Paper on the Singularity Resolution in Quantum Gravity?

In summary, there has been an increase in the resolution of 'singularities' and the problems it brings, as shown by a paper from the Perimiter Institute. This paper corroborates previous results that the Big Bang singularity disappears when using the connection variable approach in Loop gravity. The authors of the paper also tested if this result holds when using different variables and found it to be robust. This further supports the reliability of Bojowald's results.
  • #1
There has been an increase in the resolution of 'singularities'and the problems it brings.

here is a link to a very "average" paper at present. The authors(no relation to ''Jeff'' I hope! seem to be grasping in the dark?

Nevertheless, issue's are trying to be tackled from a number of interesting viewpoints, I am not being unreasonably here in my overview of the Paper or its authors, but it does appear to be a brave step, wether it turns out to be a step forward is another thing.

The authors appear to be from the "smolin school of exelance" Perimiter Institute.
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  • #2
This seems like a valuable paper. Thanks for the link!
Here is the abstract in case anyone wants to look
at that before downloading the PDF.

As I see it the main thing this paper does is corroborate
Bojowald's results and make them more reliable.
I guess the word is "robust"

Bojowald showed if you use the connection variable approach
of Loop gravity and quantize the standard classical model of
cosmology, then the Big Bang singularity goes away.

This result has attracted a lot of attention over the past 3 years
and several other authors have confirmed it using basically the
same (Loop) approach.

But one can ask "Does this depend on using the connection variables
(the Ashtekar new variables for GR) or would it also work using
the earlier ADM variables?"

How tough and adaptible is the no-BB-singularity result? Will it carry over to different styles of formalism, different quantizations of different classical models? Does removing the BB singularity work in other quantizations of GR, or only in Loop?

These people (Viqar Husain and Oliver Winkler) asked this natural question and went and tried it. And indeed the no-singularity result turned out to be robust!

This does not mean that one would want to go back to using the metric, or go back to 1960-1970 (geo) metric dynamics. The connection variables approach seems more convenient. But it means one can place additional reliance on Bojowald's results. this is neat! Glad to see this paper ranyart, thanks again!
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  • #3

First of all, I would like to commend the authors for taking on such a complex and challenging topic as the singularity resolution in quantum gravity. It is certainly a topic that has been of great interest and debate among physicists for decades.

After reading the paper, it is clear that the authors have put a lot of effort into trying to understand and tackle the issues surrounding singularities. The paper presents a comprehensive overview of the different viewpoints and approaches that have been taken in attempting to resolve singularities, from the traditional general relativity approach to the more recent quantum gravity theories.

However, I must agree with the author's assessment that their paper is "average" at best. While it does provide a good summary of the current state of research on the topic, it does not offer any groundbreaking insights or new approaches. It seems that the authors are simply summarizing the work of others without adding much of their own contribution.

Furthermore, the paper seems to be lacking in terms of providing a clear and cohesive argument or conclusion. It feels like the authors are grasping at different ideas and theories without fully exploring or understanding them. This could be due to the complexity of the topic, but it does leave the reader with a sense of uncertainty and lack of direction.

Overall, I appreciate the efforts of the authors in trying to shed light on the singularity resolution in quantum gravity, but I agree that more work needs to be done in this area. I hope that future research will provide more concrete and innovative solutions to this long-standing problem in physics.

Related to Paper on the Singularity Resolution in Quantum Gravity?

1. What is the Singularity Resolution in Quantum Gravity?

The Singularity Resolution in Quantum Gravity refers to the attempt to reconcile the theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics in order to explain the behavior of matter and energy at the scale of the universe. It seeks to resolve the issue of singularities, or infinitely dense and infinitely small points, that appear in the equations of general relativity and cause problems in our understanding of the universe.

2. Why is the Singularity Resolution in Quantum Gravity important?

The Singularity Resolution in Quantum Gravity is important because it has the potential to unlock the mysteries of the universe and provide a more complete understanding of how the laws of physics work on a large scale. It could also help us to better understand the behavior of black holes and the evolution of the universe.

3. How do scientists approach the Singularity Resolution in Quantum Gravity?

Scientists approach the Singularity Resolution in Quantum Gravity through a variety of theoretical and experimental methods. This includes developing new mathematical models, conducting experiments with particle accelerators, and studying observations of the cosmos to test different theories and hypotheses.

4. What are some current theories about the Singularity Resolution in Quantum Gravity?

There are several competing theories about the Singularity Resolution in Quantum Gravity, including string theory, loop quantum gravity, and causal dynamical triangulation. Each of these theories offers a different approach to resolving the issue of singularities and reconciling general relativity and quantum mechanics.

5. What are the potential implications of a successful Singularity Resolution in Quantum Gravity?

If a successful Singularity Resolution in Quantum Gravity is achieved, it could have far-reaching implications for our understanding of the universe and could potentially lead to new technologies and advancements in fields such as space exploration and quantum computing. It could also help us to answer fundamental questions about the nature of time, space, and the origin of the universe.

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