Parallel universes and randomness

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of true randomness and its role in the universe, as well as the Many Worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics and its implications. The speaker argues that everything happens for a reason and that parallel universes must have the same start, but the other participant counters that quantum mechanics allows for true randomness and that the Many Worlds interpretation does not involve identical parallel universes. The conversation is closed due to the topic being based on personal theories and speculation.
  • #1
As you might know there is no such thing as true randomness, which means everything happens for a reason. Let's say everything with the exactly same input will always return the exactly same output if you repeat it, no matter if there is a computer or a human being. Much might seem random, but that's only because you are unable to predict it.

When it comes to parallel universes, I don't see how anything can happen differently there. Let's assume all the parallel universes had the same start. Then, at least for me, it is only logical that all the parallel universes was exactly the same (well, if they even exist). The reason I am posting this in this forum category is because I am talking about the Many Worlds theory, which involves quantum physics.

This is some sort of a theory, I guess. Even though I am not sure I fully understand quantum physics, does what I am saying make sense?
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  • #2
HydroTekZ said:
As you might know there is no such thing as true randomness, which means everything happens for a reason. Let's say everything with the exactly same input will always return the exactly same output if you repeat it, no matter if there is a computer or a human being. Much might seem random, but that's only because you are unable to predict it.
Unfortunately that's not correct. Laplace was wrong when he suggested centuries ago that if we knew the exact position and velocity of every particle in the universe at some moment we would be able to calculate the future. He would have been right if the universe obeyed the laws of classical physics, but it doesn't. It obeys the rules of qantum meachanics, and "true randomness", meaning that two identically prepared systems in exactly the same initial state will randomly evolve in different ways, is a basic part of those rules.
Let's assume all the parallel universes had the same start. Then, at least for me, it is only logical that all the parallel universes was exactly the same (well, if they even exist). The reason I am posting this in this forum category is because I am talking about the Many Worlds theory, which involves quantum physics.
The "parallel universes" of the Many Worlds interpretation (not "theory"!) aren't what you're thinking they are. They can't all have the same start - a new one with a new and different start appears every time that the true randomness of quantum mechanics produces a different result.

This thread is closed, as it is on the wrong side of the Physics Forums rule about personal theories and speculation.
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FAQ: Parallel universes and randomness

1. What are parallel universes?

Parallel universes, also known as a multiverse, is a theoretical concept in which there are multiple universes that exist alongside our own. These universes may have different physical laws, dimensions, and histories.

2. How do parallel universes relate to randomness?

In some theories of parallel universes, randomness plays a significant role in determining which universe we exist in. For example, the Many-Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics suggests that every time a random event occurs, the universe splits into multiple parallel universes, with each possible outcome of the event occurring in a different universe.

3. Is there any scientific evidence for parallel universes?

Currently, there is no concrete scientific evidence for the existence of parallel universes. The concept remains purely theoretical and is still a topic of debate among scientists.

4. Can we ever prove the existence of parallel universes?

It is currently impossible to prove the existence of parallel universes, as they exist outside of our observable universe. However, advancements in technology and theoretical physics may one day provide evidence for their existence.

5. How do parallel universes impact our understanding of the universe and our place in it?

The concept of parallel universes challenges our perception of reality and our place in the universe. It suggests that there may be infinite versions of ourselves and our world, raising questions about free will and the nature of our existence.

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