Other Solar Systems: What Are They?

In summary, there is technically only one known solar system, derived from our sun's name, Sol. The known stellar systems are mostly represented by planets that look like Jupiter, with only a handful of exoplanets directly imaged in visible light. However, with new techniques and advanced technology, we are getting closer to seeing more planets directly. One such example is the Gliese 581 system, with at least 4 planets, one of which is a rocky planet with a deep ocean and potentially habitable conditions. If we do discover a habitable planet, it is likely that there will be a demand for vacations and further research to reach it. However, it is also possible that human foibles and competition may arise in the process.
  • #1
What are the others known solar systems ?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2

Technically, there is only one Solar system, as this is derived from Sol, our sun's name. So these are the known stellar systems.:smile:
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  • #3
  • #4
These planets look like stars!
  • #5
No, they don't - most look like Jupiter. And in any case, we can't see them directly anyway.
  • #6
russ_watters said:
And in any case, we can't see them directly anyway.

Why not?

From the caption:
Biller and her colleagues obtained this image of a very cool brown dwarf orbiting a star near our sun using a camera on the Very Large Telescope in Chile. (Credit: Beth Biller and Laird Close, UA Steward Observatory, 2006)


  • brown_dwarf-210.jpg
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  • #7
Wow, I didn't realize that was possible...

Anyway, this article implies that that is the only such photo yet taken and it is only possible because the planet is large and orbiting a brown dwarf at a large distance and both are imaged in infrared. A very unusual case. http://www.eso.org/public/news/eso0511/
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  • #8
In the time since then, a handful of exoplanets have been directly imaged, including in the visible.

Of course, seeing the shadow is even simpler.
  • #9
russ_watters said:
Anyway, this article implies that that is the only such photo yet taken and it is only possible because the planet is large and orbiting a brown dwarf at a large distance and both are imaged in infrared. A very unusual case. http://www.eso.org/public/news/eso0511/

There are a few other photos of other planets, but they are definitely still the exception rather than the rule. The http://www.physorg.com/news185795684.html" was captured with visible light! As with so many things in astronomy, it's only a matter of time. We're taking the most amazing pictures ever, and I can't wait to see how the technology improves.

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  • #10
As i recall 3 planets - out of which one was actually a brown dwarf - has been observed directly so far.
But we will be able to see them very soon; New techniques to substract the stellar glare from exoplanets observations, promises to make it possible for todays Earth based telescopes to see them

See the articles at http://www.spacedog.eu/astronomy/exoplanets/

And with the James Weeb 8m spacetelescope in 2015, the ESO 45m OWL telescope and several others, we will soon also have far more raw resolution power to work with.

But to answer the question:
The Gliese 581-system is a small dwarf-star surrounded by at least 4 planets, out of which 2 are gas-giants and one is an icy planet. But the fourth planet - Gliese581C is a rocky planet5x heavier than Earth, which is covered with a deep ocean!

How do we know this?
Fairly "simple": It has been discovered through the transit method, which allow the astronomers to measure its diameter, based on how much light it's shadow "steals" from the mother-star. Based on the start wobble, it's mass camn be measured.

This has lead to tyhe conclusion, that it has density of 2,5. And since gas is <1, ice is 1 and rock is 4, it has to have a large rocky core, but mixed with plenty of ice, liquid (water, COx or methane) or gas (atmosphere).

Considering that it is in the bio-zone from the star it has been estimated that it has a surface temperature of 0-20'C.

See more on Gliese581 on Wikipedia

/Best regards

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  • #11
If we do finally a detect a habitable planet it will be frustrating for mankind to have to wait until interstellar travel becomes possible in order to visit it. That's it ever does become possible of course.
  • #12
Radrook said:
If we do finally a detect a habitable planet it will be frustrating for mankind to have to wait until interstellar travel becomes possible in order to visit it.

it won't be frustrating at all. if a habital planet is ever found, each and every human on Earth will demand vacations there and ALL research will be directed toward reaching it... I PROMISE YOU THAT
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  • #13
FawkesCa said:
if a habital planet is ever found, each and every human on Earth will demand vacations there and ALL research will be directed toward reaching it... I PROMISE YOU THAT
If history is any guide a small proportion of people will move there and then spend large amounts of time, money and effort keeping those other aliens out
  • #14
mgb_phys said:
If history is any guide a small proportion of people will move there and then spend large amounts of time, money and effort keeping those other aliens out

lets just hope we've evolved better than that...who am i kidding, those aliens are FRAKKING SCREWED
  • #15
That's the pity of it all. We take all our foibles with us and that's not good for us nor for others.
  • #16
I think there's a lot of conditions to be accomplished for a planet to support life. And i think that we don't know everything of that.
  • #17
I doubt we much competion for seeding the galaxy with humanity. Until we find a big sign saying "%& $^*" [eat more embryonic amphibians], the galaxy is our plumb.
  • #18
What's a star for us is a sun for them.
Wanna see what an alien looks like?
Look in the mirror.

FAQ: Other Solar Systems: What Are They?

1. What are other solar systems?

Other solar systems, also known as extrasolar systems, are systems consisting of a star or stars, along with any planets, moons, asteroids, and other celestial bodies that orbit around it. These systems are similar to our own solar system, but can have different compositions, sizes, and number of planets.

2. How are other solar systems discovered?

Other solar systems are typically discovered using a variety of methods, including the radial velocity method, transit method, direct imaging, and astrometry. These methods involve observing the motion, brightness, and position of stars and their surroundings to infer the presence of planets and other objects.

3. What are the characteristics of other solar systems?

The characteristics of other solar systems can vary greatly, as each system is unique. However, some common characteristics include a central star, multiple planets of varying sizes and compositions, and debris disks or belts where smaller objects like asteroids and comets can be found. Some systems may also have binary or multiple stars.

4. Are there any other solar systems that could potentially support life?

While no confirmed cases have been found yet, it is possible that other solar systems could support life. Scientists look for planets that are within the habitable zone of their star, where temperatures are suitable for liquid water to exist. They also look for other factors such as the presence of an atmosphere and potential for the planet to have a stable climate.

5. How do other solar systems help us understand our own solar system?

Other solar systems provide a wider range of data and examples for scientists to study and compare to our own solar system. By learning about the diversity of other systems, we can gain a better understanding of the formation, evolution, and potential future of our own solar system. This knowledge can also help us refine our theories and models about the universe and its origins.

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