P orbital lobes tangent to plane of nucleus

In summary, the author discusses atomic orbitals and how they differ from 3d lemniscates. He explains that an orbital is a standing wave and that the only oscillation is in time: for a state of energy E the wavefunction varies as exp(iEt/ħ). He then goes on to discuss lobed (p, d, and f) orbitals and how they can be visualized using a circle, hyperbola, and lemniscates of Bernoulli.
  • #1
I read the following on a page about atomic orbitals (p and d orbitals in particular) which seem 2 me like 3d lemniscates (figures 8 or ∞ rotated about an axis of symmetry to form tear drop pairs or toruses.
Taking chemistry further: If you imagine a horizontal plane through the nucleus, with one lobe of the (p) orbital above the plane and the other beneath it, there is a zero probability of finding the electron on that plane. So how does the electron get from one lobe to the other if it can never pass through the plane of the nucleus? At this introductory level you just have to accept that it does! If you want to find out more, read about the wave nature of electrons.

I can visualizably understand that 4 spatial dimensions allow for a 3d object 2b rotated around a plane w/o intersecting it just like 3 dimensions allow a 2d object 2b rotated around a line w/o intersecting it. I've got no idea of whether that has anything to do w/ explaining the above statement about not crossing the plane of the nucleus. I'm wanting a qualitative, visualizable understanding if at all possible
I've also read that ψ^2 gives probability density clouds for electron position and I contemplate that this perhaps is what necessitated that schrodinger's wave function ψ be complex valued. I can rudimentarily visualize the x (real + imaginary) and y (real plus imaginary) in terms of circles and hyperbolas. Can anybody help me out with understanding the wave nature of particles - mathematical rigor and symbolic logic are not my aptitudes - but I like to think I'm capable of understanding this stuff.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
qhyperbola, It may be what has you confused is a phrase I see on this web page, "...spends part of its time...".

This gives the impression that the electron is constantly hopping around from one part of the orbital to another. And so to get from the +z region to the -z region it would somehow have to move along a path and thus at some point penetrate the z = 0 plane, where it is not to be found.

Ok, this is not the correct picture. There is no motion implied - the orbital simply tells us the probability of finding the electron at a particular point, and that is all.
  • #3
mmmm, that does clash w/ my preconceived notion of a wave function as describing ...well... a waving motion or oscillation of position over time. So, is there perhaps an imaginary valued probabilty of finding a particle on the plane between lobes - ( e^1.57i or e^.785i) - or am I making this harder than it is by persisting in thinking of an electron as point-like?
  • #4
An atomic orbital is a standing wave, and standing waves (by definition!) do not move. The only oscillation is in time: for a state of energy E the wavefunction varies as exp(iEt/ħ). But it stands still while doing so. :smile:
So, is there perhaps an imaginary valued probabilty of finding a particle on the plane between lobes - ( e^1.57i or e^.785i)
Nope, for the state we're talking about, the wavefunction is zero on the plane z = 0.
  • #5
I'll post again in another day after taking some time to reckon this out. so the wave function is zero at the z=0 plane, and with an s orbital the wave funtion will be symmetric about the origin but at the origin (or nucleus point) this wave function will be zero? like in the sense of sin(x)/x which looks tike it has its peak at at x=0, y= 1, but is actually undefined. And this wave function exp(iEt/ħ) is being defined for t seconds measured as complex radians. I'm hoping that I can understand lobed (p, d, and f) orbitals this in terms of a circle, hyperbola, and lemniscates of bernoulli. Thank you for your help btw - I'm liking pf alot.

FAQ: P orbital lobes tangent to plane of nucleus

1. What is the significance of p orbital lobes being tangent to the plane of the nucleus?

The p orbital lobes being tangent to the plane of the nucleus is significant because it indicates the orientation and alignment of the p orbital in relation to the nucleus. This alignment plays a crucial role in determining the shape and energy of the orbital.

2. How does the orientation of p orbital lobes affect chemical bonding?

The orientation of p orbital lobes has a direct impact on the type of chemical bonds that can be formed. For example, in a covalent bond, the overlapping of p orbitals with the same orientation leads to the formation of a sigma bond, while the overlapping of p orbitals with different orientations results in a pi bond.

3. Can p orbital lobes be oriented in any direction?

No, p orbital lobes have specific orientations and are restricted to two perpendicular planes. This orientation is determined by the quantum numbers that describe the energy level and shape of the orbital.

4. How do the p orbital lobes change with increasing energy level?

As the energy level of the p orbital increases, the size and shape of the orbital lobes change. The number of nodes, or regions of zero electron density, also increases with higher energy levels.

5. Can the p orbital lobes overlap with other orbitals?

Yes, p orbital lobes can overlap with other orbitals, including s and d orbitals. This overlap leads to the formation of hybrid orbitals, which have a different shape and orientation than the original orbitals and are important for explaining the bonding in molecules.

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