Oscillating Ball on a Spring: Analyzing Motion

In summary, the conversation discusses a 1 kg ball oscillating horizontally on a frictionless table with a spring constant of 2.5 N/m. The amplitude is equal to x, and the maximum acceleration can be found by differentiating the equation for velocity with respect to time. The position of the ball when the acceleration is at its maximum can be found by solving for x when the amplitude is equal to A. The speed of the ball at a specific position can be calculated using the equations for position and velocity. By using the given values for x and vx, and eliminating the trigonometric functions using the fact that sin^2 theta + cos^2 theta = 1, the amplitude can be determined.
  • #1
Homework Helper
Gold Member
A .1 kg ball oscillates horizontally on a spring on a frictionless Table. k is 2.5 N/m. Its velocity is .2m/s when x= -.05 m What is :

a. The Amplitude
b. The Max Acceleration
c. What is the balls position when [tex] a = a_{max} [/tex]

This one I know. Here x=the amplitude because a will be greatest when the spring is at its extremes.

d. What is the speed of the ball at x = .03m

So I know: [tex] \omega = \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}} = 5 rad/sec [/tex]

[tex] T = 2\pi \sqrt{\frac{m}{k}} = 2/5\pi [/tex]

[tex] x=A\cos (\omega t + \phi_0) [/tex]

[tex] v_x = -\omega A\sin (\omega t + \phi_0) [/tex]


[tex]x=A \cos (\frac{2\pi t}{T} +\phi_0)[/tex]

I'm lost at how to use this info to solve the problem. Any hints?
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  • #2
At certain time 't' velocity and position are given. Use this on the following to get 2 equations that you can solve. [tex] x=A\cos (\omega t + \phi_0) [/tex]

[tex] v_x = -\omega A\sin (\omega t + \phi_0) [/tex]

Use the fact that

[itex] sin^2 \theta + cos^2 \theta = 1 [/itex]Accelaration can be found by differentiating [itex] v_x [/itex] with respect to 't' and then proceed to find [itex] a_{max} [/itex] from there.
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  • #3
OK I've tried adding the two equations together and I get:

[tex] x+v_x=A\cos(\omega t + \phi_0) - \omega A\sin (\omega t +\phi_0) [/tex]

I still don't see where to go from here. Sorry, I'm trying to teach SHM to myself and i guess i didn't do as great of a job as I thought. :)
  • #4
That is not what I said. Look at the following trig expression.

[itex] sin^2 \theta + cos^2 \theta = 1 [/itex]

I said use the above fact to some how get rid of sin and cosine from both of your equations

So you need to first plug in the given values for x and vx. At time t, x = -0.5 m and vx = 0.2 m/s. After you plug in these values, do the following to eliminate the trig parts from your equations. See what you get . You should be able to find the Amphlitude.

[itex] (\frac{x}{A}) ^2 + (\frac{v_x}{-wA}) ^2 = ?[/itex]
  • #5
Ok I got the answer. Thank you very much.

FAQ: Oscillating Ball on a Spring: Analyzing Motion

What is the oscillating ball on a spring experiment?

The oscillating ball on a spring experiment involves attaching a ball to a spring and recording its motion as it oscillates up and down.

What factors affect the motion of the oscillating ball?

The motion of the oscillating ball on a spring can be affected by the mass of the ball, the stiffness of the spring, and the force of gravity.

How do you analyze the motion of the oscillating ball?

The motion of the oscillating ball can be analyzed by measuring the amplitude, frequency, and period of the oscillations. These measurements can be used to calculate the ball's velocity, acceleration, and energy.

What is the relationship between the oscillation period and the spring constant?

The oscillation period is directly proportional to the square root of the spring constant. This means that as the spring constant increases, the period of oscillation decreases.

How can the oscillating ball on a spring experiment be applied in real-life situations?

The oscillating ball on a spring experiment can be applied in various fields such as engineering and physics to study the behavior of simple harmonic motion. It can also be used to model the motion of pendulums, musical instruments, and other systems that exhibit oscillatory motion.
