Orthogonality of wave function of finite potential well

In summary, the conversation discusses the wave functions of infinite and finite potential wells and their orthogonality. The speaker has found that the wave functions for boundary states in finite potential wells are no longer orthogonal, unlike in the case of infinite potential wells. They are seeking an explanation for this discrepancy.
  • #1

As we know, the wave function of infinite potential wells form a complete orthogonal base. I have tried now to solve out the wave function for finite potential well, checking the orthogonality, I found that they are no longer orthogonal to each other (I mean the wave function of those boundary states). This is not that understandable to me, since the Hamiltonian is Hermite and the resulting wave function from different eigenvalue (non-degeneracy) should be "always" orthogonal to each other. Could anyone give explanation ?

Thank you !
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  • #2
Welcome to the forum, xieyi.

The eigenfunctions for the finite well are orthogonal. To show this by direct calculation is pretty messy, but it can be done.
  • #3

The orthogonality of wave functions in a finite potential well is a complex topic that has been extensively studied in quantum mechanics. The reason for the lack of orthogonality between the boundary states in a finite potential well is due to the nature of the potential itself. Unlike an infinite potential well, a finite potential well has a varying potential energy within its boundaries, resulting in a non-constant Hamiltonian. This non-constant Hamiltonian leads to a non-constant eigenvalue, which in turn affects the orthogonality of the wave functions.

To understand this further, we must consider the concept of boundary conditions in quantum mechanics. In an infinite potential well, the boundary conditions are well-defined and the wave function must be zero at the boundaries. However, in a finite potential well, the boundary conditions are not as strict and the wave function can have a non-zero value at the boundaries. This leads to a non-zero overlap between the wave functions of different eigenvalues, resulting in a lack of orthogonality.

Furthermore, the finite potential well also introduces scattering effects, which can further complicate the orthogonality of the wave functions. This is because the wave function of a particle in a finite potential well is a combination of both propagating and evanescent waves, which can interfere with each other and affect the orthogonality of the wave functions.

In summary, the lack of orthogonality between the wave functions of a finite potential well is a result of the varying potential energy and boundary conditions, as well as the introduction of scattering effects. It is a complex phenomenon that requires a deeper understanding of quantum mechanics and the properties of different potential wells.

FAQ: Orthogonality of wave function of finite potential well

What is the concept of orthogonality in the context of wave functions?

Orthogonality is a mathematical property that describes the relationship between two functions. In the context of wave functions, orthogonality means that two wave functions are perpendicular to each other when plotted on a graph, and therefore have no overlap in their values. This is important in quantum mechanics because it allows us to treat different states of a system as independent and separate from each other.

How does the concept of orthogonality apply to the finite potential well?

In the finite potential well, the wave function describes the probability of finding a particle within a certain energy level. The different energy levels are represented by different wave functions, and these wave functions are orthogonal to each other. This means that the probability of finding the particle in one energy level is completely independent of the probability of finding it in another energy level.

Why is the orthogonality of wave functions in the finite potential well important?

The orthogonality of wave functions in the finite potential well is important because it allows us to calculate the energy levels and probabilities of a particle in the well using a simple mathematical framework. Without orthogonality, the calculation of these values would be much more complex and difficult to solve.

How is the orthogonality of wave functions in the finite potential well demonstrated experimentally?

The orthogonality of wave functions in the finite potential well can be demonstrated experimentally through various methods, such as measuring the energy levels of a particle in the well using spectroscopy techniques. These experiments show that the energy levels are discrete and independent of each other, supporting the concept of orthogonality.

Does the orthogonality of wave functions hold true for all potential wells?

No, the orthogonality of wave functions only holds true for finite potential wells. In infinite potential wells, the wave functions are not orthogonal to each other, leading to different mathematical solutions and physical behaviors. Additionally, in some more complex potential wells, the wave functions may not be completely orthogonal, but may still have some degree of orthogonality.

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