Our universe may have emerged from a black hole in a higher-dimensiona

In summary: Comments: 5 pages, 2 figuresIn summary, the conversation revolves around a speculative possibility proposed by Niayesh Afshordi and his colleagues that our universe may have emerged from a black hole in a higher-dimensional universe. This idea is based on a braneworld description of cosmology and suggests that the universe emerged as a spherical 3-brane out of the formation of a 5d Schwarzschild black hole. This theory also offers an explanation for the beginning of the universe and its finite age. However, there are other theories such as the matter bounce model proposed by Robert Brandenberger and Y-F Cai, which do not require extra dimensions and suggest a rebound in 4d spacetime. While this idea
  • #1
An interesting article for ordinary people but I just wondered if it is science or pseudo science?
It offers an explanation why the Universe has a beginning and has finite age.
To me it suggests many Universes occurring at random, like raindrops falling randomly into an ocean of space time.


Our universe may have emerged from a black hole in a higher-dimensional universe

The cosmos as we know it might be nothing more than a three-dimensional 'mirage' created by a collapsing star in a universe profoundly different than our own

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Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
the arxiv.org preprint
Out of the White Hole: A Holographic Origin for the Big Bang

Razieh Pourhasan, Niayesh Afshordi, Robert B. Mann
(Submitted on 5 Sep 2013 (v1), last revised 22 Sep 2013 (this version, v2))
While most of the singularities of General Relativity are expected to be safely hidden behind event horizons by the cosmic censorship conjecture, we happen to live in the causal future of the classical big bang singularity, whose resolution constitutes the active field of early universe cosmology. Could the big bang be also hidden behind a causal horizon, making us immune to the decadent impacts of a naked singularity? We describe a braneworld description of cosmology with both 4d induced and 5d bulk gravity (otherwise known as Dvali-Gabadadze-Porati, or DGP model), which exhibits this feature: The universe emerges as a spherical 3-brane out of the formation of a 5d Schwarzschild black hole. In particular, we show that a pressure singularity of the holographic fluid, discovered earlier, happens inside the white hole horizon, and thus need not be real or imply any pathology. Furthermore, we outline a novel mechanism through which any thermal atmosphere for the brane, with comoving temperature of 20% of the 5D Planck mass can induce scale-invariant primordial curvature perturbations on the brane, circumventing the need for a separate process (such as cosmic inflation) to explain current cosmological observations. Finally, we note that 5D space-time is asymptotically flat, and thus potentially allows an S-matrix or (after minor modifications) AdS/CFT description of the cosmological big bang.
Comments: 16 pages, 3 figures

I can't offer any evaluation as to how good science it is. I respect Afshordi, very able intelligent guy, seen him over the years. Personally never interested in his research which was more on the stringy side.
Nothing here looks like "pseudo" science. Although has the feel of a wild guess. But there have to be some wild guesses now and then. Most get shot down or forgotten, it comes with the territory.

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  • #3
Thanks Marcus.
Understood that it is only a speculative possibility, until we have some measurements and math!
I remember reading about white holes 40 years ago!

I wonder if this model is also consistent with Sten Odenwald views that space and time are a byproduct of gravity.
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  • #4
Can't say! But I noticed another slightly helpful resource: there was a link in the phys.org piece you originally referred to that pointed to a September 2013 article in NATURE NEWS

It is short and clearly written. based on interview with Afshordi. It does not go into any great depth but it might help supplement one's understanding. The journalist is named Zeeya Merali---FWIW I think she's pretty good as a science journalist.

Personally this business of braneworlds and 4d stars in a 5d universe:confused::rolleyes:. And them having their own 4d stars collapse and form their own hyperspace black holes. This is not my cup of tea.

But scientists have to speculate and consider all manner of wild possibilities. It keeps them young and on their toes. And once in a blue moon there is a substantial payoff.

there are other ways to quantize geometry that don't lead to higher dimension and which do lead to a simple bounce at very high density, so that you simply work back in time and you find our expansion (because it started at very high density) must have been a bounce from a contracting phase of cosmos history. By comparison that is fairly straightforward, no metaphysics just our familiar 3+1 dimensional geometry and its complement of matter, but collapsing and rebounding.

