Oxygen Flow Through a Concentration Gradient

In summary: You are asking about the diffusion of oxygen through a small hole in a closed container. Diffusion is very slow, so the oxygen would not diffuse out quickly.
  • #1
Hi guys

First things first, I'll lay out the problem. I have a box of volume V containing a constant sink of oxygen (e.g. a candle or an animal); this box is sealed except for a smallish aperture of area, A and depth, L (the L meaning the walls of the box have finite thickness).

After a significant time has passed from the introduction of the oxygen sink I would expect a dynamic equilibrium to have formed giving a constant, but lower, concentration of oxygen inside the box with oxygen 'flowing' through the hole to sustain this equilibrium - with the outside atmosphere being equivalent to a well mixed infinite reservoir of oxygen at a constant concentration.

What I am looking for is to be able to find the rate of flow of oxygen through the hole if all of the necessary parameters are known. I have essentially come up with a debauched version of Fick's first law of diffusion to fulfil this and wanted opinions on whether I'm barking up the right tree or if there are any better methods.

I started with Fick's law, which is: [itex]J=-D\frac{∂\phi}{∂x}[/itex], where J is diffusive flux, D is the diffusion constant, [itex]\phi[/itex] is the concentration and x is position.

I then reasoned that for small values of x and small differences in concentration that:
Where C-outside and C-inside are the fractional components of Oxygen in the air outside and inside, L is the length of the hole and 1000/24.5 is the approximate number of moles/m3 of gas at room temp and pressure, thus giving a gradient in moles/m4, which are odd units that cancel down to being just moles/s when multiplied by the diffusion constant (m2/s) and the area of the hole.

I'm trying to get a practical estimation of what this flow will be, so any help, advice or corrections would be appreciated immensely.

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  • #2
The approach looks fine, so you get numbers if you add the diffusion constant and some arbitrary concentration difference.
Diffusion is very slow, however - for a realistic setup, I would expect larger contributions from turbulence and other air movements.

If L is not much larger than the diameter (or other length scale) of the hole, concentration differences in the box / outside close to the hole could be relevant, too.
  • #3
Are the products of combustion expected to vent through the same hole that is feeding the system oxygen?

FAQ: Oxygen Flow Through a Concentration Gradient

What is oxygen flow?

Oxygen flow is the movement of oxygen molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.

What is a concentration gradient?

A concentration gradient is a gradual change in the concentration of a substance from one point to another.

How does oxygen flow through a concentration gradient?

Oxygen flow through a concentration gradient occurs through a process called diffusion, where oxygen molecules move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration until equilibrium is reached.

What factors affect oxygen flow through a concentration gradient?

The rate of oxygen flow through a concentration gradient can be affected by factors such as temperature, pressure, and the size of the concentration gradient.

Why is oxygen flow through a concentration gradient important?

Oxygen flow through a concentration gradient is important for various biological processes, including respiration and cellular metabolism. It also plays a crucial role in maintaining oxygen balance in the environment.

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