Parallax, angle to observer etc.

In summary, the submarine sonar man can determine the angle of the ship relative to him, given that he knows the ship's angle of arrival and the constant RPM of the propeller.
  • #1

I'm a mathematics analphabet, but still, sometimes I come across a problem, that I just can't keep away from. I hope someone finds this one worth a thought.
Here it is:
An observer is looking at a long object with marks spaced equally along its length (like a measuring rod or a check-board). The distance between the marks (or sizes of colored fields) is not given. So is not the distance from the observer. What is known, are all the angles between the marks from the observers standing point. My question is, is it possible to determine the angle of the "long object" in respect to the observers location given only the mentioned angles?
Physics news on
  • #2
It should be possible, yes.

A simple test is that you can easily identify the limits
- 90 degrees to line-of-sight. Angles at near and far end will be symmetrical.
- parallel to LoS: all angles are equivalent and equal to 0
so it should be possible to derive a unique answer for any angle in between.
  • #3
I think so, too. It seems obvious, there must be some intrinsic connection between these angles, but how to express it mathematicaly...? Some collegues of mine told me, it could be easily solved (with the law of cosinuses, I think) if one more parameter was given. Like the distance of the line of sight for example. But that's not the answer I'm looking for...
  • #4
As stated, it's false. Place the observer perpendicular to the measuring rod, and put only three hashes on it.
  • #5
zhentil said:
As stated, it's false. Place the observer perpendicular to the measuring rod, and put only three hashes on it.

What do you mean?

If the observer sees three hashes, and the angles formed by the outermost two hashes are equivalent, the observer knows conclusively that the measuring stick is perpendicular to his line of site.


BTW, who said there is a limit on the number of hash marks? Seems to me, if not stated, we have our choice. (Not that it matters. Three is all you'll need.)
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  • #6
Ok, here's the original form of this problem. Maybe it will make it more interesting. =)

A submarine sonar man hears a ship propeller noise at a certain angle from the still submarine (AOB - angle on bow). He makes timed observations of the AOB. Considering that the RPM of the propeller is constant, he can assume the distance traveled by the ship in equal time to be equal, but he can not tell the exact distance from the submarine, nor can he determine it's speed. Can he determine it's course?
In reality, I'm certain, he can get much more data than this, but still... :) Maybe his instruments have been depth-charged. :D

FAQ: Parallax, angle to observer etc.

1. What is parallax and how does it relate to the angle to the observer?

Parallax refers to the apparent shift in the position of an object when viewed from different angles. The angle to the observer is the specific angle at which the object is viewed, and it affects the amount of parallax observed. The larger the angle to the observer, the greater the parallax.

2. Can parallax be used to measure distances in space?

Yes, parallax can be used to measure distances in space. The parallax method involves measuring the angle to an object from two different vantage points, such as opposite sides of the Earth's orbit. This allows astronomers to calculate the distance to the object using trigonometry.

3. How does the distance between the observer and the object affect parallax?

The distance between the observer and the object has a direct effect on the amount of parallax observed. The closer the object is to the observer, the larger the parallax, and vice versa. This is why objects in the night sky appear to have less parallax than objects on Earth, as they are much further away.

4. Can parallax only be observed with objects in space?

No, parallax can also be observed with objects on Earth. For example, if you hold your finger at arm's length and alternate closing each eye, you will notice a slight shift in the position of your finger. This is due to parallax, as your eyes are viewing your finger from different angles.

5. How is parallax used in astronomy to determine the distance to stars?

Astronomers use the parallax method to determine the distance to stars by measuring their angle to Earth from opposite sides of the Earth's orbit. The star's parallax is then used to calculate its distance using trigonometry. This is known as the parallax shift method and is one of the most accurate ways to measure distances to nearby stars.
