Outfoxed: Exposing the Manipulation of News Interviews

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In summary, Fox News reporter Steve Centanni and freelance cameraman Olaf Wiig were kidnapped by masked gunmen in the Gaza Strip and held for two weeks before their release this past Sunday. Centanni is now back in the United States. Centanni and Wiig converted to Islam during their captivity and Centanni is unsure of its legitimacy.
  • #1
:bugeye: :bugeye:
how suprising!
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  • #2
This is bizzare!

Freed FOX News Reporter Details Conversion! on Not. He's apparently not certain. :bugeye:
Day to Day, August 30, 2006 · Fox News reporter Steve Centanni and freelance cameraman Olaf Wiig were kidnapped by masked gunmen in the Gaza Strip and held for two weeks before their release this past Sunday. Centanni is now back in the United States.

Abducted in Gaza by the Holy Jihad Brigades -- a group that few had ever heard of -- Centanni, 60, and Wiig, 36, were held at an unused garage. Their captors demanded that in return for the two journalists' freedom, the United States release all Muslims held in its prisons.

The ordeal ended after Palestinian authorities negotiated with the group, who freed the American Centanni and Wiig, of New Zealand, at a hotel.

Now back in the United States, Centanni says he believes that the kidnappers only served to hurt their cause. "This is a tragedy for the Palestinian people," he says, noting that many media organizations pulled their reporters from the area after the kidnapping.

"They need foreign journalists to cover the story in the Palestinian territories," he says, "especially Gaza Strip where things are spiraling out of control."

During the two weeks he was held by the militants, Centanni says, his captors kept him in "tolerable" conditions. They also did their best to educate Centanni and Wiig about Islam.

"They wanted us to know more about Islam," Centanni says, noting that books about the religion were all the prisoners were given to read during their captivity.

Before their release, Centanni and Wiig were recorded on videotape, saying that they had converted to Islam. He remains unsure of its legitimacy.

"Did I convert? I don't know enough about Islam to know if it was official, or recognized," he says.

Centanni is now back in the United States and talks with Madeleine Brand about the ordeal.
A conversion under duress or coercion cannot be recognized as legitimate.
  • #3
That would depend on the Quran. Strictly speaking, maybe it is legitimate from a religious point of view, which is the only one that matters here.
  • #4
A side note, two lead producers working at Fox news quit their jobs in protest in Irsael/Palestine area because they said Fox was anything but "Fair and Balanced"

Fox news is full of you know what. :biggrin:
  • #5
Ivan Seeking said:
That would depend on the Quran. Strictly speaking, maybe it is legitimate from a religious point of view, which is the only one that matters here.
I doubt it would be considered a legitimate conversion (http://www.islamvision.org/Conversion.asp ).

On the other hand, if it were considered as legitimate, they're Muslims for life and are prohibited from changing their religion back to their old one.
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  • #6
BobG said:
I doubt it would be considered a legitimate conversion (http://www.islamvision.org/Conversion.asp ).

On the other hand, if it were considered as legitimate, they're Muslims for life and are prohibited from changing their religion back to their old one.

Prohibited by whom; God? :biggrin:
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  • #7
Side note: I was going to bed last night at around 12:30 when I saw this show on CNN talking about Iran. Man, there goes my respect for CNN. They call that s**** news? The guy was doing stand up while giving the news. Ill find out the name of that show...man what a joke! :rolleyes:
  • #8
there is so much interview editing in there i can feel my mind hurting. i know i don't like it but i don't understand the point... the point is that fox takes things out of context and has an agenda with their news and to illistrade this point, they take the context out of every sentance spoken in the whole video? isn't that showing that no one at fox has said anything incriminating?

Related to Outfoxed: Exposing the Manipulation of News Interviews

1. What is the purpose of conducting interviews with former fox employees?

The purpose of conducting interviews with former fox employees is to gain insight and information about their experiences working at Fox, their opinions on the company's practices and culture, and any potential issues or controversies they may have witnessed or been a part of.

2. How are former fox employees selected for interviews?

Former fox employees are typically selected for interviews based on their relevance to the research or investigation being conducted. This could include their position within the company, the length of time they worked at Fox, or their involvement in specific events or projects.

3. What types of questions are typically asked in interviews with former fox employees?

The questions asked in interviews with former fox employees can vary, but they generally focus on their personal experiences, observations, and opinions. This could include questions about their job duties, interactions with coworkers and superiors, and any potential instances of misconduct or unethical behavior they may have encountered.

4. How are the responses from former fox employees recorded and analyzed?

The responses from former fox employees are typically recorded either through written notes or audio and video recordings. The data is then carefully reviewed and analyzed for any patterns or significant information that could contribute to the research or investigation being conducted.

5. What are some potential challenges when conducting interviews with former fox employees?

Some potential challenges when conducting interviews with former fox employees may include gaining their trust and cooperation, ensuring confidentiality and anonymity, and accurately interpreting their responses. Additionally, former employees may have biases or personal agendas that could affect their answers, so it is important to carefully consider and verify the information gathered from these interviews.

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