= [6 0 0 2]T - (8/4)[1 1 1 1]T - (-6/18)[-2 -2 1 3]T

= [6 0 0 2]T - [2 2 2 2]T - [2/3 2/3 -1/3 -3]T

= [10/3 -8/3 -5/3 3]T

Can anyone find an error here?

Thank you for your help
  • #4
Haha. Uhm. Cancel that, I've found my error. It's quite obvious as well. I'll be more careful in my checking next time. Thank you for the help micromass!

FAQ: Orthagonal Sets Homework: Gram-Schmidt Algorithm in R4

1. What is the purpose of the Gram-Schmidt algorithm?

The Gram-Schmidt algorithm is used to transform a set of vectors into an orthogonal set. This is useful in applications such as linear regression and data compression.

2. How is the Gram-Schmidt algorithm implemented in R4?

In R4, the Gram-Schmidt algorithm can be implemented using a series of vector operations, such as dot products, vector projections, and scalar multiplication.

3. What is the difference between an orthogonal set and an orthonormal set?

An orthogonal set is a set of vectors that are all perpendicular to each other. An orthonormal set is an orthogonal set where all the vectors have a length of 1.

4. Does the Gram-Schmidt algorithm work for any number of dimensions?

Yes, the Gram-Schmidt algorithm can be applied to any number of dimensions, not just R4. It can be used to transform a set of vectors into an orthogonal set in any dimensional space.

5. What are some practical applications of the Gram-Schmidt algorithm?

The Gram-Schmidt algorithm has many practical applications, including data compression, linear regression, and signal processing. It is also used in fields such as computer graphics, physics, and engineering.

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