Tame and humdrum compared with Afshordi's hyper-stars collapsing to form hyper-black-holes. :biggrin:
  • #5
Aren't the rebound models unphysical?
check attachment from John A Peacock -Cosmological Physics (2010)
pg 82-83


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  • #6
The open-acccess journal reference is,


"Out of the white hole: a holographic origin for the Big Bang", published in the ournal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics.

Coauthor Rob Mann is a former chair of the Department of Physics at the University of Waterloo.

ChrisVer said:
Aren't the rebound models unphysical?
check attachment from John A Peacock -Cosmological Physics (2010)
pg 82-83

This well-known result is not relevant for their brane/bulk cosmology.
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  • #7
I don't imagine Peacock's result applies to most of the current bounce cosmology papers including those e.g. by Robert Brandenberger and Y-F Cai (who works with him) on matter bounce.

There's been a convergence of researchers on non-singular bounce cosmology including quite well-known folks. Here just as a sample is a June 2014 paper by Brandenberger et al.
Here's a 2012 paper by Brandenberger et al.

I'll also get some pointers to Paul Steinhardt papers on his type of bounce cosmology. Recently it doesn't seem to require extra dimensions, just a bounce in 4d spacetime
  • #8
This might work. It is a short paper, but one can see what previous work they cite:
Sailing through the big crunch-big bang transition
Itzhak Bars (Southern California U.) , Paul Steinhardt (Princeton U.) , Neil Turok (Perimeter Inst. Theor. Phys.)
Phys.Rev. D89 (2014) 061302
In a recent series of papers, we have shown that theories with scalar fields coupled to gravity (e.g., the standard model) can be lifted to a Weyl-invariant equivalent theory in which it is possible to unambiguously trace the classical cosmological evolution through the transition from big crunch to big bang. The key was identifying a sufficient number of finite, Weyl-invariant conserved quantities to uniquely match the fundamental cosmological degrees of freedom across the transition. In so doing we had to account for the well-known fact that many Weyl-invariant quantities diverge at the crunch and bang. Recently, some authors rediscovered a few of these divergences and concluded based on their existence alone that the theories cannot be geodesically complete. In this note, we show that this conclusion is invalid. Using conserved quantities we explicitly construct the complete set of geodesics and show that they pass continuously through the big crunch-big bang transition.
3 pages, 1 figure.
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FAQ: Our universe may have emerged from a black hole in a higher-dimensiona

1. How did scientists come up with the idea that our universe may have emerged from a black hole in a higher-dimensional space?

The idea of our universe emerging from a black hole in a higher-dimensional space is based on the theory of general relativity, which was developed by Albert Einstein. According to this theory, black holes are regions in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that even light cannot escape. It also suggests that the fabric of space and time can be warped by massive objects like black holes. This led scientists to consider the possibility that our universe could have originated from a black hole in a higher-dimensional space.

2. What is a higher-dimensional space and how does it relate to our universe?

A higher-dimensional space is a theoretical concept that suggests the existence of more than the three dimensions of space and one dimension of time that we experience in our everyday lives. In this theory, the additional dimensions are compactified, meaning they are curled up and hidden from our perception. This higher-dimensional space is thought to have played a role in the birth of our universe, as it may have provided the conditions for the formation of a black hole from which our universe emerged.

3. How does this theory explain the Big Bang?

The Big Bang theory suggests that our universe originated from a singularity, a point of infinite density and temperature. However, it does not explain what caused the singularity to exist. The idea that our universe emerged from a black hole in a higher-dimensional space provides a possible explanation for the origin of the singularity. According to this theory, the singularity was the result of the collapse of a higher-dimensional black hole, which then expanded to form our universe.

4. Can this theory be tested or proven?

Currently, there is no way to directly test or prove this theory. However, scientists are constantly conducting experiments and observations to gather evidence and refine our understanding of the universe. Some scientists are also working on theoretical models and simulations to explore the implications of this theory and its potential for further research.

5. How does this theory fit with other theories and observations about the universe?

This theory is still a topic of debate and is not widely accepted by the scientific community. However, it does have some connections to other theories and observations about the universe. It aligns with the Big Bang theory in explaining the origin of the universe, and it also connects with the concept of black holes and their role in shaping the fabric of space and time. Further research and evidence may help to solidify its place in our understanding of the universe.

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