Oscillation of a coil in a Magnetic Field

In summary: hi dymir, in summary, the coil undergoes simple harmonic motion about the minimum torque position if it is rotated by a small angle.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hi I am really stuck on this question. It got handed out to us this morning and is due in Wednesday of this week. Any help would be great thanks.

A circular solid coil consisting of a circular disk of radius R = 20mm and mass M =
50 g pivoted through its diameter. It has 10 loop of thin wire round it circumference carry a current i = 400mA.
This coil is placed in a constant magnetic field of B = 100mT orientated such that the
torque on the coil is a minumum.
Show that if the coil is rotated by a small angle and released, it will undergo simple
harmonic motion about the minimum torque position. Calcualte the frequency of the

Homework Equations

Torque =μ(magnetic monent) ×B [Vector equation]
F(magnetic) = qv B
F(central) =(mv^2)/r
Torque= AIB sin(theta) [A is the area of the loop]

The Attempt at a Solution

I don't really know where to start. When it says the torque is a minimum does that its 0?
Should i solve the two force equations for r: r =mv/q B? Then solve for the frequency w=qB/m? Could the moment of inertia I = (1/4)mr^2, help me in this question? I mean I really don't know where to start and any help whatsoever would be much appreciated.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
hi dymir,

We know that the restoring torque of this system is:
τ=-NAIBsin(θ), (where N is the number of turns in the coil)

This means,
I_M*a ̈=-NAIBsin(θ), (where I_M is the moment of inertia, and a is the angular acceleration)
So for small angles:
I_M*a ̈=-NAIBθ,
Hence the EOM is of the form,
a+(ω^2)*θ, (where ω^2=NAIB/I_M)
This means there is harmonic motion,

To find the frequency of oscillation, we have angular frequency ω,

So the frequency is just;

Now u have the method, You can do the math^^
  • #3
Thank you very much for the help. I had spotted thta torque was alsoe I_M*a but I hadnt realized that w^2 = NAIB/I_M. Now however all is fine.

Thanks again brainstorm!


FAQ: Oscillation of a coil in a Magnetic Field

1. What is the basic principle behind the oscillation of a coil in a magnetic field?

The oscillation of a coil in a magnetic field is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. When a magnetic field moves relative to a conductor, it induces an electric current in the conductor. Similarly, when a conductor moves relative to a magnetic field, it experiences a force that causes it to oscillate.

2. What factors affect the frequency of oscillation in a coil within a magnetic field?

The frequency of oscillation in a coil within a magnetic field depends on factors such as the strength of the magnetic field, the mass and geometry of the coil, and the resistance of the circuit. It can also be affected by the presence of other nearby magnetic fields or conductors.

3. How can the oscillation of a coil in a magnetic field be used in practical applications?

The oscillation of a coil in a magnetic field has many practical applications. It is used in electric generators to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. It is also used in electric motors to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. Other applications include magnetic levitation, electric guitar pickups, and metal detectors.

4. What is the relationship between the frequency of oscillation and the strength of the magnetic field?

The frequency of oscillation is directly proportional to the strength of the magnetic field. This means that as the strength of the magnetic field increases, the frequency of oscillation also increases. This relationship can be described by the equation f = B/(2πm), where B is the magnetic field strength and m is the mass of the coil.

5. How can the oscillation of a coil in a magnetic field be controlled or manipulated?

The oscillation of a coil in a magnetic field can be controlled or manipulated by changing the strength or direction of the magnetic field, adjusting the mass or geometry of the coil, or varying the resistance in the circuit. Additionally, the use of external electrical currents or magnetic fields can also affect the oscillation of the coil.
