Orthonormal basis of 1 forms for the rotating c metric

In summary, an orthonormal basis of 1 forms for the rotating c metric is a set of linearly independent 1 forms that are orthogonal to each other and have unit length. It is derived by solving the Einstein field equations for the rotating c metric and is important for understanding its geometry and physical properties. While it is specifically derived for the rotating c metric, similar concepts and techniques can be used for other metrics in general relativity. This mathematical tool is closely related to other concepts such as the metric tensor and the Riemann curvature tensor, providing a comprehensive framework for studying gravity in spacetime.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Write down an orthonormal basis of 1 forms for the rotating C-metric
Use the result to find the corresponding dual basis of vectorsSee attached file for metric and appropriate equations

The two equations on the left are for our vectors. the equations on the right are for our 1-forms/dual-vectors.

The Attempt at a Solution

g^μν= inverse metric on the manifold
η^μν=inverse minkowski metric=diag(-1,1,1,1)= minkowski m etric
E_a=non coordinate basis vectors for metric
Θ_a=non coordinate 1-forms for metric

I'm confused how we read off the g_μν from the metric above. Will this be equal to g^μν?

Do we have to expand the brackets or are the coordinates

1. dt-αx^2dφ

and the g_μν components just the factors in front of these square rooted? What are the vierbeins?
Any help would be appreciated.



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  • #3
lostphysicist said:

Homework Statement

Write down an orthonormal basis of 1 forms for the rotating C-metric
Use the result to find the corresponding dual basis of vectorsSee attached file for metric and appropriate equations

The two equations on the left are for our vectors. the equations on the right are for our 1-forms/dual-vectors.

The Attempt at a Solution

g^μν= inverse metric on the manifold
η^μν=inverse minkowski metric=diag(-1,1,1,1)= minkowski m etric
E_a=non coordinate basis vectors for metric
Θ_a=non coordinate 1-forms for metric

I'm confused how we read off the g_μν from the metric above. Will this be equal to g^μν?

Do we have to expand the brackets or are the coordinates

1. dt-αx^2dφ

and the g_μν components just the factors in front of these square rooted? What are the vierbeins?
Any help would be appreciated.


The metric components [itex]g_{\mu \nu}[/itex] are just the coefficients in the expansion of [itex]ds^2[/itex]. You write:

[itex]ds^2 = g_{tt} dt^2 + 2 g_{tx} dt dx + 2 g_{ty} dt dy + 2 g_{t\varphi} dt d\varphi + g_{xx} dx^2 + 2 g_{xy} dx dy + 2 g_{x\varphi} dx d\varphi + g_{yy} dy^2 + 2 g_{y\varphi} dy d\varphi + g_{\varphi \varphi} d\varphi^2[/itex]

(The reason for the factors of 2 is because it really should be [itex]g_{xy} dx dy + g_{yx} dy dx[/itex], but those two terms are equal, so I just wrote [itex]2 g_{xy} dx dy[/itex]). So if you expand your expression for [itex]ds^2[/itex], you can just read off the components [itex]g_{\mu \nu}[/itex].

As for the second question: No, [itex]g^{\mu \nu} [/itex] is not equal to [itex]g_{\mu \nu}[/itex], in general. Viewed as 4x4 matrices, [itex]g^{\mu \nu}[/itex] is the inverse of [itex]g_{\mu \nu}[/itex]. Or in terms of components:

[itex]\sum_{\alpha} g^{\mu \alpha} g_{\alpha \nu} = \delta^\mu_\nu[/itex], where [itex]\delta^\mu_\nu[/itex] is 1 if [itex]\mu = \nu[/itex] and zero otherwise.

FAQ: Orthonormal basis of 1 forms for the rotating c metric

1. What is an orthonormal basis of 1 forms for the rotating c metric?

An orthonormal basis of 1 forms for the rotating c metric is a set of linearly independent 1 forms that are orthogonal to each other and have unit length. These forms are used to describe the geometry of the rotating c metric, which is a solution to Einstein's field equations in general relativity.

2. How is the orthonormal basis of 1 forms derived for the rotating c metric?

The orthonormal basis of 1 forms for the rotating c metric is derived by solving the Einstein field equations for the rotating c metric and then using the metric coefficients to calculate the components of the basis forms. This process involves complex mathematical calculations and is typically done using computer software or specialized mathematical techniques.

3. What is the importance of using an orthonormal basis of 1 forms for the rotating c metric?

An orthonormal basis of 1 forms is important for understanding the geometry and physical properties of the rotating c metric. These forms provide a mathematical framework for describing the curvature and energy-momentum distribution of spacetime in the presence of a rotating mass. They also allow for the calculation of physical quantities such as the gravitational field and the energy-momentum tensor.

4. Can the orthonormal basis of 1 forms be used for other metrics besides the rotating c metric?

While the orthonormal basis of 1 forms is specifically derived for the rotating c metric, similar concepts and techniques can be used to construct orthonormal bases for other metrics in general relativity. The process may differ depending on the specific metric being studied, but the fundamental principles and mathematical framework remain the same.

5. How does the orthonormal basis of 1 forms relate to other mathematical tools used in general relativity?

The orthonormal basis of 1 forms is just one of many mathematical tools used in general relativity to describe the geometry and physics of spacetime. It is closely related to other mathematical concepts such as the metric tensor, the Christoffel symbols, and the Riemann curvature tensor. Together, these tools provide a comprehensive mathematical framework for studying the effects of gravity on the curvature of spacetime.
