Our world as a typical F-theory vacuum?

  • Thread starter mitchell porter
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In summary, the paper presents a hypothesis that the string theory landscape is dominated by "flux vacua" from a single compactification manifold, and that our world could be one of them. The F-theory geometry with the most flux vacua is estimated to have ##{\cal O} (10^{272,000})## vacua, while other geometries have a much smaller number. The fourfold ##{\cal M}_{\rm max}## gives rise to a gauge group of ##E_8^9 \times F_4^8 \times (G_2 \times SU(2))^{16}##, with factors potentially broken by G-flux. This paper can be seen as a framework for predicting the
  • #1
mitchell porter
Gold Member
This paper presents an unusually concrete hypothesis about the string theory landscape - that it is numerically dominated by "flux vacua" arising from a single compactification manifold. And our world could be one of them.

The F-theory geometry with most flux vacua
Washington Taylor, Yi-Nan Wang
(Submitted on 10 Nov 2015)
Applying the Ashok-Denef-Douglas estimation method to elliptic Calabi-Yau fourfolds suggests that a single elliptic fourfold ##{\cal M}_{\rm max}## gives rise to ##{\cal O} (10^{272,000})## F-theory flux vacua, and that the sum total of the numbers of flux vacua from all other F-theory geometries is suppressed by a relative factor of ##{\cal O} (10^{-3000})##. The fourfold ##{\cal M}_{\rm max}## arises from a generic elliptic fibration over a specific toric threefold base ##B_{\rm max}##, and gives a geometrically non-Higgsable gauge group of ##E_8^9 \times F_4^8 \times (G_2 \times SU(2))^{16}##, of which we expect some factors to be broken by G-flux to smaller groups. It is not possible to tune an ##SU(5)## GUT group on any further divisors in ##{\cal M}_{\rm max}##, or even an ##SU(2)## or ##SU(3)##, so the standard model gauge group appears to arise in this context only from a broken ##E_8## factor. The results of this paper can either be interpreted as providing a framework for predicting how the standard model arises most naturally in F-theory and the types of dark matter to be found in a typical F-theory compactification, or as a challenge to string theorists to explain why other choices of vacua are not exponentially unlikely compared to F-theory compactifications on ##{\cal M}_{\rm max}##.
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  • #2
I'm probably not the one whom you wanted to address since my knowledge here is basic at its best. Therefore my question: Did you post this as information for string theorists or as germ of a discussion? Do you want it to keep it under "unanswered"?
Am I right that I counted more than ##10^{61}## dimensions of this gauge group? That's a hell of a group.
If I'm allowed may I ask something general: Why are all gauge groups, except some small ##SU(n)## always exceptional Lie Groups? Is it because it has to be a Lie Group plus high coefficients, i.e. variability in the root system?
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  • #3
It was meant for discussion...

Those Lie group factors in the "geometrically non-Higgsable gauge group" actually come from a geometric incarnation of the Dynkin diagrams. The "elliptic fourfold ##{\cal M}_{\rm max}##" contains singularities which are what you would get if you started with a set of two-spheres touching each other with a topology encoded in a Dynkin diagram (point = sphere, edge = touching), and then shrank the sphere's volumes to zero. And I think the gauge field comes from D2-branes wrapping the two-spheres.

##{\cal M}_{\rm max}## is basically a Calabi-Yau space, such as you hear about in popular descriptions of string theory - a microscopic six-dimensional space which is to be understood as existing at each point in our macroscopic four-dimensional space-time - but filled with an "axio-dilaton field" that takes different values throughout its volume.

If I have understood correctly, the singularities I just mentioned pertain to the combination "metric + axio-dilaton". And at 33 separate locations in ##{\cal M}_{\rm max}##, there is a point or a surface where this combination becomes singular in the way described, giving rise to a gauge field (or actually, an N=1 superfield) at that location.

All these gauge superfields lead separate lives - this is a type of braneworld model, where the 33 parallel "worlds" only interact gravitationally. So although that overall gauge group is big (not as big as you said - its dimension is more like ##10^{3}##), in practice it's only the individual factors which are relevant, one for each braneworld.

If this does describe reality, we must be in one of the ##E_8## braneworlds.

Related to Our world as a typical F-theory vacuum?

1. What is F-theory and how does it relate to our world?

F-theory is a branch of string theory that attempts to unify the four fundamental forces of nature - gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. It proposes that our universe may have more than the three spatial dimensions we currently observe, with the extra dimensions being compactified in a way that allows for the existence of our world as we know it.

2. What is a "typical F-theory vacuum" and how is it different from other vacuums?

A "vacuum" in F-theory refers to a specific configuration of the extra dimensions that determines the properties of particles and forces in our universe. A "typical" F-theory vacuum is one that is most commonly observed in nature and has the most stable set of properties. It differs from other vacuums in that it has the most consistent and predictable set of physical laws.

3. How does F-theory explain the existence of matter and energy in our world?

F-theory proposes that the extra dimensions are compactified in a way that creates a "brane" - a membrane-like structure - where matter and energy are confined. This allows for the existence of particles and forces as we observe them in our world. F-theory also suggests that the brane may have different regions with varying physical properties, which can explain the diversity of matter and energy in our universe.

4. Can F-theory be tested or proven?

Currently, there is no experimental evidence to support F-theory, and it remains a theoretical framework. However, there are ongoing efforts to test and validate its predictions through experiments at high-energy particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider. Additionally, F-theory is still being developed and refined, and future advancements in technology and theoretical physics may provide more evidence for its validity.

5. How does F-theory impact our understanding of the universe and its origins?

F-theory offers a potential solution to some of the biggest mysteries in physics, such as the unification of the four fundamental forces and the origin of matter and energy. It also provides a way to reconcile quantum mechanics with general relativity. However, it is still a developing theory, and its implications for the universe and its origins are still being explored and debated among the scientific community.

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