Parallel port bidirectional programming.

In summary, the person is seeking help with retrieving normal bidirectional way for data on their "new" computer, a Compacq 733 MHz, which has a parallel port in ECP mode. They previously used a Centronics parallel port on a very old computer to enter digitized data and are now looking for an alternative, possibly a more modern USB-based data acquisition approach. They also mention using Win-2000 + UserPort in assembly language.
  • #1
Hello. For a while I use Centronics parallel port to enter digitized data in my very old computer (300 MHz). I use Win-2000 + UserPort in assembly language. Unfortunately my old computer is dead and I replaced it by a "new" one Compacq 733 MHz. Parallel port is in ECP mode, every thing works except that it refuses to work in bidirectional mode (cmd bit b5 inefficient) and so I read what I previously wrote on data register. How must I do to retrieve normal bidirectional way for data ?
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  • #2
Ravaner said:
Hello. For a while I use Centronics parallel port to enter digitized data in my very old computer (300 MHz). I use Win-2000 + UserPort in assembly language. Unfortunately my old computer is dead and I replaced it by a "new" one Compacq 733 MHz. Parallel port is in ECP mode, every thing works except that it refuses to work in bidirectional mode (cmd bit b5 inefficient) and so I read what I previously wrote on data register. How must I do to retrieve normal bidirectional way for data ?

Can you upgrade to a more modern USB-based data acq approach? I'm surprised you were able to find a PC with a parallel port at all...

FAQ: Parallel port bidirectional programming.

1. What is parallel port bidirectional programming?

Parallel port bidirectional programming is a method of controlling and communicating with devices connected to a computer's parallel port. It allows for data to be sent and received simultaneously, enabling two-way communication between the computer and the device.

2. What types of devices can be controlled using parallel port bidirectional programming?

Parallel port bidirectional programming can be used to control a variety of devices such as printers, scanners, external hard drives, and other peripherals that are connected to a computer's parallel port. It can also be used for data acquisition and instrument control.

3. How is data transmitted through parallel port bidirectional programming?

Data is transmitted through parallel port bidirectional programming using parallel communication, where multiple bits of data are sent simultaneously through separate lines. This allows for faster data transfer compared to serial communication, where data is sent one bit at a time.

4. What are the advantages of using parallel port bidirectional programming?

The main advantage of using parallel port bidirectional programming is its speed. It allows for faster data transfer compared to other communication methods, making it ideal for controlling devices that require real-time data. It is also a simple and cost-effective method, as it only requires a parallel port and a few lines of code.

5. Are there any limitations to using parallel port bidirectional programming?

One limitation of parallel port bidirectional programming is that it can only be used with devices that are connected to a computer's parallel port. With the advancement of technology, parallel ports are becoming less common in newer computers, which limits the use of this method. Additionally, parallel communication can be prone to errors and interference, which may affect the reliability of the data transfer.
