How Does Airflow Impact a Parachute's Freefall?

  • Thread starter nutcase62000
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In summary, the airflow affects the freefall of a parachute by creating an upward force on the canopy, slowing down the descent. This is due to Newton's third law, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The larger the surface area of the parachute, the slower the terminal velocity due to more air being trapped and exerting a greater upward force.
  • #1
How is it that airflow affects the freefall of a parachute?

Obviously the larger the surface area of a parchute the slower the terminal velocity but how does the air interefere with a parachute or does it have no affect?

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  • #2
Think of it this way. The air is sitting there minding its own business when this parachute comes by, traps it and accelerates it down. In other words the canopy exerts force on the trapped air. By Newton's third Law (to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction), the air would exert an equal an upward force on the canopy which slows the parachute down.

FAQ: How Does Airflow Impact a Parachute's Freefall?

1. How does a parachute affect freefall?

A parachute slows down the rate of descent during freefall by increasing air resistance. As the parachute opens, it creates a larger surface area for air to push against, which slows down the body's descent.

2. What factors determine the effectiveness of a parachute during freefall?

The size and shape of the parachute, the weight and shape of the object being dropped, and the air density and wind conditions all play a role in the effectiveness of a parachute during freefall. A larger and more aerodynamic parachute will provide more air resistance and slow down the descent more effectively.

3. Can a parachute completely stop a freefall?

Yes, a parachute can completely stop a freefall if it is properly designed and deployed at the right time. However, this is not always the goal as a controlled descent is often preferred for safety reasons.

4. How does altitude affect the performance of a parachute during freefall?

The higher the altitude, the thinner the air and the lower the air resistance. This means that a parachute will have less air to push against and will not be as effective in slowing down the descent. It is important to consider the altitude when choosing the right size and shape of a parachute for a specific freefall.

5. What happens if a parachute fails during freefall?

If a parachute fails to open or deploy properly during freefall, the person or object will continue to fall at a high rate of speed and potentially sustain serious injuries upon impact with the ground. This is why it is important to have backup parachutes and proper training for emergency situations.
