Overcoming Difficulties with Edwards Penney's Differential Equations Book

In summary, Edwards Penney's Differential Equations book can be difficult to understand due to its heavy use of mathematical notation and terminology, as well as its lack of clear explanations and examples. However, there are ways to improve one's understanding, such as seeking out additional resources and working with others. When tackling challenging problems, breaking them down into smaller parts and practicing regularly can be helpful strategies. It is a common misconception that simply reading the book is enough to fully understand the material, and with dedication and the right approach, it is possible to overcome the difficulties and successfully learn from this book.
  • #1
hey guys

i am now taking the Differential Equations and Linear Algebra class, and we are using the book written by Edwards Penney. it is the 2nd edition. i feel llike this book is disorganized and doesn't explain things very well at all. anybody use the same book? can you guys give me some suggestions about how to study differential equations effectively. I feel so bad about this topic. i mean i am really good at math. i got As since i was in the middle school. i took calc1 and 2, they were easy. i am sure i can get an A for this class too because i am just a good test taker. however, i think the differential equation is so abstract. i can't even use my imagination when i am trying to understand the stuff.

i went to office hour and ask my professor a coupld questions, but he didnt explain to me at all. he was like oh, you don't need to know it, it is beyond the topic and you won't understand. i was like wtf, if u don't explain to me, how do u know i won't understand it.

BTW, i even found some mistakes in the book.

please just give me some suggestions about this topic.
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  • #2

Hi there,

As a scientist who has studied and used differential equations extensively in my research, I understand your frustrations with the subject. It can be a difficult topic to grasp, especially if the textbook you are using is not organized or explained well.

First of all, don't be too hard on yourself. Differential equations are a complex and abstract topic, and it's completely normal to struggle with it at first. It takes time and practice to understand and apply the concepts effectively.

One suggestion I have is to supplement your textbook with other resources. There are many online tutorials, videos, and practice problems available that can help clarify the material and provide additional practice. You can also try finding a different textbook or asking your professor for recommendations on other resources.

Another tip is to actively engage with the material. Don't just read through the textbook passively, but instead try to work through the examples and problems on your own. This will help you better understand the concepts and identify any areas where you may need more practice.

Additionally, don't be afraid to ask for help. It's great that you have already gone to your professor's office hours, but if you feel like you are not getting the support you need, consider reaching out to a tutor or forming a study group with classmates. Sometimes discussing the material with others can help clarify things and provide a different perspective.

Lastly, don't get discouraged by mistakes in the textbook or your own struggles with the subject. Keep practicing and seeking help when needed, and I am confident that you will eventually grasp the concepts and excel in the class. Good luck!

Related to Overcoming Difficulties with Edwards Penney's Differential Equations Book

1. What makes Edwards Penney's Differential Equations book difficult to understand?

The main difficulty with this book is its heavy use of mathematical notation and terminology, which can be overwhelming for those without a strong background in calculus and algebra. Additionally, the book does not always provide clear explanations or examples, making it challenging for readers to grasp the concepts.

2. How can I improve my understanding of the material in Edwards Penney's Differential Equations book?

One way to improve your understanding is to seek out additional resources, such as online tutorials or study guides, that provide more detailed explanations and examples. You can also try working through the problems in the book with a study group or tutor to get a better grasp on the concepts.

3. Are there any specific strategies for tackling the challenging problems in Edwards Penney's Differential Equations book?

Yes, one strategy is to break down the problems into smaller, more manageable parts. It can also be helpful to review your notes and previous examples to see if there are any similar problems that can guide your approach. Additionally, practicing regularly and seeking help when needed can also improve your problem-solving skills.

4. What are some common misconceptions about studying from Edwards Penney's Differential Equations book?

One common misconception is that simply reading the book will be enough to fully understand the material. However, to truly master the concepts, it is important to actively engage with the material, solve problems, and seek clarification when needed. Another misconception is that the book is the only resource available for learning differential equations, when in fact there are many other helpful resources available.

5. Is it possible to overcome the difficulties with Edwards Penney's Differential Equations book?

Yes, with dedication, perseverance, and the right approach, it is possible to overcome the difficulties and successfully learn from this book. Remember to seek help when needed, actively engage with the material, and practice regularly. With time and effort, you can improve your understanding and master the concepts presented in the book.

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