Packing Particles - Understanding Coordination Number & Density

  • Thread starter yellowduck
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In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between coordination number and density in packing methods. The person is having trouble understanding the concept and asks for help. The expert responds by providing a formula for calculating packing density and explaining the calculation process for an FCC lattice. The expert also suggests doing an internal search for more information on the topic. The conversation concludes with the person attempting to apply the formula to a specific example and asking for clarification on their results.
  • #1
I am doing a lab on packing methods. Hexagonal closest, face-centred and body-centred.

I had no trouble drawing the diagrams for these and and determining cordination numbers and seeing which is more efficient. However I am having trouble explaining the relationship between coordination number and density. It gives mass/volume as the definition of density.

What I did was place one unit in an imaginary box - assign each atom a value of 1 mass and divide by volume. This gives me a higher density for body-centred which I know is wrong.

Can anyone help explain to me what I am doing wrong?

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  • #3
Ok this seems to help but I still don't quite have it.

Lets do a test on say cubic and give an imagingary radius of 1 for each of the 13 units
V = (4/3)Pi r^3
= 1.33 x 3.14 x 1
= 4.2 x 13 units = 54.6 units of volume in 13 spheres

Sphere volume (radius would be 3)
V= (4/3)pi r^3
= 1.33 x 3.14 x 27
= 113 units

54.6 / 113 = 48.3?? (I have read that it is 74% so I did something wrong but can't put my finger on it)
  • #4
Where are you getting 13 and 3 from? Your approach - which I can't say I understand - appears to be wrong. Here's how you do it.

You have an FCC lattice. Look at the unit cell - it has 8 corner atoms and 6 face centers. Each corner atom is shared by 8 neighboring unit cells and each face center atom is shared by two. So the total number of atoms per unit cell in the FCC lattice = (8*1/8) + (6*1/2) = 1+3 = 4

Nearest neighbor atoms ("touching" each other) may be found along a face diagonal. If the side of the unit cell is 'a', the length of the face diagonal is a*sqrt(2) = about 1.4a. Going from one corner to another, along the face diagonal, you encounter the radius of the first corner atom, then the diameter of the face center atom, and finally the radius of the second corner atom. In terms of the atomic radius, the length of the face diagonal is then r + 2r + r. So, we have 1.4a = 4r or roughly a = 2.83r

That establishes a relationship between the sphere radius and the unit cell size. Next you say that the unit cell volume is a^3, and the volume occupied by spheres is 4*(4/3)*pi*r^3. The 4 comes from the number of atoms per unit cell, calculated abouve. The packing density is then the ratio of the second volume to the first.

PD = [(16/3)*pi*r^3]/[a^3] = 16.75*r^3/a^3 = [16.75]/[2.83^3] = 16.75/22.62 = 0.74

FAQ: Packing Particles - Understanding Coordination Number & Density

What are packing particles?

Packing particles refers to the arrangement of particles in a given space. This can include atoms, molecules, or any other tiny particles that make up a substance.

What is coordination number?

Coordination number refers to the number of particles that are in direct contact with a central particle in a crystal lattice structure. This number is important in understanding the strength and stability of a substance.

How is coordination number determined?

Coordination number is determined by counting the number of nearest neighbors to a central particle in a crystal lattice structure. This can be done using mathematical formulas or by visually analyzing the arrangement of particles.

What is density in relation to packing particles?

Density is a measure of how tightly packed the particles are in a given space. It is calculated by dividing the mass of a substance by its volume. Understanding density is important in predicting the physical properties of a substance.

How does packing density affect the properties of a substance?

The packing density of particles can affect the physical properties of a substance such as its strength, melting point, and hardness. Generally, substances with higher packing densities tend to be stronger and have higher melting points than substances with lower packing densities.

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