Paradox in evaluating the Lorentz field in a dielectric

In summary, the conversation discusses the derivation of the Lorentz field in a dielectric, considering a spherical zone containing a dipole immersed in the dielectric. The field at the center of the sphere is affected by the charges on the condenser plates, the polarization charges on the spherical surface, and the molecular dipoles in the spherical region. The field due to the polarization charges on the spherical surface can be calculated by considering an element of the surface and integrating over all values of angle. The conversation also mentions a paradox involving the reversal of surface charges in a larger sphere, as well as the subtleties in understanding the Lorentz field and the Clausius-Mossotti formula. The conversation ends with the speaker questioning their understanding
  • #1
Can someone help me in understanding where I am wrong when thinking about the derivation of the Lorentz field in a dielectric. I give the derivation in italics (although the familiar reader should not need to read it) and after that I present the paradox.

The basic idea is to consider a spherical zone containing the dipole under study, immersed in the dielectric.

The sphere is small in comparison with the dimension of the condenser, but large compared with the molecular dimensions.

We treat the properties of the sphere at the microscopic level as containing many molecules, but the material outside of the sphere is considered a continuum.

The field acting at the center of the sphere where the dipole is placed arises from the field due to
 (1) the charges on the condenser plates
 (2) the polarization charges on the spherical surface, and
 (3) the molecular dipoles in the spherical region.

 The field due to the polarization charges on the spherical surface, ## E_{sp} ##, can be calculated by considering an element of the spherical surface defined by the angles ## \theta ## and ## \theta + d \theta ##.

 The area of this elementary surface is: ## 2 \pi r^2 \sin \theta d \theta ##.

 The density of charge on this element is given by ## P \cos \theta ##, and the angles between this polarization and the elementary surface is ## \theta ##. Integrating over all values of angle formed by the direction of the field with the normal vector to spherical surface at each point and dividing by the surface of the sphere we obtain

[tex]E_{sp}=\frac{1}{r^2}\int_0^{\pi} 2 \pi r^2 P \sin \theta \cos^2 \theta d \theta = \frac{4 \pi P}{3}[/tex]

Now suppose the dielectric is a sphere of radius R and that the smaller sphere of radius r is in the middle of this bigger sphere. Since the Surface charges are reversed compared to the smaller sphere one can then evaluate the field in a similar way from the bigger sphere as
[tex]E_{SP}=-\frac{1}{R^2}\int_0^{\pi} 2 \pi R^2 P \sin \theta \cos^2 \theta d \theta = -\frac{4 \pi P}{3}[/tex]
The field acting at the centre of the sphere then is
[tex]E_{tot}=E_{sp}+E_{SP}+E_{external}=\frac{4 \pi P}{3}-\frac{4 \pi P}{3}+E_{external}=E_{external}[/tex]
This is, by the way also, in line with that the displacement field is constant everywhere but that there is no polarization inside the region inside the smaller sphere so that the field there should be the external field.

Now did Lorentz totally miss this?

(The Picture did not appear good against a White background.)


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  • #2
The molecules inside do not have surface charge producing an E field.
The field due to the inside molecules vanishes for a regular distribution.
  • #3
Meir Achuz said:
The molecules inside do not have surface charge producing an E field.
The field due to the inside molecules vanishes for a regular distribution.

Vielen dank for giving my problem attention Meir Achurz. I thought it would engage more phycisists when I am saying something is wrong. I Think it should be easy to correct a misstake. But I don't know if you have really understood my problem. (If you cannot imagine Surface charges inside the dielectric then how do you appreciate the local field in a non-polar ditto?)

What is the problem then? The problem is to understand the subtleties in working out the Lorentz field and eventually the Clausius-Mossotti formula. Let me clarify.

Suppose it is a correct assumptions to imagine a spherical cavity in the dielectric. (Obviously Lorentz was kinda right.) And let me also assume that the macroscopic Surface charges on the Surface of the dielectric itself does not contribute to the local field. (This is obviously so, although I can't understand it, and this is what my question is all about: how can you ignore this?!) Then the total local field Ei will be
[tex]E_i = E_{sp} + E_{0}[/tex] where E0 is the original field applied to the dielectric. Now using the definition of polarization (in Gaussian units I Think)
[tex]P=\frac{1}{4 \pi}(\varepsilon - 1) E_{0}[/tex]
and using the expression for Esp given in my original post this leads to the Lorentz field[tex]E_i = E_0 + \frac{\varepsilon - 1}{3}E_0=\frac{\varepsilon + 2}{3}E_0[/tex]
And with a Little more work you can derive the Claussius-Mossotti formula. This is obviously correct, so in what way am I wrong?

Related to Paradox in evaluating the Lorentz field in a dielectric

1. What is the Lorentz field in a dielectric?

The Lorentz field in a dielectric refers to the electric field that is induced within a dielectric material when it is placed in an external electric field. This field is caused by the alignment of the charged particles within the dielectric material in response to the external electric field.

2. What causes the paradox in evaluating the Lorentz field in a dielectric?

The paradox in evaluating the Lorentz field in a dielectric arises from the fact that the electric field within the dielectric material is not necessarily equal to the external electric field. This is due to the presence of bound charges within the dielectric material, which can create an additional electric field that opposes the external field.

3. How does the paradox affect the measurement of the Lorentz field in a dielectric?

The paradox can make it difficult to accurately measure the Lorentz field in a dielectric, as the presence of bound charges can cause the measured value to differ from the actual value. This can lead to inconsistencies and discrepancies in experimental results.

4. Can the paradox be resolved?

Yes, the paradox can be resolved by taking into account the presence of bound charges and considering their effect on the measurement of the Lorentz field. This can be done through mathematical calculations and adjustments to experimental procedures.

5. How is the Lorentz field in a dielectric used in practical applications?

The Lorentz field in a dielectric has many practical applications, such as in capacitors, insulators, and other electronic devices. It is also used in the study of electromagnetism and helps to explain how electromagnetic waves propagate through different materials.

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