Parallel transport and entanglement

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  • Thread starter Heidi
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  • #1
Hi Pfs,
When Bob and Alice receive maximally entangled particles, Bob can choose a direction and measure the spin along it.
If Alice does the same thing in the same direction she will get the same result. But what is "same direction" when space time is curved between them? Have we to use parallel transport of Bob's direction toward Alice?
Il looks like when you make a measurement on a particle, if nothing acts on the particle. repeating the same measurement
will give you the same result but if there is the action of an hamiltonian, doing the same measurement to get the same result is also something that evolves (with tim here)
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  • #2
Heidi said:
Have we to use parallel transport of Bob's direction toward Alice?
No. In case the two particles were initially created in the singlet state (i.e. with total spin 0), then you could transport the direction along the trajectories of the particles. (But note that in this case, "If Alice does the same thing in the opposite direction she will get the same result".)

In general, you just have to "know" how the directions map to each other, because being maximally entangled does not yet fully specify the state. For example, if you have two particles in the singlet state, you can apply a unitary (2x2) matrix to one of the particles, and the state will remain maximally entangled. This unitary matrix gives you some mapping of directions.
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  • #3
Heidi said:
Hi Pfs,
When Bob and Alice receive maximally entangled particles, Bob can choose a direction and measure the spin along it.
If Alice does the same thing in the same direction she will get the same result. But what is "same direction" when space time is curved between them? Have we to use parallel transport of Bob's direction toward Alice?
I would assume the entangled state would act effectively as a gyroscope through curved spacetime. I wonder to what extent this has been tested?
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  • #4
You'd have to use quantum field theory in the given background spacetime to see, what comes out. For sure it's highly non-trivial.
  • #5
What do you think of the repeated measurement seen as entanglement (with timelike interval) ?
  • #6
Heidi said:
Have we to use parallel transport of Bob's direction toward Alice?
No, because any such transport in curved spacetime will not be unique.

The best approach I can see, theoretically, would be to Fermi-Walker transport (the more robust version of parallel transport that can handle non-geodesic curves) each of the measurement directions backwards along the worldlines of the two particles, to the event of their common creation, and then compare the directions. I think that is what a calculation using QFT in curved spacetime would end up amounting to. But that's just my intuitive guess; I have not actually tried to do the calculation (which, as @vanhees71 points out, would be highly non-trivial).
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Likes Heidi, vanhees71 and gentzen

FAQ: Parallel transport and entanglement

What is parallel transport in the context of physics?

Parallel transport is a method used in differential geometry to move vectors along a curve on a surface or in a more general space, such that the vector remains parallel to itself according to the rules of the space's geometry. This concept is crucial in the study of curved spaces, like those used in general relativity, where the curvature of spacetime affects how vectors change as they are moved.

How is parallel transport related to quantum entanglement?

In the context of quantum mechanics, parallel transport can be related to the concept of phase changes in wavefunctions as they move through different regions of space. Quantum entanglement involves correlations between particles that are spatially separated, and understanding how these correlations transform under parallel transport can provide insights into the geometric and topological aspects of entanglement.

Can parallel transport be observed experimentally?

Yes, parallel transport can be observed experimentally. In physics, this is often done through experiments involving the Aharonov-Bohm effect, where particles exhibit phase shifts due to the presence of a magnetic field, even when traveling through regions with zero magnetic field. This phase shift is a manifestation of parallel transport in a quantum context.

What role does curvature play in parallel transport and entanglement?

Curvature plays a significant role in both parallel transport and entanglement. In parallel transport, the curvature of the space affects how vectors change as they are moved. In quantum entanglement, the curvature of the underlying space can influence the strength and nature of the entanglement between particles. Understanding these effects requires a deep understanding of the geometry and topology of the space in which the particles reside.

Are there any practical applications of parallel transport and entanglement?

Yes, there are practical applications in fields such as quantum computing and quantum information theory. In quantum computing, understanding how entangled states change under parallel transport can help in designing more robust quantum algorithms and error correction methods. Additionally, the geometric phase changes associated with parallel transport have applications in developing new types of quantum sensors and communication systems.

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