Parallel Universes: The Mind-Boggling Reality Confirmed by Oxford Scientists

In summary, Oxford scientists have discovered that parallel universes do exist, addressing a major objection to the idea. Through mathematical calculations, they have shown that the branching structure created by the universe splitting into parallel versions can explain quantum outcomes. This work has been confirmed by other experts, leading to a serious consideration of the Many Worlds interpretation. Further research is being done, including the possibility of using quantum computing to break codes. However, there are concerns about the potential security risks this technology may bring.
  • #1
This is the newest science hype on the market:

Parallel universes really do exist, according to a mathematical discovery by Oxford scientists that sweeps away one of the key objections to the mind boggling and controversial idea.


Dr Deutsch showed mathematically that the bush-like branching structure created by the universe splitting into parallel versions of itself can explain the probabilistic nature of quantum outcomes. This work was attacked but it has now had rigorous confirmation by David Wallace and Simon Saunders, also at Oxford.

Dr Saunders, who presented the work with Wallace at the Many Worlds at 50 conference at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Canada, told New Scientist: "We've cleared up the obscurities and come up with a pretty clear verdict that Everett works. It's a dramatic turnaround and it means that people now have to discuss Everett seriously."
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  • #2
Eh, not exciting. So he showed that the Many Worlds interpretation is mathematically viable. Still doesn't give us any way to differentiate it from any of the other interpretations of QM.

I also like how the article says that this means that time travel is possible since the Many Worlds intepretation removes the killing-your-grandfather paradox. But in reality, there are other ways of resolving this paradox, and so in itself, this says nothing about the possibilities of time travel.

I agree -- this sounds like hype, but nothing more. Maybe I'm missing something?
  • #3
I hate articles like that: does anyone know what work has actually been done?

(That the telegraph mainly devotes itself to announcing a possibility of Doctor-Who style time-travel is ridiculous. Journalists reporting on experts should also ask those experts to edit their respective stories.)
  • #4
cesiumfrog said:
does anyone know what work has actually been done?

There has been a conference at PI ending today to mark the 50th anniversary of Everett theory, but apparently there is no paper or transcript available for now. It sounds anyway like a followup has been presented on the Deutsch-Wallace theory of quantum probability and Born's rule derivation (you may check, and, and also Saunders in
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  • #5
Dr. Deutsch, in his book "The Fabric of Reality," claims to have found the first algorithm for factoring huge numbers in a moment by using quantum computing. If this were to work, he would not only break most existing codes, but also show the Many Worlds view to be practically based.

I believe that Dr. Deutsch is respected in the field of quantum mechanics.
  • #6
Loren Booda said:
Dr. Deutsch, in his book "The Fabric of Reality," claims to have found the first algorithm for factoring huge numbers in a moment by using quantum computing. If this were to work, he would not only break most existing codes, but also show the Many Worlds view to be practically based.

I believe that Dr. Deutsch is respected in the field of quantum mechanics.

I love knowledge, especially quantum mechanics and computers (I was a computer science major as an undergrad at college). But I am also very fearful. When they get quantum computers working, no existing security system will be safe anymore (ok, maybe I'm being a bit too inclusive here). Online banking and probably the entire military will fall under attacks they're not prepared for.

The only part of it that keeps me happy is that it will be a very long time before that technology can fall into the wrong hands, and hopefully by then we will have developed security at an increased enough complexity.

Sorry if this sounded off topic, but I do believe it is a very real concern to be considered if this work goes as planned.
  • #7
I heard two people a week ago that heard about this—they were convinced that a professor at Oxford proved that there are at least 10>102 parallel universes.

Related to Parallel Universes: The Mind-Boggling Reality Confirmed by Oxford Scientists

1. What is a parallel universe?

A parallel universe is a hypothetical version of our own universe that exists alongside it, with its own set of physical laws and potentially different timelines and outcomes.

2. How do scientists know parallel universes exist?

Scientists at Oxford University have used a mathematical technique called the Many-Worlds Interpretation to support the existence of parallel universes. This theory suggests that every possible outcome of a quantum event actually occurs, giving rise to multiple universes.

3. Can we travel to a parallel universe?

As of now, there is no known way to physically travel to a parallel universe. However, some scientists believe that it may be possible through advanced technology or the manipulation of quantum mechanics.

4. Are there an infinite number of parallel universes?

According to the Many-Worlds Interpretation, there are potentially an infinite number of parallel universes. However, this is still just a theory and cannot be proven.

5. How does the existence of parallel universes impact our own universe?

The existence of parallel universes is still a topic of debate and cannot be definitively proven. If they do exist, it could have major implications for our understanding of time, space, and the nature of reality.

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